
From Rebirth to Perfection

From Death he has risen, to become Death himself. And from then, he will slowly achieve Perfection. ---- Hello, Author here. English is my second language, so there are bound to be mistakes here and there. If there are, please point them out, and I will fix them as soon as I can. Anyway, have a good day. ---- Cover is not mine. If the artist wants for it to be taken down, contact me. I do not own Bleach or its characters, the OC I own though..

Voltigod · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The Tree and Progress

As I was in Garganta, I checked my status since I saw that I Leveled up even though I haven't killed or defeated anyone.


[Name : Akhil]

[Race : Soul]

[Level : 51]

[World : Earth (Bleach) ]

[Strength : 911]

[Speed : 934]

[Dexterity : 898]

[Intelligence : 1302]

Passive Abilities : [Left Eye of Chaos] , [Spiritual Sensing] , [Zanjutsu]

Active Abilities : [Reiatsu Manipulation] , [Bakudo/Hado Spells (#1-#50)] , [Shunpo], [Boidoseparētā] , [Shikai:Kaosu no tanjō] , [Weak Time-Manipulation]


"... It seems... That the only way for me to gain levels even though I didn't kill or defeat anyone is through... changing plot/events? It's the only way... Let me check notification just to be sure...

[Congratulations, due to major change in plot of Thousand Year Blood War, you have gained 50.000 EXP]

[You Leveled UP]

[You Leveled UP]


And it seems my speculation was on point. Although it seems I gain EXP if I change the plot of specific Arc in major aspect, then why didn't I gain EXP since my existence itself is the most major change in the plot? I don't understand this system at all...

In any case, I need to return to the Chaos World that is located in the Void so I can buy new things and train since when 10 days pass there, only 1 day in the three worlds will pass.

As I think that, I use Boidoseparētā to open a rip in space-time and I travel back into the Chaos World.

As I return, the landscape and the world are still the same, Seems Seg doesnt want to change it, he seems to like it.

"Hey Seg, you there? I want to ask you something."

"Right after I said that, a copy of mine appeared few meters away from me.

"Hoy tbere Akhil ! How are your adventures goin'?

"Could be better, but not bad. I wanted to ask you if you could create me a separate space for me to train? I plan to train in demonic arts."

"Hmmm... No, I cannot, sorry?"

"... aaaand why not?

"Since you can create it yourself eith that left eye of yours, plus I am lazy, I am reading some novel, and no its xianxia. I have no patienc eto remember those names !"

"Well... alright then,, you do your thing then, and I will do mine."

"Glad to help."

As he said that, he dissapeared and I awakened my left eye. With it, I manipulated the forces of Chaos and willed the separate dimension which is connected to this one to appear. It appeared in a form of a flying island with a very huge mansion on it which was surrounded by the forest and enveloped by a very strong barrier that would require atleast 10 Captain-level opponents to even scratch it.

"Just as I imagined it. Noone can see this island, and I can grant anyone ability to see it and remove it as I see fit. Thanks god this space is overflowing with Chaos, otherwise I don't know what would happen."

I say to myself as I take my breath, although I had necessaru Chaos requied, manipulating it in such amounts was slightly hard and has tired me a little.

"Now, I should go and train there."

As I think that, I start to fly towards the island, which mind you, is like Iceland in size. Another thing to mention is that I wasted so much Chaos creating it that for one second I couldn't feel any Chaos around me, but due to this place having it like universe hydrogen, it returned after a second. Thank god I was born with this eye.

Anyway, once I entered the castle, I started to create multitude of rooms, chambers and finally, as a cherry on a cake, a throne room.

"You know... It wouldn't be so bad to create something similar to Wandenreich but with me as a monarch. But for that I need allies and subjects, which I don't have right now. Well, all in due future."

As I sat on the huge throne in a meditating position, I placed my Zanpakuto in my lap and started to travel to my real inner world for the first time.

As I appeared inside it, I noti ed that the landscape is green, with grass being everywhere. As I travel for uncertain amount of time, I see a certain sapling randomly placed in middle of nowhere.

"You seem to have found it, and in a very short amount of time."

As the feminine voice said that, I saw that a girl who should be in her 20s or so was floating in the air. She was very beautiful, with pure long black-violet hair, and wearing the same clothes that I wear, but without the rope and the mask.

"It feels good to finally meet you... Kaos-san."

"You know... mh name feels weird for a female, although I like Kaos. Simple and efficient nickname, wouldn't you agree Akhil?"


As I say that, two chairs and one table manifested out of nowhere. She gestured with her hand for me to sit and I complied.

"Now, to cut to the point, I know you didn't visit me for nothing. So what do you want Akhil?"

"Well, since I saw this sapling, I wanted to ask what it is."

As I say that, I suddenly notice that the sapling got a bit bigger. I widen my eyes due to phenomena, but unknowingly to me, Kaos is smiling.

"As you noticed dear Akhil, this tree grows bigger and stronger the deeper our bond is. Basically bond between the Zanpakuto, me and it's wielder, you. You saw that it grew, so it determined our bond deepened a little."

"And before you ask me, yes it is a separate entity in your soul, and no, I do not know how it got here, and frankly, I do not care. It doesn't disturb me so it doesn't matter, plus it brings something new to this landscape."

"... I see... Well that is good, right?"

"Well, I don't have anything against it, so I suppose it's good?"

"Alright, well then, my second question was, can you give me the test for Bankai?"

"... Funny how you already assumed there would be a test..."

"Kaos, noone gets anything for free, we must do something or sacrifice something to gain something, that is the law of this universe, which include Living World, Hueco Mundo, Soul Society and the world of Chaos."

"I suppose you are right..." She said with a wondering expression

"About Bankai, yes you can try my test, but I have to warn you about some things." She said with serious tone, after which I nodded.

"First of all, you own't be able to use that fancy eye of yours, no, you wont be able to use Chaos at all, only your pure skill and Reiatsu and Hado etc.. Second of all, everytime you fail a test, a random new one will be selected when you choose to do the test again. But you have infinite amount of tries, so don't worry. Third, you will be able to take this test whenever you want, so I suggest you learn and master what you can befor eyou want to go into this test. I know you need to master Bankai for you to have a chance in Soul Society against Captains." She said after she made some hand gesture. After that, 2 purple snakes appeared from behind her and served us tea with their mouth. I started to drink the tea while nodding to her explanation.

"Alright then, I will take your warning, I planned to train in any case, but now I have even more motivation."

"Hehe, glad I can help. Your goal is my goal, and when you die, I die. We are connected. So remember that I will always support you."

"Well... didn't expect that, considering you are an overreacting girl with zero tolerance..."

"... Zero tolerance you say... ?"

"Now you have done it."

As she said that, the snakes appeared again and moved to attack me, but I quickly runned off from my inner world.

"Coward !"

She suddenly noticed that the sapling seemed to grow bigger. Now it resembled a small tree in normal world.

"... I will surely miss you... Akhil..."

waifu comments incoming (lol)

Anyway, if you have any suggestions or you found any mistakes, point them out in the comments.

Have a good day and godspeed !

Voltigodcreators' thoughts