
From Trash Bag, To Cash Bag

Achiel was considered a trash bag. He was worthless, looked down upon, and derided. Adding fuel to the fire, his wife cheated on him, then framed him for being the cheat. His last hope was lost in Auroville. When he thought his life couldn't get any worse, a twist turned. A LAVISH SYSTEM. It's time for some fun.

Zuxian · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 4.

Achiel felt dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react to the sudden incident.

Naturally, the ATM should dispense nothing more than $20,000 at a time. On top of that fact, no ATM stand in the whole of Jade City has up to a million in it. For each day, only a hundred thousand dollars is stored in the machine.

The reason was that the majority of the citizens love to go cashless. Almost everyone could use their card or phone to pay wherever they got to shop.

Only a few people use the ATM stands.

But today, not only has the ATM vomited 2 million dollars, but it broke the limit of the day.

Achiel was surrounded by a heap of two million dollars!!! He had never seen that much money in his entire life. If there was one thing which had just been proven. It was the fact that the system was real!!!

He looked around. He was lucky that there was no one coming. He saw a nylong sac in sight. He ran and picked it up. He quickly stacked up the cash in the sac.

He tied it with one of the laces of his shoes. He needs to hide the money so that passersby would not suspect him.

His heart was pounding heavily in his chest. His mind kept rehearsing,


It was too good to be true. There were so many things he could do with that much money. He could stop being treated like a trash for the first step.

Ping! Host has spent two million dollars.

Ping! As a reward for spending that much, the host's immune system has been upgraded.

Ping! Host's remaining balance is $999, 999, 999, 999, 998, 000, 000

This is really unbelievable to Achiel. He lifted the bag and called a cab.

Overnight, he had become a super rich man. Because of an unknown system? He didn't even know what to call this amount of money.

He knew millions, billions, and trillions. But these digits? He had no idea.

The cab stopped at the front of the building, and he got off. He settled the caber and made his way inside.

He was very careful. The last thing he wanted to happen was getting caught by one of the family members.

He didn't think he had much to worry about. The meeting was over several minutes ago. No one would be idling around the compound. Everyone was usually busy with the company's business. Only the maids were mostly at home.

Even if he walked into a maid, it wouldn't be much hassle for him, like walking into one of his foes.

He quickly headed in the direction of the new shabby place where he had been ridiculed to stay henceforth.

Although now he has so much money, he needed time to clear his head and figure out how to spend this much money.

After all, according to this system, all he had to do was LAVISH it!!! With no consequence whatsoever. That wouldn't be so hard to do, would it?!

He slipped through the most difficult corners of the compound and, at last, was in a safe space. He could see his shabby building in sight.

"What is that?" A sudden voice came from behind him.


He cussed in his mind. When he thought he had escaped the problem, only for one to run into him.

But on the brighter side, it was the voice of a lady. He quickly looked.

"You again." He said in frustration, staring at the maid who had framed him.

Why would she keep showing before him?

"If you keep making me see you all the time, I will be forced to do what you won't like." Achiel yelled at her.

She bowed in fear. She was the only one who actually put herself in the place of a maid. The rest of the maids always acted high and mighty.

"I'm sorry for running into you like this. Master Fabien would love to meet you. He is waiting in his room." She said and hurried away.

As he watched her go, he shook his head.

"I don't know whether to feel pity or anger towards her."

He let it go. The most important thing was that he wasn't caught. He hurried to the room and hid the bag in a safe corner in the one room shabby mahogany building. It was filthy everywhere.

"Now that I have huge money. I don't have to live like this anymore."

Then he recalled what the maid had said to him a few minutes ago.

"This damn family."

He cussed, then slapped his mouth. He bowed to the air and said,

"Forgive me, Grandpa, for cussing at your family."

He headed to Fabien's room. When he entered, Fabien was playing Call of Duty on his PS5.

Achiel looked around the room. He saw a laptop on a small table and books beside the laptop.

Achiel cleared his throat.

"What kept you so long?" Fabien scolded him.

Fabien hardly wanted to look away from the game. Achiel decided not to answer the question.

Some things have to change. Even though he wouldn't publicly announce his wealth yet, he won't allow humiliation anymore!!!

"Got new assignments. Help me finish them up. They are due 2pm today. It's almost 1pm." Fabien ordered.

Fabien was playing the game earnestly.

"Very well, then." Achiel smiled and nodded.

Achiel walked to the laptop and started to do the assignment.

Not only was Achiel considered as a trash bag in the Auroville Mansion, but he was also made to do Fabien's assignment.

Fabien was studying computer engineering in college. It was the same course that Achiel majored. They all knew that Achiel was a guru in the discipline. So, they use him. And he couldn't complain in the past, Madam would make life a living hell for him!

Fabien stopped playing the game and removed the headphones. He walked to sit next to Achiel.

"Bro, you know I appreciate your effort most times, but why did you have to be such a dick this time?!" Fabien said, and Achiel looked at him.

"How do I help you this time? You cheated on my sister! With a maid! There's nothing I can do for you, man! You ruined your chances."

Fabien stood up and went to pour a glass of wine for himself.

"I was going to give you five thousand dollars for shopping. But now, I don't think I can. You're just useless, bro."

Fabien gulped the wine with a look of disgust towards Achiel.

"I am useless?" Achiel asked him, smiling.

Fabien was stunned to see Achiel smile.

"What's the smile about? Aren't you useless? Is that too harsh?" Fabien cussed.

"Nah, Fabien, it's not harsh. I'm just finding it difficult to understand who is useless between you and I. You have an assignment that you can't do because you have a dull brain, and you call someone else unless?!" Achiel chuckled and resumed typing.

Suddenly, Achiel stopped typing and got up on his feet.

"You should finish it up yourself. Otherwise, when you are asked to defend your assignment, you would look like a dummy. You wouldn't want that to happen. Would you?!" Achiel advised.

Achiel scoffed, walked to Fabien, tapped him on the chest, and walked out of the room.

Fabien's eyes were so red. He was so angered that he didn't know what to do. He was confused to see Achiel act like this. Achiel the trash bag!!!

"Ah, now I understand. He is acting that way because he has finally lost it. He went from being a loser to a wuss. When he was dating my sister, he still had some status, but now he has nothing. He's even worse than a maid. He has hit his rock bottom. That was why he acted that way. I'll pretend this didn't happen. I'll be lenient and generous." Fabien said to himself, nodding to calm himself.

Achiel was walking out of the building when his phone started to ring. He answered the call without looking.

"Hi! Are you Mr Achiel?" A husky voice came over the speaker,

"Yes, I am. Who is this?"

"Hoveland was bought in your name. Please come to the address that has just been sent to your number."

The line dropped. Then, a message came in. He opened the message.