
Chapter 16

Lucius holds Evelyn's waist and pulls her closer to him making her stomach touch then he grabs the back of her neck pulling her face closer to him "now I will make you swallow your words" what? Evelyn could feel goosebumps what does he mean by swallowing her words "do you know how much you have affected me, Eve?" He whisper as his eyes travel down to her lips Evelyn's heart pounded faster as Lucius was slowly leaned and press his lips on hers his lips were soft and gentle it was a foreign feeling to Evelyn but it still sweet Lucius's lips were savoring Evelyn lips gently Lucius pull away then smile "you can breathe" he smirks Evelyn cheek flush she was lost in the sensation that she forgets about breathing Lucius caressed her cheek softly then kiss her again which was different from the one they first had he deepen the kiss licking her lips Evelyn could feel butterfly in her stomach she never knew her husband was such a good kisser as the kiss kept on going Evelyn saw the vision of the same young boy in her dream asking for help his body transforming drastically causing her to pull away from the shock. Lucius looked at her surprised what just had is he not doing it right or she didn't like it "what's wrong" he ask but Evelyn shook her head and smile "you sure?" He asked again "yes I was just tired" she gave him an assuring smile "okay let's go and rest" Lucius hold her hand and lead her out of the garden.

Getting to their room Lucius slam their door close while Evelyn was trying to recover from the trance sitting on the bed "what's wrong with you" Lucius asks sitting beside her "no just headache" Lucius touch her forehead "you seem alright"

"I just need rest perhaps Alexa ask you to come tonight you have to go now"

"Don't tell me about Alexa when am with you?" Lucius said slightly frustrated "I have to remind you, you know she is the one you love I know how it felt like ignoring someone who has your heart" she explained "Evelyn... I...."

"It's okay you can go...." Evelyn cuts in and lay on the bed "Evelyn... The... "

"I said it's fine your highness am okay alone..... Can you leave now I want to sleep" she mumbles Lucius inhales sharply this lady won't listen to him tonight why did she think that he kissed her did she forget about the kiss they shared in the garden so quickly? But he had some things to take care of tonight he stand up and leave the room after the door was closed Evelyn peeped at the door through her arm and scoff "yes your highness I enjoy sleeping alone" she hisses dragging her pillow closer she tried to sleep but she couldn't her mind keep displaying the kiss Lucius gave her in the garden and her body burn up "did he have to leave even if I tell him too?" She said to herself before she fall asleep.


Morning came and Evelyn wink her eyes open surprisingly Evelyn met two maids in her room standing opposite the bed leaving her curious if what was going on "good morning your highness"

"Why are you here," she asked trying to sit up on the bed "we are here to get you to dress up your highness"

"Get me to dress up? For what?"

"his royal highness your husband is having his coronation party today we have to dress you up for the party"

"Coronation?...... " She was about to speak when the door opened "leave us" Lucius order sooner then the two maids to leave the room "what's going on your highness...... Whose coronation is it?"

"Mine" he shortly reply then Evelyn gave him a questioning look "the crown prince has been dethroned" he responded as if reading her thoughts "why?"

"Because he tried to sleep with my wife".

"And you make use of the advantage instead" Lucius sigh she is at it again getting so mad he pushed some of her hair away from her face holding her cheek "Evelyn...." She slap his hand away "get your hand off me you monster" she didn't know when she let out that statement she wish she could take it back but she can't Lucius felt a tug in his chest hearing this from Evelyn he used to it but hearing it from his wife hurt him a lot he searches for answers in her eyes why she said that but he saw nothing but anger did she think of him as a monster too slowly his hand let go of her cheek on their own accord seeing this Evelyn took the chance to get off the bed and walk in the bathroom slamming the door close at him.