
From NEET to Hero!

Yami, a former high school student, leads a life of leisure, avoiding work, studies, and basking in idleness. However, the tranquil rhythm of his existence undergoes an abrupt upheaval when destiny takes an unexpected turn. Without warning, he finds himself thrust into a new reality – enrolled in an exclusive all-girls school. But this institution is unlike any other; it stands as a bastion against cosmic forces threatening to consume the world. Amidst his carefree days and unburdened ways, Yami is drawn into a world of action, where his every action carries cosmic implications. The corridors of his new school echo with determination, as the girls train relentlessly to fend off celestial entities seeking to wreak havoc on the world. Yami's once-comfortable existence evolves into an epic adventure, as he navigates a sea of challenges, forging new bonds, and uncovering latent powers he never knew he possessed. As cosmic threats loom and battles against otherworldly adversaries unfold, Yami's journey takes on an anime-like flair. With courage ignited by unforeseen circumstances, he joins forces with his newfound companions, embarking on a quest that transcends his lazy past. The school's hallowed halls resonate with the clash of swords, the crackle of magic, and the camaraderie of warriors united by purpose. Yami's transformation from a listless individual to an integral part of this cosmic guardians' academy unfolds like a thrilling anime saga. Fueled by determination, camaraderie, and a newfound sense of responsibility, he embraces his role in protecting the world from the looming cosmic threat. And thus, a tale of cosmic battles, self-discovery, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship unfolds against the backdrop of an all-girls school unlike any other. Plus... there are titties :)

LeFattyBoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


I gazed up at the ceiling, my mind replaying all the events that had transpired. An unrequested box had arrived, containing a uniform and an acceptance letter. Mother had decided to reshape my life, deeming me a useless son, and shipped me off to Boreal Hill High.

This school, exclusively for females (well, until I came along), was intended to cultivate magical abilities. It was believed that only women possessed an innate talent for magic, yet I, as a man, also found myself capable of wielding its power.

The reason for my current disenchantment with life was beyond belief. Mother had forced me into the school's dorm against my will, relocating all my belongings to my new room. A disappointed sigh escaped me; I was clearly not thrilled about this.

Adjusting my arms behind my head, I sought comfort on the coarse bed, already missing my old one. The high school was presently undergoing maintenance due to a recent raid by a group called Taiken. As much as I was curious about them – their origins, purpose, and goals – my immediate priority was avenging my father's death. I recognized the necessity of honing my newfound magical abilities through training, both physically and mentally. Could meditation play a role as well?

My determination surged, my eyes reflecting my resolve. Staying in bed wouldn't resolve my queries, so I let my legs guide me to the door. Upon stepping out, I was met with an unexpectedly familiar face.

"Shizue?" I winced as her gaze locked onto mine.

She was a petite, red-haired beauty, her expression transitioning from surprise to confusion, even leading her to unintentionally spit while talking.


"Yeah, it's as surprising to me as it is to you. Oh, and hello," I greeted her.

Though I yearned to retort her accusation of me being a pervert, I recognized that her personality would prevent her from altering her perception of my accidental intrusion – apparently catching her while she was showering outdoors. I mentally chuckled, recalling her petite frame.

My attention was drawn to an intriguing object in her hand: a key adorned with the number 005.

'Oh dear…'

"So, you're my neighbor. Great!"

"What?! You live there?!" Complex emotions danced across her face, accompanied by a timid blush.

It seemed that she was as easy to read as an open book.

"By the looks of it, you'd prefer me to leave, right? I mean, why would a man like me invade your territory?" My words held a customary glare.

"You don't like me, and I don't like you. But help me with something," Shizue's irritated pout was reminiscent of a child throwing a tantrum – an unexpected reaction to my comment. Was this not what she wanted?

"Err... can you assist me in convincing my mother to let me return to my previous apartment?" I pleaded, clasping my hands together in a begging gesture. "Please..."

"Humph." She folded her arms and turned away with a dramatic exit, slamming the door behind her. She was certainly putting up a façade of indifference.

"Humph?" I echoed her sassy response, confusion tugging at my thoughts. Her abrupt reaction left me with a question mark hanging over my head and an inability to decipher her intentions. All I'd done was help her get dressed!

After a brief silence, realization dawned upon me.

"Because I'm a man..." I chuckled wryly, then paused and strolled toward the balcony. "I suppose that can't be helped."

I wandered down a narrow corridor and descended a flight of stairs, revitalized by the crisp morning air and the allure of a rising sun. Birds serenading the dawn filled the air with music. How long had it been since I'd been awake at this hour? Years? Tears of joy welled up – a simple achievement that filled me with newfound enthusiasm.

It was time to train. This notion fueled my determination, igniting a fire within me. However, my enthusiasm was quickly doused by the realization that I had no clear plan on how to improve my magical abilities.

What actions could I take to enhance my magical prowess? Countless ideas from video games and manga swirled in my mind. Should I focus on physical training? Was there a way to gain experience points? Could a particular item elevate my magical capabilities? And did my emotional state play a role in my magical aptitude?

A surge of frustration washed over me – so many possibilities, yet no clear answers. Amidst my contemplation, I observed girls passing by, and suddenly, a realization struck me.

"No way..." I muttered, my heart racing. I needed to speak with Mother; otherwise…

Though speculative, a certain thought began to take root: what if I needed to fall in love with these girls?

No, it couldn't be true. I couldn't accept such an absurd notion. With a racing heart, I dashed to my mother's office, only to be met with chaos.

Her office had been reduced to rubble, and female workers were repairing the damage. Among them was a woman with glasses, holding a wooden chart covered in notes.

"Yami-san? What business brings you here?" Her icy tone bore a hint of menace.

Her air of superiority was a tad overwhelming. "I wished to speak with Mother..."

The tension in the air felt palpable as if my life hung in the balance. I could almost envision my lifeless body on the floor in her cold gaze.

I saw through her façade. With a dark grin, I replied, "Could you tell 'Mother' that I was here, waiting for her?" I intentionally emphasized the word "Mother."

A barely-contained rage seemed to explode behind me as I left the main office building. It was safe to say that the interaction had gone quite well. Whom else could I approach? Shizue was embroiled in her own tantrum.

With a new idea brewing, I pulled out my phone and checked my team: Shizue, Oharu, Katsumi, and Yuna. Weren't there supposed to be 5 girls and I? The school categorized its divisions from F to SSS, akin to a game.

The concept amused me; perhaps my gaming prowess would offer some advantages. This ranking system determined advancement through battles and battle points. Mother claimed this school was unique in that it lacked an S-class student.

This meant everyone here was far from perfect – while there were many A-class students, the power of an S-class student was said to eclipse five A-class individuals.

As for SSS, words failed me. I could only imagine such a rank was akin to godhood.

Nonetheless, perhaps communicating with my teammates held the key. I was an avid gamer, and competition drove me. Ranking up might be the catalyst for my journey.

My phone emitted a radiant glow, and an app emerged: "Inventory?" I tapped it and found numerous slots, one of which contained a katana.

"Oracle? That's its name." I selected the katana, and a prompt appeared:

"Do you wish to retrieve this item?"

I confirmed, and the katana materialized from thin air. But then...

"Gakk!" I shielded my eyes as a form began to take shape. A naked girl, or more accurately, a small loli, emerged from the inventory.

Why now? In front of so many students!

I faced a barrage of disapproving glares from the onlookers. Ouch, my reputation was taking quite a hit – not that I had much of one to begin with.

As she touched down, she struck a pose, one leg extended and arms outstretched like a scarecrow, presenting an unexpectedly cute image. I quickly reassured myself that I hadn't stolen a peek; it was as if I were arguing against an imaginary accuser.

"Hello there, Master!" She turned her attention to me, clearly curious about my blushing.


Why was everyone addressing me as "Master"?

You wish... I silently chided myself.

"Yes! You're my new Master!" She posed like an idol after uttering the forbidden word: "Master."

"Could you please put on some clothes?"


"Are we seriously asking that question right now?"

"But we're at an all-female school."

"Do I look like a girl?"

Her face morphed into an expression of disbelief, her words seemingly escaping her in the process. Her eyes bulged comically.


"You're not a girl?"

No way...

"You're not a girl?!"

My face twisted in a mix of exhaustion and confusion. Out of the blue, her small hand found mine. "Master..."

My face warmed with a pinkish hue, a combination of bashfulness and embarrassment.

"You really aren't a girl!"

I was taken aback by her unwavering persistence. I released her tiny hand and scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

"I'm a guy."


"For real, for real."

"Wow, I've never done it with a guy...."

As soon as her words left her lips, a tingle shot through my body. I suspected the girls nearby had caught wind of her misinterpretation.

"Hey, keep your voice down...you made it sound so wrong!" A torrent of emotions surged within me.

"Anyway, could you please get dressed?"

"Yes, yes! As you wish, Master."

I had to put a stop to this "Master" thing. But before I could gather the courage to address it, her body began to glow, and a charming white dress materialized around her petite frame. The dress had a puffy, white ruffle, complemented by shiny loafers.

It was truly adorable!

Shaking off my daze, I realized something.

"Do you have a name?" I inquired, observing her head tilt in confusion.

"I'm Oracle!" She struck an idol-like pose, causing me to chuckle. She did indeed resemble a miniature idol.

"But that sounds odd!" I considered the circumstances under which my mother had handed me Oracle, given her past connection as its master.

"Did Mother ever call you anything else? A nickname, perhaps?" I glanced at Oracle, and she shook her head in a cute manner.

"Seriously, Mother? Couldn't you have given her a proper name?"

"Would you like a different name? Maybe a new one, since Oracle sounds plain and uninspiring – almost like an object."

Amai offered a smile and nodded, embracing me without hesitation. "Yes, please! I'd love to have a name."

Nervously, I swallowed. With a room full of girls giving me death stares, this could be dangerous.

"Oracle... popsicle... candy... sweet...I've got it!" I grinned, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Sato! What do you think?"

"You're terrible at naming," Oracle retorted with cold eyes.

"How rude... how about 'Amai'?"

Her eyes lit up, and she playfully swayed her head from side to side.

"Amai! I love it!" The little loli jumped with joy, her hair fluttering in the wind. She radiated a sense of cuteness and freshness, her attire matching her vibrant demeanor.

"I'm glad you like it. And if you ever want to change it, feel free to ask."

Amai waved her hand dismissively. "It's perfect! I absolutely adore that name."

With a smile on my face, I nodded. "So, umm... what exactly are you?"

"Huh? Where did that come from, Master?"

"Don't call me Master!" I coughed, slightly flustered. "I mean, how can you be a sword? I assume there's some magical mumbo-jumbo involved?"

Amai nodded and explained in her sweet voice, "Yes, indeed! I was magically engineered. My body is human, but my mind is spiritual, and my powers are cosmic."

As she spoke, I registered the influx of nonsensical information.

"So, you're basically a talking sword?"

Tap* Tap* Tap*

Her tiny hands tapped my chest menacingly, though it lacked the strength to be truly menacing. It was more like a small child throwing a tantrum.

Oh, wait...

"I'm special! You meanie!"

She continued her aggressive outburst.

'You're definitely special.' A grin played on my lips as I adopted a more menacing tone. "Alright then, tell me, what makes you so special?"

My question landed like an arrow, draining color from her face. "I don't know…" Her voice resonated with realization.

Oops... I had inadvertently dampened her spirits.

"You're so mean, Master... no wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

I couldn't help but retort as Amai concluded her sentence. What the heck? Now she was launching verbal attacks at me?

I nearly blacked out. The assault hit me in my innermost being.


I felt tears welling up. "You're mean too..."

But, I needed to refocus on my objective: becoming stronger.

Maybe I could glean some information from this special talking sword. She might know at least something...

"I don't know."

Exasperated, I sighed deeply and slumped my shoulders.

'This might be more challenging than I anticipated.'