

***EUNMI's POV***

" hyung you're crushing her. " the short guy pulled the cheerful guy away from me. " and its hiccup hyung not heckup. "

" we pronounce it the same. "

" no-"

" nayun?! miyeon?! mina!? you guys are okay! " i almost teared up seeing them. i immediately hug them and the others soon followed me.

" yeah, im so glad you guys are okay too! " nayun exclaimed and smiled at me.

" thank goodness we're all okay. " we all joined a hug and after minutes of staying at our position, i felt someone hugging my back.

" who's hugging me? " i asks.

" me! " I turn my back and my mouth instantly fell open. why did my eyes even chose to look at the top first when there is the person's face or feet or sht something?

123456 chocolate bars. what the-why am I even counting the abs of-

" look who's drooling now? " I was yanked off my wild thoughts when chaeyoung whispered into my ears.

I turn away, not sparing a second to look at the person who owns the 123456 chocolate bars. I cleared my throat and shook my head, trying to erase what just happeny, " umm so why don't you introduce us to them? "

" okay so his name is jimin. this is jin-" poor mina unnie was cut off by the guy who has very broad shoulders and charming features that can melt anyones heart.

" im jin and i know im handsome so no need on telling me! " he waved and i laughed to what he said. for a moment i suddenly felt like asking some confidence from him.

" AND IM HOPE! THE ONLY HOPE OF THE JUNGLE ! " chaeyoung and i flinched at the same time. miyeon laughed and patted his head softly.

" im joon! " joon waved at them.

" TAE is my name! " tae yelled and aerum motioned him minimize his voice. he nods and zips his mouth like a kid.

" yoongs. " yoongs flatly said and avoided every ones gaze.

" yoongs. " i heard mina mutter under her breath. i smirked. someone's interested to someone.

" and i'm kook! " a cute guy with sharp features came in view just after I look back. I stare at him and as if I was in some kinds of kdrama, the guy moved in slow motion along with his long bangs who were moving much more slower. kook, what a cutie pato-

" and thats when eunmi saw her prince charming whom will save her from-that hurts! " chaeyoung hissed when i slap her arm. she then smiled at me like a lunatic.

" what are you even talking about? " i grinned, ear to ear.

" hA! hEr FaCe LoOks LikE a tOmATO! its so red! " hope pointed to my face and joon quickly slap his finger that was pointing at me.

joon showed an apologetic smile, " sorry about that. so I guess we need to go collect some woods first so you g-girls can have a good talk with each other. "

the 6 frowned then pouted. joon glared at them and mouthed words before dragging them away to god knows where.

" im so speechless right now. I can't believe that there are still people these days who are living like them. " chaeyoung said.

" huh? so they aren't cosplaying?? " i furrow my eyebrows.

" does it look like they are cosplaying? look around, its looks like they have living here for years. "


" chaeyoung, you just said a lot of words so no, you're not speechless. " miyeon commented making chaeyoung pout.

" why you gonna be so rOod! " chaeyoung sang in miyeon's ear.

doyeon laughed. " anyways yeah and you know this treehouse and their native costumes cannot be seen in the city anymore. if they happen to go to the city the people will immediately mistake them as college students who are having their cosplay. "

" its okay atleast they're handsome. " nayun blushed and so did miyeon.

" cute and sexy " aerum added, wiggling her eyebrows.

doyeon roll her eyes, " you guys. "

" how can they even live here? what about their food? their source of water? " i paused, looking around. " I wonder where their family is. "

" let's just leave that to them. what is important is how we guys separated from each other. explain time now! " mina said. I was to speak but aerum signaled me that She'll do it for us.

" let's sit for awhile. so yeah last time we were all together, we guys texted our parents to send us help and when we were done you 3 were already a kilometer away from us. we called for you but you didn't hear us so to make it short we stayed at the spot and slept there because were really very tired. and unexpectedly earlier at 5:00 PM i woke up seeing a guy staring at me. he told me he was tae and that he and his brothers happened to see us sleeping at the jungle alone and very very unprotected. they got worried and decided to carry us here and yeah! the end. " aerum clasped his hands.

" what about you?"

" and well about us when we lost you 4 last night, we searched the whole jungle to find you and didn't even get to sleep because we were extremely worried. " mina said and chaeyoung awed.

" earlier in the morning we were just walking peacefully when all of us suddenly sank down the ground. we heard laughs and soon 4 Tarzans appeared and helped us. "

" tarzans. " i let out a laugh.