
From Magical Girl to Super-Hero: MHA fanfiction

Disclaimer! : I do not own any of the characters (except the MC) or universes that may appear in this novel. Shiro once lived as a side character in madoka magica, but thanks to her smart and twisted mind, she discovered how to overcome her boundaries as a simple character of an anime universe, and she's now on a journey, not to godhood, nor to power, but to entertainment through every anime world until she finds something truly interesting, something that will keep her interested until the end... That's my first novel, so please don't be too harsh... And, well, don't hesitate to give ideas or to show me flaws in my story, I'd be glad to correct myself thanks to you! P. S. : I really don't like cultivation things from corean stories, and i don't really understand it either, so there won't be cultivation here, sorry...

YaozWriter · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Grant me my Wish!

"Now, Grant my wish, Incubator!"

The little girl shouted those words with determination, her white hair floating in the wind.

"Do you really plan on becoming a god, Shiro?", answered the white creature, whose white fur was tainted in blood.


5 hours earlier...

Shiro just got back from school when she heard her phone ringing.

"Hello?" as she answered, she saw it. That cat-like creature she thought was cute, when she didn't know its true nature. It was on the other side of the window, staring at her, its head tilted on the right side.

Just the sight of it made her want to puke. But that wasn't the problem.

"Sorry, what did you say?

-you really don't listen to anything, do you?" said Sayaka as she sighed and repeated for the third time "I was telling you that the Walpurgis Nacht is coming, so, if you're not making a wish, please flee before it's to late!"

"Sayaka, i can't do that, what if you need me, or my wish, during the fight?!"

-"Shiro, you don't have power, weapons or any mean to fight it! How are you even gonna protect yourself?"

At a loss for word, Shiro could only sigh and yield "All right, I'm not going to fight, but there's no way i'm leaving the town, i'll just stay with other normal people, with kyubei not too far, so I can save you in case things go south, ok?"

"-Sigh~ do as you please, i won't fight with you animore..." finally said Sayaka before she hung up the phone.

Of course, Shiro was scared, but how could she just flee when her friends were risking their lives?

She wasn't just a good person, Shiro, like most of people, just thought at what she would lose more than her friendship with the others, because if they died, the already half-broken her wouldn't last long on her own.

Shiro used to be a shut in before discovering puella magis, witches and incubators, and, because at that time she didn't value her life, she just continued searching those, and eventually made friends among the puella magis. Even though she thought of the puella magis as disposable pawns, she couldn't let her precious toys break by themselves, could she?

As she was thinking of a plan to avoid useless casualties, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, you could see big menacing clouds at the edge of the town, which were not clouds but the Walpurgis Nacht in disguise.

Knowing what was happening, Shiro wasn't surprised when she was evacuated to a shelter to wait for the "storm" to fade.

She looked around her, only to see civilians, but no signs of her pa-friends nor of incubator.

So she had to dirty her hands in the end, huh? She thought with a sigh.

She got discretly out of the shelter, only to see madoka make her wish.

Shiro watched in amazement as madoka changed reality itself.

At that time, as she heard madoka's wish, she thought "Well, seems like this world won't have anything to untertain me with for a while, huh?"

And she understood.

What she wanted, to go to another world, was but a wishful thinking, but didn't she have something that could transform wishful thoughts in reality.

" INCUBATOR! " She shouted."Come, i've decided on my wish!" she added.

Hearing that, kyubei's ears wiggled as he approached Shiro.

"I wanna be able to control anyones thoughts, mind or even body at will!" said the determined teen.

"Now, Grant my wish, Incubator!"