
From Utopia with Love

'For you, I'd cross even the barrier set by the so called God' Long long ago, there's said to be humans who had powers that defied the laws of nature, and people who didn't. Eventually, people with powers became the ones on top of the food chain, uncaring for the ones without, treating them as if they are not humans. Slavery, prostitution, and sacrifices in wars led God to interfere. God created an invisible barrier, halving the world, one side for the powerless ones called the Earth and one for the powerful, the Utopia. --- He, an orphan abandoned since birth, chose to work for the government because it was the best option. Nicknamed Code-1 in government databases, and known as an emotionless guy by his subordinates, is the strongest man on Utopia. She, who was betrayed after losing her mother, worked her way up from nothing to move out from her toxic family. Now nicknamed 'the queen of investments' by the media and 'an ice queen' by her pursuers, a prominent shareholder in the leading Chinese companies on Earth. How will fate bring them together? Cover art's not mine :)

C1yde · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

August 2024, Utopia

Numerous buildings soared to the sky in an enormous compound with a strong security and defense system, while bigger and taller buildings remained buried underground. This is the military headquarters of Panthoria, responsible for protecting the nation from any threats.

Their underground base is also a bunker that can withstand nuclear missile damage. There's still a walking time bomb inside it, in another word, Ryker. Even if it has the ability to resist nuclear damage, that does not mean that it can resist powers that defy the laws of nature.

Today is a typical day for Ryker. Getting up at three in the morning, he does not leave his bed immediately, instead, he sits on it in a lotus position and feels the energy in him while closing his eyes. Despite closing his eyes, he could still feel all the energy around him and beyond him. It took him until his alarm, set for four in the morning, sounded.

He walks to the bathroom and takes a shower to freshen up. Ryker took out one of the uniforms specially designed for him from the wardrobe after coming out from the bathroom. It's a white shirt with a black necktie, a black coat covering on top of it, and a black slack. Five golden stars are embroidered on each of his coat's arms, and two pockets are trimmed with golden threads. The boots he had on the floor beside his bed were quickly put on.

He moved his hands to the objects on the table near his bed. Two sleek snow-white handguns and a black belt with holes in which guns can be put were on it. In their base, they are called Pure Nightmare guns, and they can penetrate even bulletproof armor. Ryker wasn't a fan of them, he thought there's no need for guns if one is powerful. He wore the belt on his waist and placed the guns in unwillingly.

As he picks up the last piece of his uniform, a black peaked cap, his figure disappears leaving the large master bedroom empty.


August 2024, Earth

The summer is hot and the heat is steaming, but money can change the temperature. Within this building, which stood in the city center, no heat could be felt if the owner didn't want to. The people who live here are either rich businessmen, spoiled children, or famous celebrities.

Living here gives them a sense of security with all the services they have. The building is among the most luxurious in China. On the highest floor, there's a two-story penthouse where a person can only use the lift with approval from the person who lives here.

The floor-to-ceiling glass doors open out onto a large balcony, giving a beautiful view of the night sky. A personal glass-bottom pool provides a sense of being in the sky as you soak in its waters. The owner of this house is no other than Charlotte Huan alone.

Charlotte woke up from a dream in which her mother was telling her about the myth of Earth. The memories she has with her are still vivid in her mind. Her mother was a wise woman; she never told her if something was right or wrong, she let her decide for herself by only giving her advice.

The hands on the quilt were curled into a fist, and her eyes seemed to be fixed on a painting displayed on the wall in front of her. It was a painting of an elegant woman smiling as if she were alive. By staring at it, she saw flashbacks of her mother's warm smile.

The sunlight passed through from the glass window and started to touch her face with warmth. Charlotte finally stood up from her bed and walked to reach the bathroom.

Taking the facial foam with a lily scent, she applied it to her face. She remembers her mother again, as it is her favorite scent. Whenever she bought a new flower to put in the vase, Huan Zhan would tell her about the flower language. After gently scrubbing her face, she rinses the foam off with water. As her eyes caught the reflection in the mirror, she started to feel a range of emotions until she heard the sound of her phone ringing.

She went to the phone to check who was calling her at six in the morning. The screen showed the name 'Secretary Hao'. When she saw this, she answered the phone right away.

Charlotte asked her secretary bluntly, "What is it?".

As you predicted Miss Charlotte, Jiang's new project was embezzled by their director and made it into the breaking news this morning. I wanted to let you know since I know you would be awake." The voice on the other side replies politely.

Her good intuition had saved her from losing money when she heard the news. She nodded slowly and softly, "I see.".

Gu Crops is holding a board meeting today. It was announced at the very last minute. I'm sorry, I should have informed you last night," the voice said, preparing for the scolding that he would receive from his boss just like how his former one did.

It wasn't the secretary's fault, Charlotte believes it was a really late announcement; if it hadn't been so, she would already have been informed. She decided to ask when the meeting will be held, "Time?"

"It's at ten o'clock, Miss Charlotte." the voice answered back.

It wasn't too early nor too late, "Pick me up at nine," she ordered.

The voice quickly replied, "I understand.".

Following her secretary's response, Charlotte hung up the phone to finish preparing some work documents.

Secretary Hao, a man in his late twenties, comes from a normal family. Due to his hard work, he was admitted to S university with a scholarship and graduated. Since he wanted to be someone who supported a big figure, he decided to try for a secretary position with his education.

His black hair is always styled neatly, and even his attires are always neat. His working speed has become fast with some years of experience. It hasn't been long since he has been employed to work for Charlotte Huan.

He felt lucky to be working for Miss Charlotte. His previous boss was also a woman, older than her, but she was nothing like her at all. Although Miss Charlotte is younger than him, he respects her intelligence and hardworking nature. The feeling of working for her is like having a younger sister to look after.

These days, there are women who suppress the working ability of men. His boss, Charlotte Huan is one of them. But what she's different from them was, those women would have friends, and lovers while Miss Charlotte seems to have none.

Most men who tried to pursue her have given up while calling her an ice queen. He, himself, has been trying to gain her trust, wanting to become a friend of hers but there's always a thick unbreakable wall separating her from anyone. One day, he would like to see that wall broken by someone during his employment period.