
From The Gates Of Hell (DXD)

A boy trapped in Hell will attempt to crawl his way out of Hell's gates while a certain red-haired woman sees him in her dreams. Will he succeed in returning to his world? And how will it alter him given the suffering he endured to escape the fiery pits of Hell? Of course, the fact that a red-haired girl is fighting with her own demons doesn't help. Some elements from DnD and other fantasy. ------------------- --- The image cover is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you don't want me to use it, and I will take it down. ================= Please ignore if you found any grammatical mistakes, and let me know any spelling errors. I am dyslexic, and I write these chapters late at night, so I am exhausted when editing them. Trying to raise money to get myself an editor, so here is my P@treon if you want to support me :) ----> https://www.patreon.com/crazy_penguin

Crazy_Penguin · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Goblin Invasion

The first goblin to get close to him lunged forward with a dagger in its hand and attempted to stab him in the neck.

Tenshi cocked his head to the side and pushed the goblin away from him with the elbow of his right hand.

Tenshi leaped back when another goblin jumped on him since he had guessed that their objective was to overpower him.

He grabbed a spear in one hand and charged against the oncoming goblins, assuming that if he continued to protect himself, it would eventually result in his death.

When he reached a goblin, he pushed it to the back, which caused the goblins in front of him to trip.

After that, Tenshi hurled his spear at a goblin that was perched in a tree; the goblin was struck by the spear, which caused it to fall from the tree and die.

Tenshi seized a goblin by the neck and began to use it as a meat shield as he stomped on another goblin, who was lying on the ground.

Tenshi grunted in pain as he felt something hit him on his left leg. When he looked down, he noticed that he had an arrow lodged in his thigh.

After a quick scan, he saw a goblin preparing to fire another arrow while holding a bow in his hand.

He grabbed another goblin after sensing a spear beneath his foot and flung it at the one with the bow. He then grabbed the spear from his feet and tossed it toward the flying goblin. The flying goblin and the goblin with the bow were both instantly killed as the spear was thrown, piercing them both.

Tenshi grunted as he began to feel a sharp pain in his back. He did not turn around but instead whirled around and whacked the goblin that was following him.

With the exception of a few arrows and spears that have metal points, all the goblins only have access to crude weaponry made of stone. As a result, the only harm he sustained was an odd cut.

"ROAARRRR" As soon as Tenshi heard Liya's screams, his entire body flew into a state of high alert.

'LIYA?' Tenshi communicated with his friend through the connection they shared.

He tried calling her many times but got no answer.

Tenshi was being worn out as a result of the onslaught of an increasing number of goblins, which seemed to have no end in sight.

Afterward, he heard loud footsteps approaching from the direction of the woods that were in front of him.

The sound of a roar soon brought into view a gigantic green beast that was nearly as tall as Tenshi and was holding a broadsword in its hand.

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"GRRRRR," grumbled the creature as it became increasingly frustrated by its situation.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It's every man for himself, Liya." Liya snarled at the individual who called her by her name.

"... Haha, I knew I couldn't fool you like I fooled your friend," the man, now unmasked, Ward said.

"Get on with it already…" A threatening voice emerged from a monster with red skin, two little horns, and a tail. It said, "I don't want to spend any more time with the wicked."

Five other demons were standing next to the large devil, but they looked more like imps with wings.

The winged imp approached closer and attempted to raise the caged beast, but unfortunately, they were unable to do so since the weight of the beast was more than their own.

The ugly demon's fangs protruded from its mouth as it scowled with its bloated face.

"Tch… Useless! Let me do it," the rotund monster replied as it waved its hand around.

Suddenly, Liya felt as if it were being picked. When she looked around, she discovered she was soaring through the air thanks to some sort of magic.

When Liya turned around, she saw that a large monster was somehow able to raise her without using any assistance. After opening her lips, she then sent out a big ball of water, aiming it toward the chubby creature.

The fat creature all of a sudden became aware of the impending threat and cast a magical shield in front of him as quickly as he could.

When the orb of water came into touch with the shield, an explosion occurred, which resulted in the five winged imps being thrown against the wall.

"YOU DAMNED SOUL!" The obese devil yelled, "WHY WASN'T I TOLD IT COULD USE MAGIC?!" when he noticed his hand had just minor bruises as a result of the impact.

Standing in behind it, Ward began to stammer and exclaimed, "I-I didn't realize s-she could use m-magic!"

The large creature narrowed its eyes at Ward and then spun around, sending a massive bolt of lightning towards Liya, causing her to yell loudly in agony.


"Haha… That's what you get. If it weren't for your importance, I would have butchered you!" laughed the obese creature, wiping its fingers with a cloth.

Then it turned its attention back to Ward and said, "So what of the child?"

"I believe he will die soon at the hands of the invading goblins because I left my blood trails leading here," Ward recalled his grand plan and the reason why goblins were assaulting Tenshi.

"The Leviathan has a higher priority than that kid." The devil, with the smug expression remarked, "I will return here again to find him."

Ward masked his annoyance, since he was familiar with the experience of dealing with a high-ranked devil. In front of him is a henchman devil by the name of Turoth, who has a middle-ranking position.

But Ward was grateful at least since it gave him the opportunity to become a lesser devil, or more accurately, a Cambion, which is a hybrid between human and devil.

Because Ward is intelligent and crafty, he has no doubt that he will be able to become a complete demon when he ranks up.


When everyone turned around, they saw Tenshi, who was a bloddy mess after the battle, holding a bleeding broadsword.

"Astonishing... to see a pure soul in Hell... Lord Zariel would be delighted to welcome you." Turoth exclaimed, seeing Tenshi, "Fat devil!"

"Capture him!" After that, Turoth said.

When the Imps got close enough to him, Tenshi's new broadsword cut them in half right before his eyes.

After hearing the Middle-rank devil Turoth, Ward was filled with dread because he knew that if the High ranking devils found out that he had divulged important knowledge about Hell, they would use this as a pretext to either murder him or prevent him from receiving the bargain.

Another matter that troubled Ward was the scarcity of magical souls, which were highly prized by high-ranking demons. Even demons that were adept at the use of magic, like Turoth, were few. Therefore, after obtaining demon blood, magic would awaken in his soul, and as a result, either his soul would be devoured, or he would be rendered a slave since he possessed magic.

But Ward had previously planned for the possibility that something like this would occur.

After Tenshi had finished off the last of the imps, he suddenly felt a tightening in his chest, followed by a scorching sensation that moved up his body to his neck.

Tenshi was experiencing severe agony all over his body, which caused him to cough up blood.

"Wait, Ward?" Tenshi inquired without looking away from the wailing Liya. His eyesight quickly darkened.

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When Tenshi opened his eyes, he saw that he had returned to the dreamlike realm he had been in earlier, but all of a sudden, someone embraced him.

The seductive aroma of lilacs... and red hair encircled him.

Tenshi said, "Rias?" after recognizing the fragrance and the red hair on the other person.

After receiving no answer and only her muted sobbing drenching his shoulder, Tenshi wrapped his hand unknowingly around Rias's waist as the other hand combed Rias's lovely red hair.

"Why can't I help you?" with a hiccup, Rias mumbled as he sobbed her heart out in his chest.

Rias lifted her chin and stared directly at Tenshi, and said, "I have been getting visions of you for years... I have witnessed you in your joy, your sorrow, your rage, your hopelessness, and your breakdowns... Every time I see you in pain, all I want to do is do anything I can to make it better... hug you… *Hic*, and wrap my arms around you to ease all of your concerns."

When Rias lifted her head, his hand once again inadvertently and gently nudged the hair out of the way.

Her gorgeous green eyes, plump red cheeks, and last but not least, those kissable red lips caught his attention. Even though she was sobbing, it in no way detracted from her stunning attractiveness. The sight of her stunning beauty caused Tenshi's heart rate to quicken.

It was unusual for Tenshi hearing her and the idea of a complete stranger knowing everything about his or her life was unsettling to him, despite the fact that the stranger was a gorgeous female.

"A quite touching scene" Both of them were interrupted by a regal voice.

"An angel and a devil… in each other's embrace… So close yet so far away… it's been a while since I saw Romeo and Juliet~" mused the large being flying in the sky with enormous white wings.

"SAMAEL!" Tenshi called out, seeing the familiar entity resigning in his body.

"Yes yes… your cries of help even made me hate my own name," Samael remarked as he rubbed his forehead.

Rias took a peek at the enormous entity known as Samael. Samael was not present in any of her visions or recollections of Tenshi, despite the fact that she was familiar with the name.

The name Samael is not one that can be given to just about anybody. This moniker is power, and it has a lengthy history of being associated with death and devastation.

"Samael? As in the Dragon Eater Samael?" Rias questioned.


A/N: I hope the chapter was your liking. Next chapter, we will finally know who Samael is. Though some of you have already guessed.

Let me know if there are any mistakes or things I can do better.

As always, I'm very grateful to my patrons for helping me out. Here is my P@treon page if you want to support me.

----> https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/crazy_penguin