
From skeleton to pharaoh

*****what the hell why am I in a in a close box, was I kidnapped in the end ....... As ***** woke up she was now panicking about what was going on she cried for a long time but after a while she realizes she could not feel any tears from her eye. They was also the issues with her face and body dose this meaning all the beauty products was finally showing their effect properly. unknowingly to her she has pass over to the next world and the money she had spent on those beauty products will never be refunded

Suleman_abdulazeez · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Unyielding fury 24

unlike the other wolfs which were brown, the leader was complete black in color and had a radish black spikes all over its body, the park was made of 45 wolfs or more, I could not count them properly as they ran to fast for me to get an accurate estimate.

As I got close to the park the leader noticed me, it looked at me and in those black red eyes of its, I could see a burning and bright intelligence that should not be found in just this kind of being. It looked away and let out a horrifying howled, immiditly 7 wolf out of the park jumped in my direction attacking me.

I quickly took out my Arabian sword and got into my fighting mood, I felt like I had used this sword for years skillfully, its not that much of a surprise when you look at all the fighting I have been doing up till now, I began with a vertical slash completely cutting one wolf head off, at the same time my extra limb extended out of my back stabbing two other wolves directly in their skull, breaking pass their neck and entering their back.

The sand dust blocked their vision making it hard to see me, so i moved to jump on one wolfs head, breaking it with my weight and used my extra limb to stab the other wolf in the side, I dragged it to me cutting it in half with my sword then used my sword to cut in half a wolf that was trying to jump me from behind.

I then threw my sword and it broke the skull of the last wolf before it even had a chance to attack me.

I walked to it as I removed my sword from its skull, as I looked down at it and remembered the calculating look in the demonic wolf leaders' eyes a deep hatred came from deep within me so intense and without origin. Why did it have to stop me,.. why….why… why, this thoughts just kept coming to my mind, I looked in the direction of the voice and began to run again, trying to catch up to the wolfs, as I used my hatred as fuel.

I could not get over this deep hatred no matter how much I tried, it made me seem unreasonable.

I ran faster as more and more sand dust kept pouring out of me more and more it kept coming and more and more my hatred grew, I did not even pay any attention to it anymore as the madness was starting to take over my mind, the energy kept filling me up, the hatred kept growing and as my speed increased so did my body move with my desire,….. until something in my mind cracked.

I bust into sand, turning into a small sand storm 8 meters large, as I move in the air at an incredible speed which lasted for some seconds before I came down back to the sandy ground turning back into a skeleton.

" it shall be mine" .