


I had a great month as the fiancée of the shun family son it was an amazing moment in my live. cara was fire when she tried to poison me and she was arrested but some thing felt in complete,maybe it was my past,I walked up to Andrew to tell him about my family because he nothing about them,knock knock ,come in,I slowly open the door, lily you're here,how are you,Andrew asked, Andrew I want to talk about my family. well it started when my mom was sick and in her death bed she told me about my twin sister and father, my father was my mother university crush,and he loves her to bits but his parent didn't like my mother family background because she was poor, so they cut my father allowance and threaten to disown him of their life and property, so because of greed my father left my mother with his baby,as rumors spread and people said that he should take one of the child, he came to my mother and forcefully took my twin sister, just to safe his reputation, and left my mother with me ,because of this I hate my father but my sister she's still with them I want to see her,I embrace her,talk to her and share my happiness with her. years dropped from my eyes and I hugged him tight for a moment before filling dizzy and fainted.

I woke up in the hospital and saw a girl who looks like me but much more pale,Lilian she called my name,Vivian, is it you what happened you look pale and thin,step mom did this and dad didn't care. sorry,I'm so sorry I didn't look for you, I said as tears fall from my face,its okay don't stress your self and your baby Vivian said, what my baby ,yes your pregnant lily ,ready to be a big sister ,a wife and a mother,I took a deep breathe and say of course.