
From Orphan to Billionaire

Ayo, a boy abandoned on the streets of Lagos, finds himself ostracized and ridiculed in the orphanage. With a thirst for knowledge, he devours books, his only companions. His life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is the sole heir to a vast fortune left behind by his billionaire father. Thrust into a world of unimaginable wealth, Ayo must grapple with his newfound identity and the burden of his inheritance. As he navigates the opulent world of Nigerian high society, Ayo uncovers a web of secrets and hidden agendas. He realizes that his father's legacy is more than just money - it's a puzzle waiting to be pieced together.

Clement_Ohis · Urban
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44 Chs

39: A New Beginning

Ade had been working tirelessly, immersed in the process of registering his new company and recruiting essential staff. The office building, a generous gift from the investors as instructed by the imprisoned board members, was conveniently located not far from the community center where Ayo and Sarah operated. This proximity was no coincidence; it was a strategic move by the imprisoned board members to distract Ayo and Sarah, using Ade as their pawn to throw them off course.


At the community center, Sarah was in the middle of organizing a workshop when she realised how much void Ade's departure has caused. She walked over to Ayo's office, knocking lightly before entering.

"Ayo, has truly left us?" she asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

Ayo looked up from his paperwork. He signed "for real he has."

Sarah nodded. "I'll give him a call."

She pulled out her phone and dialed Ade's number. Ade, who was in the middle of interviewing a candidate for his new enterprise, saw Sarah's name flash on his screen. He quickly wrapped up the interview and answered.

"Hey, Sarah."

"Ade, where are you? How have been? Sarah's voice carried both concern and a hint of frustration.

"I've been incredibly busy with the new company, Sarah. There's so much to do. But I'm fine, really."

"Can we meet? Maybe for lunch? There's a lot we need to discuss," Sarah suggested, trying to keep the conversation light.

Ade hesitated, knowing his schedule was packed. "I can meet, but it'll have to be quick. How about the café near the community center at 1 PM?"

"Perfect. See you then," Sarah agreed, hanging up the phone.


Later at the café, Sarah arrived early and chose a table by the window. She watched the bustling street outside, her mind racing with thoughts of the recent developments. When Ade walked in, he looked slightly stressed but determined.

"Ade, over here," Sarah called, waving him over.

Ade smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Hey, Sarah."

They ordered their drinks and settled into a conversation.

"Ade, we miss you at the community center. Are you sure this is what you want?" Sarah asked gently, looking directly into his eyes.

Ade sighed. "Sarah, this is something I need to do. I've always felt overshadowed by Ayo. This is my chance to build something of my own."

"But we're a team, Ade. You know Ayo never intended to overshadow you. We've achieved so much together," Sarah reasoned, her voice soft but firm.

Ade shook his head. "I know, but I need to step out of that shadow. I need to prove to myself that I can do this."

Sarah reached out and touched his hand. "I understand. Just remember, we're here for you, no matter what."

Ade looked at her, his expression softening. "Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate that."

"Sarah, please come work for me as partners I mean, your skills will be very useful." Ade said.

Sarah withdraw her hand, was shocked with what she just heard. "Ade am sorry you know it's not going to happen. I have been with Ayo ever since I can remember and I can just leave him now nor ever.


Meanwhile, at the community center, Ayo was deep in thought When his phone buzzed with a text from Sarah. "Meseting Ade at 1 PM. Will update you afterward."


Back at his new office, Ade returned to his tasks after his lunch with Sarah. He had a meeting with Mr. Michael to discuss the next phase of the setup.

"How's everything going?" Mr. Michael asked as Ade walked into his office.

"It's progressing. We've got a great team coming together," Ade replied, though his mind lingered on his conversation with Sarah.

"Good. Remember, the investors are expecting results. Don't let personal feelings get in the way," Mr. Michael advised, his tone firm.

Ade nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. "I won't. I'm focused on making this a success."


That evening, Sarah updated Ayo on her meeting with Ade.

"He seems determined to do this on his own," Sarah said, sitting down in Ayo's office.

Ayo sighed. "I wish he would understand that we're stronger together. But we have to respect his decision."

"Yes, but we also need to stay vigilant. The board members in prison are likely behind this. They're using Ade to distract us," Sarah cautioned.

Ayo nodded. "We need to protect the community center and stay focused on our mission. Let's make sure our team is prepared for anything."


In the prison, the convicted board members gathered, confident that their plans were progressing.

"How's our pawn doing?" Obinna asked, a smirk on his face.

"He's setting up his new company as planned. It's only a matter of time before the rivalry creates enough distraction," Chika replied.

"Good. Once they're sufficiently weakened, we'll strike. They won't see it coming," Kunle added, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Little did they know, a new ally was already in place, ready to counter their every move. The battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.