

A story of a boy named Nick who died unexpectedly due to an accident while thinking about how wrong his life has been he died and how desperately he wished for a second chance. In an after-dead experience a dream-like state where there was white smoke surrounding him and nothing else suddenly he felt a voice calling for help in frustration he helped that person as the person was thankful for the help for Nick's help and asked him if he had any wish to which Nick replied " A second chance to live " without a second chance due to his lingering feeling during his time of death. The mysterious person said " Okay " and disappears and as Nick's head started to the pain he woke up and saw a lot of things were different but he will lead a life enjoying. How will his life go from here? Check this novel to find out. ---------------------------------------------------- My name is Samaya Karma and as you have seen i am the author of this novel. I wish to become a writer to express the creativity that has been boiling inside of me for years and have been trying to write a novel for many months. I had made several novel ideas too but as i do not have English as my native language and not getting any practice to train it either, I am falling a bit behind in my dream to write. In the month of September 2021, I was a 100% sure i will write an original or fanfic for sure but sadly life circumstances did not allow me settle plot and arc for it or even had any writing practice. So to train my Writing muscles and gain my experience in writing from other's recommendation. I am writing a story with no plot. YES, you heard it right i am writing a story on which each chapter had a bit of cliff hanger and i will either give you options that i had to learn how to give or work with a idea i find interesting in the comments. I know this might not be most well versed novel you will find in the this site or anywhere but it will be my first piece in writing, as i will be alone writing with my broken English and grammar mistake with my no sense in representing it either i.e You can see the dumb cover i make as this is where my drawing capabilities are YOU SHOULD EXPECT A NOVEL FILLED WITH ERRORS, MISTAKE AND A BIT OUT OF NORM I am more than happy to correct it if you tell me, I am open to any and every constructive comment that may help my strengthen my dream. With that all i thank for all and any reader that took his/her time to read my story and find entertainment. #Adventure #fantasyraces #knight #divine beast #mage # warrior

Samaya_karma · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 3 : Getting the Asked Gift

As Nick and Albus move out from that white box like room. Nick saw the another world first time, which was just a cave at least it was not white he was sick of white color for the time being.

As Nick started to see a beam of light he realized it is the end of the cave and he can finally see outside world, signifying a new journey and a new way of his life.

Just as they reached at end nick screamed "Albus stop, Just stop for a second"

Hearing this Albus ignored him and said "Nope I knew you are lazy and will go back to room, so yah no stopping " and speeded even further.

"No, I assure you I am also thrilled to move out and just want to take the first step out of this cave. So will you stop dragging me for a second there. " said Nick with a pleading expression.

As Albus heard it he sighed a little he dropped Nick at end of cave.

As soon as Nick was dropped he stood up dusted his clothes and took a step outside the caves and said to Albus "Thank you dear bear friend, now is the time to"

With that Nick screamed "Yahooooooooooooooooooo"

"Are you dumb why you are screaming?" asked Albus as he closed his ears in annoyance.

To which Nick replied "You don't know the feeling of excitement of coming to a new world, It feels all different and new to me. I am thrilled. " and proceed to run away outside of cave with hands upwards and shouting "Yahooooo"

A bit far from cave he saw an almost transparent blob of water like substance moving, He freaked out and jump backwards "Whoa whoa a real slime, right Albus ? "

From the back Albus replied "Yes, Here you were shouting with joy coming to new world and now you knew about animal species from here?"

On which Nick replied "Like I told you before, I had read some stories like this world in my world as per your introduction to me about this world"

"Oh yeah help me find a stick to kill it so I can gain some experience" said Nick excitedly to Albus with stars in his eyes.

Albus replied "Like I have said before I don't know what are you talking about there is no such 'Experience' thing in this world"

On which Nick replied "Tehe, I forgot" while comedic ally hitting his own head.

To which Albus replied with a sigh and then as he remembered something said" Oh yes you also asked 1 more thing"

"Eh? What did I ask for? I don't remember anything" asked Nick curiously as he began to crutch back of his head.

"What an idiot, here is the last gift of your father that you had wanted" said Albus as he open up at white colored portal in air and put his hand in it.

Hearing this Nicks became excited and said "Oh yes how can I even forgot now I can drive all around the world with my Bike. But petrol would be an issue in this world?"

Upon this Albus said "Hmm I have no idea what is petrol or Bike but here it is what you had wanted" and remove his hand out of the white glowing portal and threw something at Nick.

Watching something at him Nick was shocked and said "Oil Oi it is heavy stuff, I am going to crushed under it."

In shock Nick put his hand on his face and braced for an impact, an impact that never came.

After a couple of seconds Nick removed his fingers from his face and saw his bike was nowhere.

"Where is my bike?" Nick asked Albus confusingly.

To which Albus points to ground and said "Here it is."

As Nick looks below and saw something his face was deadpanned and said "What what is this? The last gift I received was a bike not this. "

"Eh? Are you sure this is the case, It should have not happened in my opinion." Said Albus in a confused face.

As soon as Nick heard it he remembered that the last gift he received was not his bike but...

"This bike is not much special, But hey it should be special." Said Albus in a curious voice.

With a pale face Nick replied to Albus "Albus it is not called Bike, It is called Gamocha"

With such pale face he picked up his gamocha from the grass bed and put it on his check as anime tears came out from his eyes.

He began to throw tantrum like a child and alternatively change between punching the grass and whining like a child by rising and shaking his limbs like a newborn child did in the air.

Soon Albus got annoyed and punched Nick on the head after which nick stopped doing that and grabbed his head with anime tears in his eyes.

Albus asked "What is this gamocha? And where is the bike you talked about?"

On which Nick replied "Well it is a helper in rough times in multi utility item I'd say and bike would not be here because it was the item I asked to clean my bike so it is my last gift"

"Pfft HAHAHAHHAHA, You really are a careless being" Said Albus as he laughed while clenching his tummy and pointing his finger to Nick.

After a couple of minutes in saddened mode or more like in annoyed of Albus's laugh Nick get up from the ground.

"But this is still better than nothing" said Nick as he put 1 side of Gamocha in the back and 1 hanging on his chest.

"Well where we shall go now Albus." Asked Nick in a curious manner as he move out of his depression.

"Nearest town is in South, Let's move out to south." Said Albus as his move forward.

After walking for 15 min Albus suddenly stopped and move his head to the left acting like smelling something suddenly his expression changed as he felt something unpleasant.

Watching this even Nick got curious and asked "What happened?"

To which Albus replied "I smell blood, Human blood"

"How far? Can we save this person?" Asked Nick with care and anxiety all over his face.

"We can or to be more precise I can but it'll make us waste quite a lot of time in wandering the new world as per your excitement and thrill, so would you like to?" Asked Albus with curiosity.

"Saving a life is the biggest excitement and thrill I can have, so yes please" replied Nick pleadingly to save the life of an unknown person.

"Ok, as you wish." Said Albus and blurred out of existence.

As a shockwave hit him Nick realized that Albus ran at a speed that left his afterimage only looking like he blurred out of his existence.

"It is too thrilling for me" said Nick as he settles his hair.

About a couple of minutes later Albus returned and asked "Where to?"

To which Nick replied "To the white room"

Well i know some might be waiting for poll to affect the story path from now but from 1 comment i got on a chapter give me an idea for an arc.

so i will ask your choices and polls to affect the story later.

Samaya_karmacreators' thoughts