
" Can I do it?"

" Stay! No matter how tough it is, I need those shoulder to support me"

- Unknown

Elisa POV

He stood there; face red as an over-ripe tomato, eyes peering meanly, fist clenched so tightly that his blue veins screamed to be released and hard staring eyes. He was really furious, I have seen him furious but not to that point where he looked like he was about to erupt. His eyes was glued on our clasped hand, I stared at him and told him to calm down and that I would explain him everything impeccably but there was no sign of cooling.

He slammed his fist down onto the table, with stomp as thunderous as a giant he came towards me. There was stony silence between us as I stare at him and he did to me. Before I could say anything he punched Jack vigorously. He shouted venomously, spitting with fury and rage and I could see his face contorted with furious outburst. I was scared, before any unimaginable damage could be done; I held Sam on his waist and dragged him away from Jack.

Jack looked horrendous, his left eye was swollen and there was blood dripping from his mouth. He had some cut on his left cheek and pain engulfed his face. I couldn't bear to see him so I took out my handkerchief and extended towards his mouth, before the handkerchief could reach his face I was dragged out. I tried to free myself from Sam's grip but his strength was massive. I shouted him to let me go and I would explain him everything properly, but he turned deaf ear to my struggling.

My wrist adorned with bruises and when looked from far it seemed that I was wearing a bluish bracelet. I was in pain and I really had to get away. Sam was never too dangerous as he was now and he seemed totally pissed off today. I crouched down so that he could realize that I was in pain, instead of releasing me, his hand snaked around my waist as he lifted me in bridal style. I was shocked and furious simultaneously, I shouted at him again and begged him to let me down but everything was futile.

I saw Jack lying unconscious on that rug where we hugged and expressed our affection an hour before; I couldn't do anything while being forced in his new Porsche. I just kept on banging the window with the house drifting further. I was never weak and crying was one thing I really hated, but right now I was bawling my eyes out. I have always trusted Sam knowing that he would never hurt me but right now I had second thought on my conclusion. I had to calm myself so that I could negotiate with them and let him know he can't do anything to me. This boy was far away from being gentleman; he didn't even hand me a tissue and I had to clean my tears and mucus on my sleeve.

The car came to a stop, I didn't know where I was, and the street looked abandoned with no mere presence of humans. I turned to look at him, he was really furious; he clenched his hand tightly on that steering wheel. I cleared my throat and patted on his shoulder and asked him to cool down. He seemed to be surprised by my act as he turned around and hugged me tightly.

It was not an illusion because I could hear him murmuring "sorry" to me. I pushed his chest and straighten him so that he could see me straight. I stared at him and he stared at me too. There was some silence between us until his sobs swept away those silence. Tears burst forth like water from a dam, it rolled continually down his cheek and he sobbed hard and I couldn't believe it. He held on to my bruised wrist and placed those cool kisses on it. He sobbed even harder when he saw the bruises becoming more prominent on my wrist. He just held my hand and placed it near his heart.

His heart tangoed with cacophonous sound of the "Lub" and "Dub". It was racing and beating louder and louder that I could hear it too. I daren't move and even breathe too. I was frozen to the spot; I could feel his heavy breath nearing me. Those hairs on my arms stood to attention as a militia of chills ran through me. I knew he was going to kiss me and I had to stop it. He was a dear friend and a brother to me and I couldn't imagine any more than that.As he reached nearer, I stooped my head lower so that I could avoid that intimacy. He sensed my discomfort as he backed away and continued to drive down that lonely lane.

The road was a black ribbon with white strip in the middle stretching limitless. It was straight without any bend; the road was illuminated with the faint light from the moon and the semi darkness gave an eerie feeling. Trees aligned themselves symmetrically as they stood closer to each other without letting a drop of light to escape. They stood straight guarding the door from foreign element. Cars were there waiting for their owner who will never come. The road was endless and stretched far beyond infinity.

After what seems an eon we reached near a large metallic gate, lion statue stood on both end picketing the gate from uninvited guest. The gate had the sign which was really unique. It spelled, "A ministering angel shall my sister be". The wording was unique and it grabbed my attention. I turned towards Sam asked him about it, he just ignored it as we moved towards the gate.

With a loud sound of "Bib" the gate welcomed us; he smoothly drove through the gate and we headed towards a small wooden house. The house was deeply hidden away from all the off-putting global warming surrounding the world. The wooden pillar was erected straight and strongly avoided the house from collapsing. The house was of two storeys and it had a small balcony adjacent to its main door. Surrounding the front yard was a small man-made pond with variety of fish swimming freely. It was magnificent.

Small wooden table with two chairs welcomed us as I proceeded towards the main door. The house had the perfect homey ambiance as it was neither too luxurious nor too out dated. It was just perfect and mesmerizing.The lounge room was more beautiful than what I imagined. The furniture was rustic and dark, cushion of various color splattered on it. There was a large round table filling up the center piece of the room and the walls had more photograph than paints. Each of them was of happy memories of his family, smiling Sam and newly born Sam learning to walk. I moved around following the milestones of photographs when I came through an old picture.

Her golden skin perfectly complemented those dark curly hair flowing smoothly over her shoulder. Her mud brown eyes radiated maturity and understanding. Her smile was much dazzling comparing to those peach flowers behind her. The flowery dress well sculpted her lean figure as she stood posing for this picture. She was just too mesmerizing and gorgeous. Beneath that photo a word read, "To you and always you." It was a beautiful picture of a beautiful person and it made me wonder who she was but I didn't had the courage to ask Sam about it.

I moved away from that picture and walked through the corridor searching for Sam. He was there with his usual demeanor; there was no evidence of previous sobbing and outburst. I headed towards the dining room; it was average in size with 6 chair placed opposite to each other with a wooded table in middle. He gestured me to sit right beside him and various food was presented in front of us. He explained me each and every food presented in front as I listened silently and intently to him. With those furiousness gone, he looked much adorable and friendly. He talked endlessly about this house and how important it was. This hidden house was built in memory of his aunt who loved nature and serenity. It was built so that all her belonging and memories were preserved to live forever. I came to know that picture was of his aunt; he had never seen his aunt except for the picture and this place was his solitude which allowed him to think things thoroughly.

The food was very tasty and it just felt heaven. Everything was of high grade and it was just too splendid. After that dinner, Sam asked me to follow him. A tall figure followed by a small figure headed towards a bench.We sat there admiring the star above. The star was sprinkled all over that dark sky, illuminating and eliminating the loneliness of the sky. I was lost on that limitless sky when I felt a cool hand holding mine. He looked right through me with those loving gaze and I didn't miss those yearning gesture. I couldn't accept those yearning and love; I loved him as friend and a brother that I never had. He was special to me and I couldn't take the risk to lose him. He had always been my side and I had to tell him about my relation and my thought on him so that he could move further but how was I going to reject without hurting him?

Hope you all are doing fit and dope!!

Take care and always be happy

Rintatocreators' thoughts