
Angelina was sent free

7 Chapter 7: Angelina Was Set Free

In the evening, Angelina and Mr. Jack visited the prophet to update him on the situation.

The prophet advised them to fast and pray for seven days, trusting in God's guidance.

Angelina and Mr. Jack committed themselves to the fasting and prayer, attending church everyday.

At the end of the seven days, they returned to the church to meet with the prophet.

The prophet shared a vision from the Lord, explaining, "Tomorrow evening at six, go to the beach. You will find a fisherman with a single fish. Buy that fish from him and take it home. Cut it open and inform me of anything you find inside."

Expressing their gratitude, they promised to return with news the following evening.

They then left the church.

The next day, Mr. Jack and Angelina went to the beach as instructed.

They encountered a fisherman who had caught a single fish after trying all day.

Frustrated, the fisherman was about to leave when Mr. Jack asked to buy the fish.

But the fisherman refuses to sell.

"This was the only fish I have cash for today and we needed fish at home, I want to take it home."

"Ok sir, I can understand you but how much do you want to sell it that will favor you, just tell me any amount and I will buy."

"Ok bring five thousand naira." The fisherman needed five thousand as at that time.

"Please let us buy it 4k."

"No infact am not selling again."

"Ok I will give you 5k."

Initially reluctant, the fisherman eventually agreed to sell the fish for five thousand naira.

Mr. Jack paid the fisherman, placed the fish in a bag, and returned home with Angelina.

In the kitchen, Angelina began cutting the fish while Mr. Jack was washing up.

To their surprise, they discovered a padlock and a key inside the fish.

Struggling to unlock the padlock, they called the prophet to inform him of their findings.

The prophet asked them to bring the items to the church the following day at 2:00 pm.

Eager to unravel the mystery, Mr. Jack and Angelina prepared to return to the church, unaware of what awaited them.

The second day was Wednesday, they arrived at the church before 2:00 PM and found the prophet in his office.

"Good afternoon, sir," they greeted him.

"Welcome. The Lord has already revealed to me that you will discovered a padlock in the fish. The Lord has answered your prayers," the prophet responded.

Angelina handed the padlock to the prophet, saying, "Sir, we tried to open it but couldn't."

The prophet replied, "There was a time set for the padlock to open, which is three years after it was locked. But don't worry, the Lord will guide us."

After a brief pause, the prophet continued, "I will take the padlock to the altar now and place it inside the holy water.

Then, we will pray for three hours before attempting to unlock it."

"Thank you so much, sir," Mr. Jack expressed his gratitude.

They proceeded to the altar, where the prophet immersed the padlock and key in the holy water.

The prophet rang the bell, signaling the beginning of their prayers.

For three hours, they prayed fervently, and once they concluded, the prophet retrieved the padlock and key from the water and unlocked it.

Suddenly, Angelina began experiencing labor pains.

Mr. Jack hastily took her to the hospital, where they were surprised by the absence of pain during the delivery process.

Angelina gave birth to a baby girl with ease.

Word of the miraculous, painless delivery spread, leaving people amazed by the incredible event.

They were overjoyed with their new bundle of happiness, Mr. Jack and Angelina named their baby girl Joy.


Three years passed, Mr. Jack's mother, Simbi, returned from Ghana to stay with her son.

On the second day of her arrival, Mr. Jack prepared tea for himself in the kitchen.

Simbi woke up and found him eating breakfast alone in the sitting room.

"Good morning, ma," he greeted her.

"Good morning, my dear. How was your night?" she asked.

"Fine, ma."

"Where is your wife?"

"She's still in bed."

"Still in bed at this hour? Who made the tea for you?"

"I made it myself."

"Shouldn't your wife be up early to make tea for you?"

"I didn't want to disturb her. She'll wake up soon and cook for the family."

"A good wife should be up by five. When are you leaving for work?"

"I'll leave after breakfast."

"Alright, I know what to do." Simbi said and went back to the bedroom.

Simbi quickly noticed that Angelina was a full-time housewife, jobless and only taking care of the children and home.

She did Not like the situation, she advised her son to send Angelina back to her parents.

Angelina woke up at 6:30 am and found Simbi watching television.

"Good morning, ma," she greeted her mother-in-law.

"Good morning," Simbi replied, glancing at the clock.

"Look at the time you woke up, 6:30 am! You should be awake by five, especially for Samba's sake, as he needs to go to school."

"I'm sorry, ma. I'll wake up earlier tomorrow as you advised.


"What would you like to eat ma?"

"I'd like some pap this morning."

"I'll make it for you right away." Angelina headed to the kitchen.

Later, Simbi shared her concerns with Mr. Jack, expressing disappointment that Angelina was unemployed.

She suggested that Angelina should find a job to support her husband financially.

"Mum, when the time is right, she'll open her own shop. For now, let her be, as there aren't many well-paying job opportunities for someone with her education level. Let's wait for God's intervention," Mr. Jack explained.

Simbi agreed, acknowledging the challenges of their situation.

Angelina had a disturbing dream about setbacks.

In the dream, she found herself in her school uniform, carrying her school bag, and arriving late to school.

She saw her classmates lined up to receive punishment from the principal.

Anxious about her turn, Angelina remained in line.

Simbi woke her up, "Wake up, it's 5 o'clock."

Angelina awoke and started her morning prayer.

A week later, Mr. Jack faced financial difficulties with no food in the house and six days until his next salary.

He asked Angelina to buy groceries on credit from their neighbor.

Simbi noticed this and decided to cover the costs.

Concerned about Angelina's lack of employment, Simbi discussed the matter with her son.

"Doesn't she have any skills from before your marriage?"

"She learned tailoring but hasn't completed her training," Mr. Jack replied.

"Why not send her to her parents so they can support her in finishing her training? We'll provide whatever assistance we can," Simbi suggested.

"I understand mum, I think that is a good idea."

"Ok let's call her and tell her our plan."

"Mummy Joy!" Mr. Jack raise up his voice and call her wife in.