
From want to wealth

From want to Wealth Poor birth beggerly upbringing challenged by an insult on Parent Self education Aspiration burning Got an idea sells the idea become a self made billionaire

JamesOlokesusi54_ · Fantasy
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Chapter Four Challenge from the stream

All was going good for the Martin's ,after the village experience.The company was doing well,the business was increasing from time to time.The whole Africa began to make continuos demand for different models of the vehicles.Mr Mathew was going from meetings to meetings until one day they called him from one of his internalised trip that his wife Diana collapsed and had been rushed to the hospital.

On getting to the Hospital ,his wife was diagnosed with level 3 lever cancer and she was given three months to live.This terrible phase in the Martin's family took great turn on them.They were going from one treatment to the other,Diana was face to face with death and her lovely husband had to shut down all appointment and focussed on his wife .

He flew his wife to Indian while there in Indian,They tried all they could and prayers were set in motion all over everywhere for her.The well wishers of the family took their matter to God in prayers and continued with the treatment,there in India.Several operations were carried out on her and finally she got relieved .

After a while they came back to Nigeria and for the woman to recuperate.The husband stood by her to nurse her back to health.The three month death sentence was overturned and God took control and the woman was recuperating well.Upon discovery of the fact that his wife was good ,he decided to return to work and see to the affairs of the work.By the time he checked the books he discovered that so much money has been embezzled while he was away.It was so pathetic that a large portion of the company's money had dwindled .The capital base has been reduced drastically,he arrested the manager and the accountant.It was a long battle at court and in and out of stations ,and he had begin to start afresh and he worked alot of things and finally ,it started looking good,h had to take loans again from the bank though the two fraudsters were sentenced for 7yr term, both the Manager and the Accountant.

Diana got back on her feet and resumed back to work.She stopped her banking job and joined her husband in the management of the Axilis vehicle.The two of them managed the company back to its original feet.Queen Diana as popularly called was a great figure in the company and really helped the husband.

After a while they discovered that another Car company had started out also in Nigeria,but the features of the new competitor looked so much like their product,exact features and the likes.It pulled a great competition against ,people began to go for the new rising car product.

Having made several researches about who was behind the whole direct imitation thing,only to find out ,it was Donald ,Axilis former designer and software expert.While Diana was sick and her husband Mathew was not available at work.There designer Donald was wooed by a business man called Mr Mathias to sell out the company's ideas to him and copy of the Medels and moulds.Donald and went ahead to betechnical director of the new company.

The business man brought the money to partner with Donald is an influencial man who has so much political influence.So as their vehicle cameforth whose name is KARIA,the man has used his influence at the government to make the government officials subscribe to his car,they all bought the KARIA for an official car,which gave them an hedge over AXILIA that of Mathew.This competition got heated that they both began to fight for African market .The cony Mr Mathias was playing all manner of scheme to play AXILIS off the market,but eng Mathew fought with everything he had .They improved on their product and reduced the which was possible. for them because they had been In the industry for a while.They increased their Advertisement and the general public aware of the strength of their product.Gradually these strategies began to pay off.And people began to notice the weakness of the KARIA car that it overheats easily and when used in a bad road frequently ,it breaks down easily.Any car that will thrive in Africa should be bad road friendly.Soon or later people began. to complain about the KARIA product and they began to return the car to the manufacturer to exercise their warranty.This frustration began to affect the KARIA company.The general public began to discover many faults with their product .

Soon or later Mr Mathias began to blame Donald and they began to fight each other.In just a flash of a moment,the whole of their union was dissolved .The went all out filing a law suit against each other ,it was so tough that their business began to collapse and there production dwindled and it collapsed.They had to unction out the factory and that was in it.Luckily Eng Mathew of AXILIS,they acquired KARIA as a sister company ,producing those two cars together and making triple profit.

This grandslide achievement gave MM company which produce now both AXILIS and KARIA great dominance in Africa and it seems to be that Everytime Eng Mathew and company go through challenges ,they always bounced back in a better fashion.It was funfilled moment for the Martin's family for overcoming an enemy threat that stirred a great competition against them and which at first seemed to be that they were hanging in the balance but at the end of the day,they came back strong and won on a grandslide.

One day ,an older man walked into the office through the reception and claim to see Eng Mathew that he is his brother.They allowed him in and he walked into Eng Mathew's office and both of them exchanged greetings.Eng Mathew asked,"sir how can I help you?,who are you?and what can I do for you? ,the older man sighed and said "you are my half brother,our father had me a woman called mrs Mary before he met your mother ", he continued the narration that his mother died early that was why the father remarried to Eng Mathew's Mother,at the point Eng Mathew was confused because he didnt know about this story.So he was surprised ,this Surfaced brother named Michael was the years older than Mathew ,after so much deliberation.Eng Mathew offered him some food and told him to sit in the big seater in the big offfice while he goes to make a background checking.He called some of his uncle's at the village and related the story to them and they corroborated the story,they told him truely his Father married before the mother and the woman died but left a son and they can't even locate the whereabout of the child because the family of the late wife took the son from Mathew's Father because he was so poor and the poverty contribute to the death of the wife.

Upon hearing this Mathew hugged his longlost half brother and set him up ,cleaned him from his filthy status.He was to have a close sibling that he is no longer alone.At first he brought him to the house and he stay with him for a while before setting up his own apartment for him.

A day of grand celebration approached when Mathew was to celebrate his 60th birthday,which he wanted to use to tell his story and to launch a book of his Autobiography ,in order to tell the world his story and the ordeal he went through ,so as to encourage the young generation, that no matter how humble your background is ,it should not deter you from realising your dreams.He really set out to make the day a colourful day.He hired an event planner, through that occasion he also want to re- affirm the determination of his Educational Foundation to helping children through.He would be announcing more than ten thousand children they have successfully put back to school.

The great day approached and he invited dignitaries ,state governors, Ministers, business mogus,the caterer is to kill more than 20 cows for the feast.Everyone was so excited in the family ,eng Mathew had planned that after the ceremony he would take a three month vacation to the Caribbeans and explore the whole of America both North and South.Two days before the party ,he felt a sharp pain at the stomach and it was so hurting,from them the pain was going and coming,he took some pain relief and felt it was stress.

The day of the occasion came ,it was a big ceremony and in the beautiful garden they used,the whole place was filled with multitudes and everyone wining and dining,musician playing music.Family and friends exchanging pleasantries,dignitaries and notable people catching fun among themselves ,but all along the pain for Eng Mathew increased ,he began to look frail ,he succeeded in making his speach and launched his book that told his story and everyone cheered him as he told his story of his self-made millionaire.Lots of News media were there and the touching story is enough to stir a dummy to excellence.While telling the story he was holding chest and stomach,the wife was so concerned and getting worried about his state of health.

After the speech , launching of the Autobiography and re-affirming the commitment of the Educational foundation to seeing to their Target of getting one million children into school.He went inside ,the wife came in to see him,as the was asking him, " honey what's the matter ,you seem uncomfortable a lot during your speech", as he was trying to reply his wife ,his eye turned and collapsed ,instantly he was rushed to the hospital to revive him,which they did.In the process they ran several test on him and they discovered he had kidney failure.It was difficult to break the news to the wife but their family Doctor Dr Godswill summoned courage to tell Mrs Diana and she was so terrified and really hurt ,that with all that the husband had gone through in ,he had to face this again.

They broke the news to himself and he was perplexed,the next solution is for kidney transplant.,he was there for a while trying to get a donor.He refused his wife to be a donor ,knowing fully well what she battles with health challenges few years ago.There were so many complications and the whole health stat was not looking so good,they continued with the search for the donor.The News media had heard about it and it was all over the media,that the Business Mogu " Mathew Martins" of MM company the producer of both AXILIS and KARIA cars is dying.

After a while,a young man named Daniel James who had completed his Degree about five years ago,he had been looking for an employment could not get one.His family had abused and insulted his state of lack alot.He begged from one uncle to the other and even friends deserted him for been poor.The woman he set his eyes to marry deserted as well , saying he has no money.He was broke and bursted,he came back from his job hunt one afternoon ,while trecking down home,he overheard one of the MM company's staff standing by the bus stop waiting for a taxi and in the proces making a call,in the course of that call ,he was telling the friend on phone about the situation of their director,who had been battling kidney failure for a month and needs a kidney transplant,saying most of the donors have not been a match to his own.Also in that conversation,he mentioned that,there is a big compensation for whoever that is able to donate,atleast a big house ,cars and a good business set up.In other words , they will make the donor a millionaire.

When Daniel heard about this ,he paused and approached the man making a call named Mr Israel and gently asked a question," sir is it true they will give whoever anyone that donates his kidney so and so", Mr Israel said " Yes" ,then Daniel asked ," where is the place and how can I get there" .Mr Israel gave him the address of the hospital and how to approach them for the matter.

That same day,Daniel begged some money from Mr Israel to transport himself there and he gave him and straightway,he ran to the hospital.He approached whoever was in charge and they directed him to the Doctor ,and they conducted some test on him and he matched everything.There Daniel gave one kidney to Mr Mathew and both Mr Mathew and Daniel recuperated well back.

It was an interesting time in the life of Daniel when he was given a house on the island of Lagos ,Victoria Island to be precise and a G- wagon SUV was given to him and a very large scale business of his dream in Automobile spare parts,he became AXILIS and KARIA major part dealer.All friends and family that deserted came to celebrate him but he rejected all of them,the former girl that he was supposed to marry came back begging,that she is ready to marry him now,she chased her off.Even his Parent who never wanted him around because of his financial status compared to his other siblings who were doing well,despite the fact that he saw himself through school.They came to his residence on the island in a very beautiful Estate in Lagos,the moment he saw them,the first question is," how did you find me ? but you rejected me and called me a good for nothing entity" ."Now you have come to the good for nothing boy that turned good for something". I will not give audience and you have no right to enjoy with me when you could not suffer with" ,he chased them away,that was the mentality of Daniel,only those that suffer me enjoys with me.

Eng Mathew with a new life rescued from death,he and his family celebrated his return and his victory over death,just as he planned earlier ,he took some time off and went to the Caribbeans with his wife Diana,there two children were left behind to study.The couple on vacation learnt manythings and went for money. exposure ,along side enjoying themselves from one resort to the other .The desire to capture American market began to grow in them ,they began to strategise how them can either set up a plant in United States to supply the whole of America or still be exporting from Nigeria.In the process of their continuous strategic vacation ,they met mr Carter who had been a marketing director to a leading car producer in the United States before parting ways with this giant vehicle maker unceremoniously,in the process thought his career had died but his contact with the Martin's seem to give him a fresh start.