
From the Forgotten Age: A Collection of Short Stories

In a beatifull but dark world across the seas, each character has a unique voice. there lives are guided by the Gods. is this all just a game for the bored Gods? Then, why are the scales placed? The heroes don't know this, but, each of their actions are carefully weighted and noted. For what purpose, they don't know? Nobody knows. Will they prevail? Will they be victorious? What will they gain from their deeds of heroism? Each character has something unique, in skills and in personality. Anything can happen.

DaoistHLULS4 · Eastern
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10 Chs

The Dragon Sightings

"Father, is it true?" asked the fair Lady Jocasta.

"I wish it was just gossip," answered her father with a note of concern in his voice.

"So, he has returned."

She moved forward.

"The reports are numerous."

He moved to the stretchered map on one of the oak tables.

"Come, I'll show you the map."

She moved to the map. Small red flags were placed almost in every large place.

"Gods above, I never suspected so many places," her hand trembled.

"We think he's using the doorways," he reassured her.

"Doorways were abandoned many years ago."

"No doubt, he has found a way to activate them again."

"So, he became that much powerful."

"We can only hope that he has other intentions."

"it's the only thing that we can do."