
From servitude to soulmate

In this captivating story, we meet Lisa, a 19-year-old High School graduate who, by society's standards, is deemed not conventionally attractive. She finds herself working as a personal assistant to Justin, the CEO of Joyce Group, due to her uncle Ethan's debt to him. With her uncle's debt hanging over her head, Lisa is committed to working for Justin for two years to repay what is owed. From the outset, Justin proves to be an arrogant and difficult boss, making Lisa's life challenging and filled with hardships. However, as time passes and they spend more time together, a surprising transformation begins to take place. Against all odds, Justin finds himself falling in love with Lisa, a change that neither of them could have anticipated.

Purple_sardonyx · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter one :

Lisa is walking home in the rain. she is wearing her best dress, because it's the day of her graduation , suddenly a huge puddle of water splashed all over her dress and her dress is ruined. When the driver of the car stops,the passenger at the back seat winds down the window and threw a bale of dollars to her,"get a new dress ,he says.

She gets angry and throws the money back at him and shouted ,"do you think your money can make me feel better now?" "I expect you to say sorry than the filthy money you threw at me."When Lisa throws the money back at him,he tells his driver to drive off.

As Lisa stand there, getting soaked in the rain,she hears the sound of another car approaching. And when she looks up,she sees a sleek black car pulling up beside her. The window rolls down,and inside the car is a tall, dark-haired man in a sharp suit .He looks at her and says"That was quite a scene you made back there. I couldn't help but notice. You seem to have a bit of fire in you. Care to tell me your name?"

Lisa hesitates,not sure what to make of this mysterious stranger. Then she says... My name is Lisa. And you are ....?" The man smiles. "I'm James. And I think we should talk". Lisa raises an eyebrow. "What about?" James said I think I have an opportunity for you.

Lisa is intrigued by James' offer of an opportunity, but she's still a little wary of him. After all, he is a complete stranger. But something about him intrigues her, and she decides to hear him out. "Okay, James", She says. "I will bite . What kind of opportunity are you talking about ?"

James smiles again,but this time it's a knowing smile. "I think I can help you get what you want. And in return, you can help me ". Lisa narrows her eyes. Help you with what?" She asks James. "You are a sharp one, Lisa . I will like that,"he says. "I need someone like you to work for me . Someone smart, someone fiery. Someone who is not afraid to take risks".

Lisa crosses her arms. "What kind of work are we, talking about?" James leans forward. "The kind that could change your life." Lisa is trying to remain calm and collected, but she is starting to feel a flicker of excitement. After all ,an opportunity to change her life doesn't come every day. But she also knows she has to be careful.

"I'm listening", she says to James "But I need more details before to anything" James nods ,"Of course , That's fair". He pauses ,as if choosing his words carefully. Then he says, "Have you ever heard of Orion enterprises?" Lisa frowns. She has never heard of Orion enterprises before. But now she is definitely curious now.

"No I haven't, she says to James . "Should I have?" James smiles again. "Maybe not. we're still a relatively small company. But we have big ambitions". Lisa narrows her eyes. "What does your company do ?" James leans back in his seat. "That's a very good question. And I'd be happy to answer it . But first, I should probably tell you a little about myself".

So, James begins ,"I grew up in a small town, not unlike the one you are from . My family didn't have much, and I knew from an early age that I wanted something more for myself. So I worked hard and put myself through school. I got a job at a big company. But I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to do something bigger, something that would really make a difference in the world." Lisa is starting to feel more curious about James and his story.

So, James continues ,"After a few years at the big company, I decided to strike out on my own. I had an idea for a business that could really change the world. But I needed finding to get it off the ground. That's when I met a man named Richard. He was a venture capitalist and he believed in my vision,he gave me the money I needed to start Orion enterprises." Lisa's hanging on every word. She wants to know more. "What did Orion enterprises do ?" She asks.

"Orion enterprises was in the business of developing cutting edge technology. Our goal was to create products that would improve people's lives and make the world a better place. And we were actually making some real progress. Oh so please will you work with me I admire your boldness and the fire in you I promise to pay you a better salary ."He asks .

Lisa was so engrossed in his speech that she has forgotten about her dress ,she look at it . The mud had already dried on her cloths. James follows her eyes and sees her stained dress. "Oh I am sorry for not minding about your dress. "Do you mind if I drive you to your house."

"Don't worry my house is just few walks from here , thanks I will trek home in other not to stain your seat with my muddy dress. "And about the job I will think about it ."She says."Thanks for that ". James said. And gave her his business card. "Please call me when you have consider the job." "Okay good bye, I will like to start going now."They say good bye to each other and leave the place.