
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter VI: The Enigmatic Professor

As the imposing figure of Professor Oliver left the lecture hall, a collective sigh of relief swept through the students. A particular brown-haired student, seated in the back rows, couldn't help but exhale deeply.

The student's voice broke through the silence, expressing a mixture of tension and awe. "Haaa... he was intense! Oh Lord, I was scared!"

Other students around chimed in with their own thoughts, forming a chaotic chorus of reactions.

"Scariest first day ever!"

"I didn't expect him to be that strict."

"Did you see how quickly he shut down those questions?"

"I'm not sure if I can handle this!"

"I heard the rumors, but this... it's something else!"

The sentiment resonated with many in the room, and the once hushed atmosphere transformed into a lively exchange of reactions and discussions. All present were grappling with a blend of apprehension and curiosity, uncertain of what this enigmatic new professor would bring to their academic journey.

Exiting the lecture hall, the students began conversing in groups, their discussions carrying a variety of sentiments and opinions about the enigmatic new professor.

As they chatted amongst themselves, one student remarked, "Did you see how he conducted the lecture? Never seen anything like it before!"

Another chimed in, "Yeah, he's strict, but I think it might be a good challenge."

However, not everyone was entirely convinced. "I don't know, he seemed a bit intense," one student noted. "Is this what every class will be like?"

In contrast, a fellow student argued, "I heard he's a genius in magic theory. Maybe it'll be worth it."

Amid the mixed reactions, a different student expressed concern, saying, "I hope he eases up a bit. I was sweating through the whole thing."

The students continued to share their thoughts and impressions as they walked to their next lectures, creating an atmosphere of curiosity and uncertainty surrounding the new professor.

In their discussions, the students couldn't help but bring up the rumors that had been circulating about Professor Oliver. Some speculated that his previous military career might be the reason behind his strict demeanor, linking it to discipline and precision.

"He probably picked up that military attitude," one student said, nodding knowingly.

Another agreed, "Yeah, it would make sense. They train them tough in the military."

While most rumors were merely hearsay, they added another layer to the mystery surrounding the new professor, leaving the students both intrigued and wary as they made their way to their next lectures.

The students couldn't contain their excitement as they discussed Professor Starweaver's appearance. One of them exclaimed, "Did you see how handsome he is? He could be a model!" Others chimed in with comments like, "I've never had such an attractive professor. He's like a character from a novel."

They whispered about his mesmerizing eyes, noting how they seemed to hide secrets, while some students talked about his well-dressed and imposing presence, emphasizing his aura of authority. The general consensus was that he was a unique addition to the academy, sparking lively conversations among the students.

They speculated about his background and the mysteries he might hold, adding to the intrigue surrounding their new professor, especially among the female students who found his presence particularly captivating.

Riven remained in the lecture room, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic Professor Oliver. She couldn't help but be impressed by his teaching style, which was as precise and controlled as his military background suggested. However, she also found him remarkably difficult to read.

As she observed him, she couldn't discern any significant change in his expression, no fluctuations in his tone of voice, and even his gait was perfectly measured. It left her intrigued and curious about the man who now held the position of her professor at the Arcanum Citadel.

As the Headmistress received the report of Professor Oliver Starweaver's lecture, she couldn't contain her excitement. She immediately called in her secretary, Lora, to discuss the details.

The Headmistress, her eyes sparkling with interest, couldn't help but exclaim, "Lora, you won't believe how remarkable Professor Starweaver's lecture was! He delved into concepts that are typically reserved for mages of higher circles. I'm truly astonished."

Lora, equally intrigued, leaned in, eager to hear more. "It's quite unusual for a new professor, Your Grace. He must be exceptionally knowledgeable."

The Headmistress nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly, Lora. I have to wonder about his own magical abilities. To teach such advanced content, he must be a formidable mage."

Lora smiled, recognizing the significance of this newcomer. "It's a promising start, Your Grace. I'm sure the students will benefit greatly from his expertise."

The Headmistress, Amara Duskmire, agreed, looking forward to meeting Professor Starweaver personally to commend his extraordinary efforts.

As the sun began to set over the towering spires of the Arcanum Citadel, the excited first-year students couldn't resist contacting their families. Their voices filled with enthusiasm as they recounted the remarkable lecture they had attended. They described it "Professor Starweaver is so interesting! He's strict, but I think he's a great teacher. He talked about altering magic circles, and it was so cool!"

Their conversations revolved around his unconventional teaching methods and the intriguing concepts he introduced. They shared their thoughts "He said we should be punctual and attentive, and we shouldn't interrupt him during class. It's going to be challenging, but I'm excited to learn from him."

Some students couldn't help but wonder aloud about the rumors surrounding the enigmatic professor. They said things "Did you hear the rumors about Professor Starweaver? He used to be in the military! That's why he's so strict. I hope we get to learn some amazing magic from him."

As night fell and darkness spread across the Veridia Empire, the whispers about Professor Starweaver grew stronger, spreading far and wide as his name became a topic of intrigue and discussion. The empire had just been introduced to a new, enigmatic figure who was bound to leave a lasting mark on the Arcanum Citadel.