
From Secret Clan to the Divine Dynasty

Karl awoke to find himself shockingly reduced to a crippled Evil God confined within a bottle. The Fischer family had inadvertently become his favored members, sharing a fate connected by blood throughout the generations. They established a secret clan, infiltrated the state, manipulated wars, ascended the God Pantheon stairway, and fought for the honor and future of the family. They were assassins lurking in the shadows, beloved scholars, esteemed priests, powerful dukes, and legends in heroic epics. From budding to robust growth, steampunk evolved; the Spirit Realm descended through dreams; witches and ancient gods stepped forth, and people listened to the lost whispers at their ears. They were both the creators and the enders of stories. Generation after generation, in a continuous succession, they marched forward. "Step over my corpse and go on," he said.

Chilled Cola Cat · Urban
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227 Chs

Chapter 174: The Essence of Blood

Baron Hovern is dead.

He died from a fatal blow delivered by Chris, quickly disappearing from this world, with no chance of survival.

The nominal ruler of Nasir Town was thus killed by an interloper who had taken over his home.

However, the existence of Baron Hovern himself had long since ceased to be important. Some sort of monster that had taken residence inside Baron Hovern was completely freed from its shell upon his death.

"What is that monster!"

The patrol guards outside of the street were stunned. They gazed upward, trembling, confronted by a monstrous presence so terrifying that its very form seemed to grow larger by the moment!

It looked like a beast made of interwoven, dirty red chunks of flesh, its body dripping with dark red fluid, its form unstable, constantly shifting and swelling with a torrent of distorted blood as if it was endlessly growing and wriggling.