
Chapter 114: Challenge_1

Translator: 549690339

"Thud, thud, thud!"

Intimidated by Li Pin's Fist Will, Gu Haoran was shocked into retreating four steps.

The terror on his face was clear for everyone to see.

For a moment, the cheers of "Brother, you're awesome" from numerous fans quickly died down.

"Martial Master Li, the competition has ended. Please do not disrupt the award ceremony," the host hastily tried to maintain order.

However, Li Pin didn't even glance at him. He stared at Gu Haoran and demanded, "Answer me!"

"Li Pin, you..."

Gu Haoran's face changed multiple times, but under Li Pin's intimidating gaze, he faltered.

He knew very well that Li Pin hadn't beaten Zhou Chaoguang because Zhou had gone easy on him. In fact, he had even staged a one-man double kill against him and Zhou Chaoguang under the pressure from Han Li.

This kind of strength...

If given more time to fully complete Astral Cultivation, he thought he might have a chance to defeat Li Pin while he was unprepared.