
From the shadows I rise

All my life I have lived in the shadow of others. So when I got my second chance I decided to let others live in my shadow. Traveling through the multiverse in search for godhood. All rights belong to their respected creators, except for my OC's.

artemis_kingson · Others
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13 Chs

Teaching Harry 2

As I sit there patiently waiting for him to go through all his thoughts. I am honestly impressed by how much he was actually able to grasp with his 5 year old brain. I honestly don't know why Harry struggles so much in all his fights. I mean he has a good brain in his head, but he always gets distracted. So instead of studying and making himself stronger and learning more useful spells. He sits there and plays chess.

I ended my musing when I noticed that Harry was about to continue with his explanation. I also noticed how attentively Sirius was listening to our conversation.

"I also remember that the better we understand how, what and why magic act a certain way we can better preform said magic. For example if you understand why a Bombarda spell explodes, you can readjust the magic sequence to make it smaller or bigger. Make the flames hotter or colder. That is why you want me to study muggle science, cause they have in depth explanations to why certain phe-nom-mo-na happen." He finishes his little explanation.

"Very well done Harry. I am very impressed with what you have accomplished. With a little more studying and learning harder words to expand your vocabulary, you will have all this down in no time. I believe by the time you are six in a few weeks we can have you start with the more advanced books." I was happy with the progress the kid made and apparently so was Sirius, even though he doesn't understand moet of what Harry just said. He can understand that it was very impressive.

After a few more questions and answers, I have deduced that harry is in fact a genius. I let Harry of to go do whatever he wants for the rest of the day. I head back to my library, there were two spell that I have really wanted to do but never got a chance the patronus charm and the animagus transformation. Now that I finally have some time, I have decided to put all of my other studies on hold.

The first spell that I feel like I should do is the patronus charm. It's easier and less time consuming, cause all I need is a happy memory and the spell. So I sat down in a meditative position. I sat down on my knees, hands palm up facing the sky on my knees, back straight, shoulders relaxed and then I closed my eyes. I went to my library and went to the section where I keep memories of my mother and father. I picked out a memory from when I was four an I had won a little spelling bee contest. My mother and father took me out to dinner at a restaurant and we had ice cream.

As I was relishing in my past memories I took my right index finger pointed it at my heart and said the spell.

"Expecto Patronum."

As I said that spell I felt all the mana in my body vibrate and then half of it exited my body. Now normally making a patronus doesn't take that much mana even on your first successful patronus. So I was quite confused by why I lost half of my mana, but I just went with the flow and waited for my mana to take shape.

Boy was I surprised when it turned in to a 10 meter tall, 30 meter long dragon. I mean I know I have a dragon soul, body and heart in human form, but I mean I thought like all other patronus it would turn into a small animal or at least a smaller version. The biggest patronus I've ever seen is the size of a deer or a horse. Mine is a freaking mountain. When the magic finally calmed down I could now fully identify my patronus properly.

It was a dragon with four tree trunks for legs, two huge wings and it seems to be a rainbow color. That may possibly due to my affinity with magic changing the properties of the magic. I dispel the patronus and decided that if my animagus is gonna end up looking anything like that I should probably do this outside.

- 1 week later -

Today would be the day I start to train Harry and strengthening his body. A few days ago I had finally come up with a good exercise routine for him, but before that I need to check and see how well his body developed after he started eating and sleeping properly. I mean I can definitely tell that he grew a little bit and that he put on some more wight. Now you can't see his ribcage and he doesn't look skin and bones.

I should probably also get some exercise in haven't worked out in a while. Morning Tai Chi has helped great in making sure my muscles stayed active and flexible, but I think it's time for me to actually exert them somewhat. These thoughts pass through my mind as I enter the dining room.

"Harry we will start your training in an hour. Make sure you eat properly and put on the training clothes that we bought." I inform him right before he takes a bite of his pancake, as an answer he just nods and digs in.

After an hour Harry and I are standing face to face in the garden. We are about to start his training but first we need to do some measurements to see where his level is at and see how I will have to adjust his training program. Something interesting I had come across during my studies is that magic is like chakra a mixture of both physical and spiritual energy, but unlike chakra it is not evenly mixed and also instead of spiritual energy it is mental energy.

If chakra is 50-50, then magic is 80-20. With the 80 being mental energy. That is the main reason that wizards/witches have stronger bodies and faster healing. The magical energy influences their body, because you need a strong body to contain the energies. Also why the smarter you are, the more mental energy you have and the more magic you can generate.

That also explains why people with a more magical backgrounds like Veelas have more magical power. Also why my Draknos family was so well respected, because unlike the Veelas we didn't have any strange mutations. We were seen to be more human you could say. The only thing is I don't understand how house elves are so adapt at magic. Every theory has their anomalies I guess.

"Alright Harry, let's start with some basic exercises, but first let's stretch." I tell him as we do some basic stretches too get the blood flowing and stretch the muscles. After we finished the stretches I decided to get started.

"Do as many push-ups as you can." I ask him. He gets down and starts doing pushups. His first push-up was horrible. His back wasn't straight, he was basically humping the earth, his arms were too far apart, he had almost no proper balans and worst of all he would dip about 3 inches before going back up.

"Stop, stop. Let me give you give you a demonstration first and then we'll go from there." So after doing a few push-ups as demonstration and me correcting his mistakes he was finally able to do one proper push-up before he was out for the count. This is gonna take longer than I first thought.