
Here Comes Trouble

June wanted to applaud the Rising Stars production team. Azure once again proved themselves to be the 'evil editing' kings. 

The statements that June originally said were—

"You don't have to be perfect. If you really think about it, nobody actually cares about you at all. We're all too focused on ourselves to give a damn about other people."

And "We all fear that, Zeth. You're not special. Of course, it's alright to feel down every once in a while. That's normal. It's just the wheel of life."

And the reason why he stormed off in the end was because he had to take a huge dump! 

He couldn't even get mad since it was seamlessly edited. 

June could already see the comments rushing in on the side of the video. 

"What the fuck? Who is he to tell our Zeth that he's not special?"

"That masked bitch is getting courageous just because he gained a petty number of fans."

"Get off your high horse. Zeth is the best."