
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

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Chapter 18

When the shadows started to grow longer they packed up their things. The day was long and everyone felt good after a whole day of exercise in the sun. But they also knew they would fall into bed like the dead tonight.

Back at Daniel's and Peter's home, Dana welcomes them with the promise of dinner. She still wore the black clothes she used for her graveyard visit.

"Thank you, Dana, but Alex and I will be checking out the Ackermann's restaurant tonight." Whilst Daniel said this matter-of-factly Dana got the meaning behind this and arched an eyebrow. But since she has already seen how sensitive Alex was about the subject, she didn't probe further. She would grill her brother for information in the morning.

So she only said: "That place is lovely. Even if her husband is a good-for-nothing, she keeps the place running smoothly and all my friends say that the menu improves with each month."

"That is good to hear. That means they will soon manage to pay back their debt now that her husband is out of the picture for some time." Alex glances up as he hears this. Seeing Daniel act like a father the whole day made him forget the dangerous occupation the man had. He tenses a bit at the thought. He doesn't even dare to imagine what it includes to be a mafia boss. Could he deal with it if he knew? What would he do if Daniel really is a criminal? He can not really fathom the man with the wide smile and warm hands to be capable of a crime. But maybe…? And what would he do?

His train of thought is interrupted when Daniel says "Alex, let us start towards the restaurant. You can take Zero along. We can sit outside, so he can lie under the table."

Dana interrupts "Oh, you can also let Zero stay here. He already knows Peter."

"Ah, thank you Dana. But I have work tomorrow so I will go straight home from the restaurant." Dana raises an eyebrow, clearly asking whether there is nothing else planned. But Daniel doesn't let her finish the thought "Of course, I will drive you home straight from the restaurant. Since you are new on the job it has to be physically challenging. You would need your strength."

"Exactly. And thank you for offering me to drive me. I will gladly accept."

"Peter, we will be going now. Good night." Daniel shouts since Peter is currently in the bathroom, getting rid of all the sand inside the shower. Alex adds: "We will see each other tomorrow."

Peter peeks his head out of the bathroom door "Oh, okay. Then good night and until tomorrow, teacher Alex."

Dana just shakes her head as her son slams the bathroom door without showing his gratitude for the day "Haa, this ungrateful child. I will lecture him later. But for now thank you both and especially you, teacher Alex, for entertaining my son the whole day. I know it must have been exhausting, escpecially since you have to cope with kids in your job, too."

"It was no problem. I also had a very good time.", Alex smiles and Dana seems to notice how his gaze shifts towards her brother when he says this.

"That is good. And please, come back soon. You are always welcome here. Both of my men will be very glad to see you." She puts a meaningful emphasize on 'both' making Alex blush. She also wanted to have a little bit of fun.

"Now off you go!" She laughingly ushered them both out of the door.

"Yes, ma'am." Daniel nods towards her mockingly and places a hand lightly on the small of Alex' back, guiding him outside. "Steven, you are done for the day. Since Peter stays home I don't need any guards. Thank you." Steven nods respectfully and retires inside the house to give his good bye to the boss's sister.

With Zero safely in the trunk, Alex and Daniel sit in the car, driving towards the restaurant. They drive in silence for a few minutes.

Still a little perturbed with his earlier thoughts Alex breaks the silence and blurts out "What exactly do you do as a mafia boss?"

Alex flinches, when Daniel suddenly bursts out laughing. "God, don't make me laugh like that. I nearly drove in a pole." Still struggling with laughter it took a while for Daniel to calm down. When he glanced to the side, he sees Alex pouting. It makes the 18 year old look like an adorable child. "Don't pout." He smiles at Alex. "It just caught me by surprise. I will answer you when we come to the restaurant."

Alex arches an eyebrow but says nothing, deciding to wait until then.


The drive only takes ten minutes, but it is the direction opposite to his home. He is glad that Daniel offered to drive him back. He could never walk this distance by foot and the taxi fee would be expensive for his rookie-salary.

The restaurant is small but well kept. They advertised Italian food, especially pasta. "I hope you like Italian food?" Daniel questions.

"Oh yes. Better said, I have to. Since I don't know how to cook much else then spaghetti." Daniel laughs "Oh, then you have to cook these famous spaghetti for me too one day." Daniel looks at Alex, his gaze clearly holding deeper meaning.

Alex blushes. "Please don't make me. Compared to a restaurant's menu or what your sister can cook, it is just crappy single's food.

Daniel laughs "That is good enough. And I only want to eat it because it is you cooking. So please?" Daniel looks at him with a smile that shows that people not often deny him what he wishes. Alex relents. "… Okay."

Daniel's smile grows wider and leaning in closer he whisper in Alex' ear "Then I am looking forward to it."

Before Alex can regain his composure, Daniel already opened the door and guides Alex inside. Alex feels the other man's hand hot on the small of his back.

A familiar looking woman greets them. "Mister Smith, I didn't know you would be coming tonight. What can I get you?"

"Mrs. Ackermann, it is a pleasure to see you looking well." He looks around inside, surveying the bustling tables. "It seems you are doing great. I heard great things about your restaurant. All of my sister's friends love it." The woman 's cheeks flush red "I am doing my best."

"I can see that." Then his warmly smiling face grows serious. "Have you had any trouble since your husband is gone? A home without a man often is vulnerable." "Oh, thank you for your concern but we are doing fine. Until now no trouble came to our doorstep."

"Good. But if anything happens, please call me. You have my number and I will send my men."

The woman bows her head in gratitude. And then it hit Alex where he has seen her face before "Ah, now I know why your face seemed so familiar. You are Leon's mother, right?"

Mrs. Ackermann, who didn't pay much attention to the young man who accompanied Daniel looked at him more closely. "Do you remember? We met at the playground last Sunday." Recognition dawns on her face "Teacher Alex! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. Did you spend time with Peter again?"

Alex, now suddenly realising the situation – two men with close physical contact going inside a restaurant together – it just screams the word 'date' at everyone's face. But before Mrs. Ackermann can see him blushing, Daniel steps in "Yes, teacher Alex is a very positive influence for Peter. We took up a lot of his time and energy today. You know how taxing it is to keep a four year old entertained."

She nods understandingly, when Daniel goes on "So now I am treating him to your delicious food and can also check on everything. You know the saying, two birds, one stone?" He winks at her and Alex relaxes as she smiles, saying "Well, then I will not keep you from my food. With the dog, would you like to sit outside?" After affirming this, they are being led in the backyard, where lanterns dimly lit the space and give the tables with the burning candles on them a romantic glow.

Alex starts to feel self-concious once again. This has clearly the makings of a 'date'. Despite the exhaustion of the long day he feels giddy. After hiding his sexuality for so long he finally went out for his first date. Steeling a glance at his companion he adds in his thoughts 'and with such a gorgeous man at that.' He smiles at Daniel. The other man, not knowing why Alex smiled, looks at him puzzled but smiles back nonetheless.

Mrs. Ackermann shows them to their table. It is in a corner and has huge plants surrounding it, blocking most occurences there from the view of the other guests. Daniel gives her an appreciating smile "Thank you."

"Then I will leave the menus here. Please, take your time choosing. Someone will come by to take your orders. Enjoy your stay." She bows her head one last time and leaves them alone.

"Alex, please have a seat." Daniel positions the chair for him, before sitting himself. Zero curls up at Alex' feet.

"This restaurant is really nice. And I would have never guessed that Leon's mother owns it."

"It is good, that you like it here. And yes, Mrs. Ackermann manages the restaurant mostly by her own."

"Yes, I heard. I met her at the playground recently. She told me that you lended her money and give protection for her and the restaurant. She spoke very highly of you."

Daniel smiles sadly "Well, I try my best but you will not find many with a similarly high opinion of me and my profession." He turns serious. "Alex, I want to be honest with you since I enjoy your company very much and I want to deepen this relationship we have." He looks Alex deep in the eyes. "I may not be the typical 'mafia boss' you read about in stories. I am only a money lenderer and protector. But my occupation includes also the 'persuasion' of people using harsh measures. You will find out eventually that I live a dangerous lifestyle." He chuckles slightly "Well, whom am I telling this. Just last week you found me on the streets with a knife in my side."

Daniel keeps Alex gaze, waiting, and clearly looking for signs if Alex could handle this revelation. Alex pauses a moment. This was what he had expected. To be honest, he had painted the picture a lot darker, with prostitutes, drugs and – he didn't even dare think about it – human trafficking. Money lending was the least of his concerns. The violence part was a problem, but looking at Daniel, he knows he will overlook it for the time being.

He meets Daniel's gaze, holding it steady, making sure not to show his concerns. "Thank you for telling me." Swallowing deeply, he adds "And I also want to deepen this relationship."

Daniel reaches over to touch his hand that rests on the table. "I know." He smiles and paints little circles on Alex' hand. They just look into each others eyes until Daniel senses the waitress approaching. With a last squeeze of the other's hand he lets go before she spots their intimacy.