
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter XI: Wildfire

The consequences unfolded just as I expected. As soon as the students witnessed the demonstration of the new magic system, a buzz of excitement and curiosity swept through the entire academy. They couldn't contain their amazement, and many of them began writing letters to their families about the extraordinary lecture. The news of this unprecedented event quickly spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of not only the students but also the other professors.

From my room window, I could see the students animatedly sharing their experiences with their peers, leaving no one in doubt about the extraordinary lecture they had just attended.

I knew it wouldn't be long before the inevitable would occur.

As anticipated, a knock came at my door. Opening it, I found Lora Vienna, Amara's loyal assistant, standing before me.

"The Headmistress has requested your presence, Professor," she informed me with her usual formality. "Please follow me to her office."

I nodded without a hint of a smile on my face, although inside, I couldn't help but savor the moment. I was well aware that Amara's insatiable curiosity wouldn't allow her to stay idle for long.

As I walked to the Headmistress' office, this time, not only the students but also other Professors were whispering and murmuring about me. Even Lora, Amara's loyal assistant, couldn't help but steal curious glances in my direction.

Upon reaching the office, the grand oak door opened to reveal Amara Duskmire, the Headmistress. Her vibrant presence filled the room as she extended a warm greeting, her deep golden eyes twinkling with curiosity as they met mine. "Good day, Professor," she said, her voice as smooth as silk, with a hint of formality that concealed her underlying interest. "I hope you're well. Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?"

The office itself was a testament to Amara's sophistication, adorned with intricate tapestries and rare magical artifacts. A polished tea set lay ready on a magnificent wooden table near the window, the room bathed in soft, enchanting light.

Sitting there, I couldn't help but be entranced by Amara Duskmire's ethereal beauty. Her golden eyes were like radiant orbs of molten amber, sparkling with an inner fire that seemed to hold the secrets of the cosmos. Framed by a curtain of hair that fell like a silvery waterfall, her tresses cascaded gracefully down to her shoulders, each strand glistening with a lunar glow.

Her fair skin was so flawless it appeared almost translucent, akin to the softest wisps of clouds in the sky. Her rosy-pink lips, exquisitely shaped, bore the subtlest shimmer, as if dusted with stardust, forming a warm, inviting smile. Her striking features were perfectly harmonized, with high cheekbones and a delicate jawline.

Amara's figure was an embodiment of allure, her every curve accentuated by the way she carried herself. She possessed an elegant, statuesque form that would draw the gaze of any onlooker. Standing next to me, she came up to my shoulder, her presence exuding regal authority and commanding admiration.

Dressed in a sleek black jacket, it hugged her form perfectly, outlining her graceful silhouette. Paired with blue trousers, her choice of attire exuded sophistication and grace, adding to her overall magnetism. With every detail about her appearance, she was a living testament to elegance and enchantment, a true marvel to behold.

Seducing Amara Duskmire wasn't merely a matter of survival; it was an intricate dance of power, desire, and strategy. The image of her with those entrancing golden eyes, her silvery hair flowing like a cascade of moonlight down to her shoulders, and her ethereal, fair complexion that resembled the purity of clouds, stirred a potent longing within me. Her lips, a delicate shade of light pink, curved into a smile that held promises of both enchantment and danger. With her tall, statuesque figure, she stood eye-to-eye with me, adding an air of regal allure to her presence.

As I plotted my course of action, the anticipation of conquering such a woman, who could entice even the most unyielding hearts, sent shivers down my spine. I knew this endeavor was fraught with peril, but the prospect of making her mine was a temptation too irresistible to resist.

Amara Duskmire began with a polite smile, "Professor Starweaver, your lecture has certainly stirred quite the commotion. I've heard many intriguing things."

I maintained my calm demeanor and replied, "Thank you, Headmistress. I'm pleased to see the students' enthusiasm for the subject."

Amara's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she continued, "But the Grid Matrix, it's a groundbreaking concept. How did you come up with it at such a young age?"

I responded formally, "Well, I must admit I'm a year younger than you, Headmistress. Sometimes, youthful exuberance leads to uncharted territories."

Amara's typically composed demeanor faltered, and her eyes widened, registering her surprise at my age and my achievement.

As our conversation reached that point, Amara seemed to be in a state of shock, unable to fully comprehend that someone younger than her had achieved what she hadn't. In a way, I knew it wasn't a fair comparison, as I had the advantage of future knowledge, including her own future breakthroughs.

With a sense of subtle satisfaction, I decided to conclude the conversation. I turned to leave, my heart quietly rejoicing at the surprise I had delivered to the formidable Headmistress. Her stunned expression was a sight to behold.

The news of my remarkable achievements quickly spread throughout the academy. In the following days, my lectern was inundated with letters from nobles and wealthy merchants, each offering their own enticing rewards. Some proposed to elevate my status, others offered incredible sums of gold, and a few even went so far as to suggest the hand of their daughters in marriage.

I meticulously reviewed each letter, though in truth, most of them went unanswered. Unless the sender held the noble titles of Marquis or Duke, I felt no urgency to respond to these enticements. My attention was focused on one particular person whom I anticipated would reach out to me soon.

On the fourth day, the moment I had been patiently waiting for finally arrived. Bright and early in the morning, I opened my door to find Aria Elowen Silverlake, the Empress's sworn knight, standing at my doorstep. She held a sealed message in her hand and delivered her words with the precision befitting her position: "You are hereby summoned to the Royal Palace to meet with Her Highness, Princess Seraphina, for an audience."

I nodded in acknowledgment and began to close the door, intending to prepare for the meeting. However, at that very moment, the unexpected occurred. Amara Duskmire, the headmistress of the Arcanum Citadel, appeared before me, her expression filled with palpable worry and panic. She reached out and held both of my hands, almost screaming, "DON'T GO!"

Despite this passionate plea, I maintained my usual cold facade. However, inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the clear reaction I had elicited from this formidable woman.