
Samba was Matreated by her step mother

Chapter 10: Samba was Matreated by her step mother.

Mr. Jack received a letter from his company requesting him to travel to Kaduna for a work assignment.

And he promised his children again that when he comes back for the trip he would buy gift for the person that took first in class.

Few days after, he travelled.

Then Angelina was driven by jealousy, devised a plan to ensure Samba would not have time to focus on her studies.

So anytime Samba got home she would asked her to clean all the house and come to her shop and make her busy through out the day. But she always force her child, Joy to read her book.

When Samba noticed the unfair treatment, she voiced her concerns to Angelina, expressing her desire to study alongside her sister.

However, Angelina remained indifferent to Samba's plea, intent on maintaining the imbalanced dynamic.

But when Samba got to school she informed one of her friend, Hannah, that her step mother didn't allowed her to go through her books again.

And Hannah advice her use her phone

to record all what their teacher is teaching them.

Following Hannah's recommendations, Samba began recording her teachers' lessons and used her phone to review the material during breaks and late at night.

This resourcefulness allowed Samba to stay on top of her studies despite her stepmother's efforts to undermine her success.

She determined not to be deterred by Angelina's unfair treatment.

Samba forged ahead, finding strength in her friendship with Hannah and the belief that her hard work would pay off in the end.


As the term came to an end, the school held its final exams.

Joy, seeking a competitive edge, obtained a so-called "magic pen" from a friend, hoping it would improve her performance.

During the examination period, Joy sitted with a young boy whose name was Andrew.

Andrew was drinking Pepsi mixed with alcohol before the exam script was shared.

Joy asked Andrew to give her from the drinks not knowing that Andrew had already mixed it with alcohol and she drank from it.

Few minutes later the script was shared and they all began to write.

As they were writing the teacher went out of the classroom and Joy fill like sleeping, she try to control herself but she slept off unknowingly.

Five minutes before the end of the exam the teacher came in and found Joy sleeping, then she woke her up.

"Joy what happened to you didn't you sleep in the midnight?"

"No ma, I slept."

"Alright continue with your exam."

Few minutes later, the exam ended. Joy fill sad because she didn't finish up.

Samba, on the other hand, continued to excel in her studies, earning first position despite Angelina's attempts to interfere.

Surprised by Samba's unwavering success, Angelina was left wondering how Samba managed to perform so well under the circumstances.

When Mr. Jack returned from his trip, he discovered the girls' results and expressed disappointment in Joy's performance.

"Joy why didn't you make perform well in your class? I told both of you that I will surprise you with gift and you didn't even Improve. I made the promised so that you could work hard but you disappoint me."

"Am sorry sir next time I will try my best."

"Sorry for your self, if you like be Jealous of your sister I will make sure I fulfil my promise and don't fill bad and make sure you try your best next time."

"Ok sir."

The next day Mr. Jack took Samba out for shooping and she bought clothes and shoes.

"Dad please let's buy for Joy also."

"Alright I will buy only one dress for her and a shoe."

"Ok sir."

Afterward, he opened a bank account for Samba and deposited 5k into it so as to make her happy.

Joy was curious about her sister success, she questioned her about how she was able to make it without reading and Samba didn't tell her the secret behind it.

"I just put my mind in what they thought me in school and I was able to remember everything they thought me and I made it."

Joy, acknowledging her sister's hard work, promised to try harder in the future.


Mr. Jack received a letter from his company requesting him to travel abroad for work.

Soon after, he embarked on a journey to the United States, leaving Angelina in charge of the household.

Without Mr. Jack's presence, Angelina's mistreatment of Samba escalated.

Samba was burdened with endless chores while Joy led a life of leisure. Any complaints from Samba resulted in Angelina withholding food.

One day, Angelina left the house and forgot her purse at home, realizing it only after she had gone a short distance.

And She went back home, she couldn't see her pulse where she had kept it.

Then she asked Samba and Joy about her missing pulse.

Both Samba and Joy denied any knowledge of the missing pulse.

As they searched the house, Joy, who had taken the money and hidden the purse in her bag, quickly became nervous.

Then she went to her room and brought out the pulse she removed the money in the pulse and kept it inside her bag, then she went to put the empty pulse in Samba's bag

Directing her mother to search their room, and they found the purse inside Samba's bag.

And Angelina opened the pulse and didn't see any money.

Despite Samba's protests of innocence Angelina accused her of stealing.

"What? Samba, you stole my money."

Samba was surprised for seeing the pulse in her bag.

"I didn't steal your money, I don't know how the pulse got inside my bag."

"Shut up your mouth you lier, now where is the money I kept inside the pulse?"

"Mum I am not the one that take your money."

"Samba! Is it because of the punishment I gave to you yesterday? and you wanted to take revenge."

"No ma believe me I can't take your money."

"You this Idiot, if you don't give me the money back I will make sure I didn't give you money for food in the morning and afternoon, so you have to fast for fourteen days."

"I am not the one."

Angelina gave her a hot slap. "Shut up your mouth and don't make me angry, you will see what I will do to you if I don't see that money." She said and left.

The second day, Samba went to school and told her friend, Hannah about what happened to her yesterday.