
From Loser to Goddess: A Xianxia Story

Lin Feng was a miserable man who had nothing going for him. He was 31 years old, unemployed, single, friendless, and living with his nagging parents. His only escape was playing MMORPG games, where he could create his own characters and explore fantasy worlds. He was thrilled when he heard about Land of Immortality, a new MMORPG that promised to be the most realistic and immersive game ever. He bought the game and spent a whole day creating his dream girl. He named her Qing Yu Xue, meaning Azure Jade Snow. She was the epitome of beauty and perfection. But something went wrong when he started the game. He felt a jolt of pain in his head and passed out. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was in a cave with a lake. He looked at his reflection and realized that he had become Qing Yu Xue.

boredape_3499 · Eastern
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5 Chs

Land of Immortality

At the ripe age of 31, Lin Feng carried an infectious energy as he returned home, anticipation burning in his eyes. Today was finally the day, the release of Land of Immortality, the much-awaited MMORPG sensation.

In the heart of their home, Lin Feng's parents, Lin Zhi and Wu Xinyi, noticed their son's animated spirits. Mixed feelings welled up in them, dismay intertwining with concern as they watched their unemployed son, nearly mid-thirties, surrender to his gaming addiction.

Lin Zhi lamented under his breath, comparing Lin Feng with his successful ex-classmate, "How long will he drown in these games? He needs to be responsible, start earning... Look at Wang, already a millionaire…"

Wu Xinyi silenced her husband quickly, fearing Lin Feng might overhear their conversation.

Although accustomed to their criticism, Lin Feng's heart sank. He yearned for their understanding; he sought not wealth or fame but an escape—a sanctuary within his fantasy world.

Upon entering his room, the dense smell of loneliness—laden with the acrid stink of sweat and semen—engulfed him. He sighed at the sight of his soiled sheets, discarded tissues bearing the evidence of his lonely nights. He thought to remind his mother that she hadn't cleaned it for weeks, but for now, he chose to ignore the mess.

With an eager heart, Lin Feng brought his computer to life, installing his long-awaited game, Land of Immortality. His love for female characters had him longing to mold one for himself once again.

Through every piece of the game that he soaked up with his senses, he fulfilled his unmet desires—the confidante he craved, the lovers he lacked; all splashed with hues of fantasies that made him smile.

Being devoid of the touch of a woman didn't wound him anymore, especially when he could invent his own in the world he embraced. Infusing their essence into him, he coveted them as his virtual companions.

Tonight, Lin Feng Tonight, he had decided to splurge on Exquisite Treasure Boxes that could improve his character's Talents, Physique, Bones, and Bloodline.

Lin Feng gazed at the character creation screen and felt a surge of anticipation.

Name: None

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Talents (0/6): Not selected

Physique: Not selected

Bones: Not selected

Bloodline: Not selected

Lin Feng had been saving up for months, and even stole some money from his parents, to buy 1000 Exquisite Treasure Boxes. He hoped to get some rare and powerful talents for his character.

"I have more than $2000, maybe I can get something of the Immortal Grade." Lin Feng whispered to himself.

In Land of Immortality, talents were divided into six grades: Mortal, Spirit, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, and Eternal. The higher the grade, the more amazing the talent.

Lin Feng knew that getting a Eternal Grade talent with only $2000 was almost impossible. His chances were less than 1%.

He bought 1000 Exquisite Treasure Boxes and opened them all at once.

• Obtained Innate Spiritual Sense (Spirit Grade) [Talent]

• Obtained Elemental Affinity (Spirit Grade) [Talent]

• Obtained Martial Spirit (Mortal Grade) [Talent]

• Obtained Sword Prodigy (Earth Grade) [Talent]


• Obtained Alchemy Emperor's Eye (Heaven Grade) [Talent]


• Obtained Weightless Steps (Earth Grade) [Talent]

• Obtained Medicinal Hand (Mortal Grade) [Talent]

• Obtained Fast Rejuvenation (Earth Grade) [Talent]


• Formation Emperor's Mind (Heaven Grade) [Talent]

"What the fuck?! These are some awesome drops! I can make a versatile character with these talents…" Lin Feng's heart was pounding.

Lin Feng then scanned the physiques that he had obtained from the treasure boxes. He was amazed by what he saw.

• Obtained Jade Body Physique (Spirit Grade) [Physique]

• Obtained Thunder Body Physique (Spirit Grade) [Physique]


• Obtained Heavenly Fire Physique (Heaven Grade) [Physique]


• Obtained Verdant Heaven Immortal Physique (Immortal Grade) [Physique]

Lin Feng couldn't believe his luck. He had gotten an Immortal Grade Physique, and not just any one, but the Verdant Heaven Immortal Physique!

He knew that this physique was rumored to be one of the best in the game. It could create a world inside his character's body, where he could nurture all kinds of lifeforms.

He shouted in excitement, "The Verdant Heaven Immortal Physique, no fucking way! If I can cultivate my physique to the World Stage, I can create a paradise inside me!"

Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt a surge of excitement. He still had to check his bones and bloodlines. He hoped they were as good as his physique.

He was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.

He had gotten the Heavenly Inscription Bones, which were of the Immortal Grade, and the Wind Spirit Bloodline, which was of the Heaven Grade. These were both very useful for his character.

The Heavenly Inscription Bones could inscribe powerful formations on his bones, enhancing his defense and offense.

The Wind Spirit Bloodline could give him speed and agility, as well as control over the wind element.

Lin Feng exclaimed "Holy cow! I'm on a roll today, I must have kissed a pile of shit!"

He glanced at his inventory and noticed that he had one more Exquisite Treasure Box left. He must have miscounted when he bought them. He shrugged and decided to open it as well.

• Obtained Fiery Body Physique (Mortal Grade) [Physique]


• Obtained Enchant the Heaven and Earth (Eternal Grade) [Talent]

Lin Feng's eyes popped out when he saw that he had obtained a Eternal Grade talent. He knew that this was the highest grade possible in the game. He eagerly checked its description and was shocked.

[Enchant the Heaven and Earth (Eternal Grade)]

[Description: Inspire the Art and Poetry. Bloom the Flowers and Trees. Sway the Heart and Mind. Shine the Stars and Clouds. Charm the Sun and Moon.

Known for endowing the wielder with a celestial allure that surpasses the Heavenly Dao, this talent manifests itself in the user's appearance, demeanor, and aura in such a way that all creation from Heaven to Earth is swayed, spellbound, and compelled to yield.]

Lin Feng felt a surge of anger and frustration. He smashed his fist on the desk. "What the hell is this crap? It doesn't give me any stats at all! I thought that a Eternal Grade talent would be awesome…"

Lin Feng was extremely disappointed, but he didn't want to waste such a rare talent. He groaned and decided to use it anyway.

Name: None

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Talents (6/6):

• Sword Prodigy (Earth Grade)

• Formation Emperor's Mind (Heaven Grade)

• Alchemy Emperor's Eye (Heaven Grade)

• Steps like the Wind (Earth Grade)

• Fast Rejuvenation (Earth Grade)

• Enchant the Heaven and Earth (Eternal Grade)

Physique: Verdant Heaven Immortal Physique (Immortal Grade)

Bones: Heavenly Inscription Bones (Immortal Grade)

Bloodline: Wind Spirit Bloodline (Heaven Grade)

Lin Feng had finished choosing everything, except for the most important part… the appearance of his character. He wanted to create the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, a girl that would make his heart race and his pants tight.

He spent 24 hours tweaking every detail of his character's face and body, until he was satisfied with the result. He named her Qing Yu Xue, meaning Azure Jade Snow.

Qing Yu Xue was a mesmerizing beauty of 165 centimeters—her figure endowed with a slender elegance and precisely sculpted curves that sat at the cusp of divine perfection.

The lush fullness of her bosom and alluring roundness of her butt were enticing, neither excessive nor inadequate, maintaining a perfect balance.

A flawless canvas of porcelain skin, her complexion was fair and pristine, graced with a tender blush of pink. Her countenance was an immaculate façade, featuring delicate features and mesmerizing green eyes that glowed with an emerald brilliance.

A cascade of snowy, silken strands flowed gracefully down her back, reminiscent of a serene waterfall.

Lin Feng felt his mouth go dry and his crotch go hard when he saw the character he had created. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her…

Lin Feng drooled as he clicked on the start button.

Lin Feng was about to enter Land of Immortality with his dream girl, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. He collapsed and lost consciousness.

He didn't know how long he was out, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark and damp cave.

"Where the hell am I? I was in my room, ready to start my adventure with my gorgeous Qing Yu Xue…" Lin Feng mumbled.

He reached for his head with his hands, and felt something was wrong. He looked at his hands and gasped.

"What the fuck?! Why are my hands so small and delicate?" Lin Feng screamed as he saw his hands.

They were not his usual large and rough hands, but rather the hands of a young and beautiful woman.

"D-don't tell me..." Lin Feng muttered as he looked towards his crotch area.

Lin Feng was astonished to see that he was wearing a dignified dress, the kind that was given by default to those with the Wind Spirit Bloodline.

It was a light green dress that draped his body well, with long sleeves and a high collar. It had intricate embroidery of flowers and vines, creating a contrast between the green fabric and the white thread. The dress looked like it belonged to a fairy princess, or a goddess of nature.

Lin Feng reached for his crotch area and felt nothing only to encounter silky, unblemished skin. He panicked and lifted his dress to check. What he saw made him scream.

There was no sign of his manhood, only a pink and moist slit that looked like a ripe peach. It was slightly parted, revealing a hint of wetness and sweetness.

Lin Feng's face flushed with arousal and embarrassment as he ran to the lake that was in the cave.

Qing Yu Xue possessed an immaculate face, adorned with refined features that exuded a magnetic allure. Her emerald eyes sparkled like precious gemstones, casting a spell upon all who dared to meet her gaze.

Cascading down her back like a gentle avalanche of snow, her lustrous white tresses called out to be caressed. And her lips, a rosy pink and imbued with innocent fullness, whispered an irresistible invitation, begging for a passionate kiss.

The water that reflected Qing Yu Xue's face suddenly sparkled with magic.

Beautiful flowers bloomed on the surface of the lake, creating a colorful and fragrant scene. Butterflies and birds flew around her reflection, singing and dancing. They seemed to be charmed by her beauty and aura.

She whispered in disbelief, "I… I really transmigrated into Land of Immortality as Qing Yu Xue…"