
From Nothing To Godhood

Finding myself with my mind cleared as thoughts that I never imagined could be my own. I open my eyes in a soft bed My mind cracked as I went over my memories My brother Isekai'ed me and gave me a lot I do not own anything The MC will seem a bit immature/dumb at the beginning which is due to his previous mental disability. He will get smarter later on as well as improve his thought process over time

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Grimm Reminder Chp 7


("Should we intervene?") I ask Ddraig

("Maybe, after all, we had no idea that they would be so attracted to your aura") Answers Ddraig as I look on at the people evacuating from the city

I can feel the guilt start to eat me up inside

"Damn it," I say to myself as I jump down

My Aura gave me a boost in agility, strength, and a boost to my defensive capabilities

I read that armor and weapons can be enhanced with it

Time to test it out I guess

I land on top of a Beowolf killing it by squashing its head

I bring out a fully loaded shotgun enhance it with Aura and begin to shoot the Grimm

It turns a Beowolf into a small dark cloud

I look down at the Shotgun and slightly shake my head as I focus on the rest

("Aura is definitely proving its worth") I tell Ddraig as I continue to kill Grimm

Honestly, they are not much of an issue

The real problem is their sheer number and actual adaptative capabilities

I read in one of the books that I pretty much skimmed through that Grimm couldn't handle artic type weather or even desert weather, however, over time they began to adapt

They adapted to their environments

If the theories Ddraig and I came up with in that they are magical constructs with several spells/enchantments weaved into them

It might be possible to replicate this adaptive magic for myself

But, I am still far away from being able to do something like that

I dodge a Nevermore Grimm and blast it with shotgun shells

I place my shotgun back in the Gate and pull out another one

"My ears freaking hurt right now," I comment as I am shooting a lot

("We may have to get out of here,") Says Ddraig

("What, I mean...")

("They are being attracted to your Aura, from the looks of it they won't stop until they get you,") He says and I want to scream at this point

I wanted to learn how to make my own mecha-shift weapon

I wanted to learn how to fight properly but I guess at this point everything has gone to shit

("Where should we go next?") I ask him after killing a few more Grimm

("We should probably go back to the Safe World,") He answers and I agree as much as I have enjoyed talking with others, I am too much of a danger to everyone in this world right now

After killing the Grimm in my immediate area, open a portal and go through it

I sigh as I go inside a camper that I brought out and lay down on the bed completely disappointed at how it all went down

"That was a total clusterfuck," I say while thinking back to my aura

It has definitely improved my agility allowing me to move in ways no normal human could ever dream off

Even before I couldn't move with such agility before

("You should take a look at your magic") Ddraig tells me and I do and I am rather surprised at what I feel

My Magicka reserves are bigger

It increased by about half

"That's something," I say while I lay back down and go to sleep not even bothering with my hunger


"SULEYK SIL TUZ," I shout and an ethereal blue and golden blade appears in my right hand

This is something that I have been practicing on

If Miraak was able to make his dragon aspect shout to form armor, Can I not make it into a weapon

The answer is yes

In the elder scrolls universe, there is something called Sword Singing

What Ddraig and I have been able to accomplish is cheating my way around all of the studying and training required although...

I may need to train some more, either I get some Dragon Souls as the Soul Blade is rather weak right now

I can hardly even call it a blade as even when I use all three shouts it is barely able to chop wood

I sigh as I let it fall from my hand and it instantly turns into energy and goes back into me

Breaking the blade has the same effect as if I broke my own aura

I have been training on resisting the after effect of my aura breaking but I still get exhausted after it does

Breaking the soul blade has no actual effect on me aside from not being able to use it for an hour but that doesn't really matter now

("The Soul Blade may actually increase in power if you were to absorb some dragon souls,") Ddraig reminded me as I begin to think about my chakra and how I can finally stick to walls

For a full 4 minutes

("That probably has to do with the part of my body that is turning into a dragon though,") I tell Ddraig

("From what your memories show it is very likely the case. The world where Chakra comes from lineage does have an impact on Chakra. Taking the parts of your body that are turning into that of a dragon specifically similar to mine. Your overall Chakra will increase by its own alongside training,") Ddraig interrupts my thoughts and I agree with him but I am still thinking about a world to go to

Right now, I am thinking about Naruto, Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson, possibly Fairy Tail

The only question is which one do I go to