
From Lamb To Emperor (Naruto Fanfic)

For most people, war is a cruel thing. It could make a new widow or orphan with every passing second. But for Kenzo, War was simply an opportunity to grow and become stronger. As it should be for any other Gamer. Watch as a psychopath carves himself a name in the chaos of 3rd Shinobi War, with a unique Gamer system by his side. Sharingan!Mc, Evil!Mc, Gamer!Mc, AU.

Robs511 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

My name was... something. I knew I had one, once upon a time. Now? Now it was nothing.

Atleast I couldn't remember it. Name wasn't the only thing I found myself forgetting though. My life itself grew dim and blurry with each passing moment and there was nothing I could do about it, stuck as I was in this infinite nothingness.

My senses were all gone. I had no lips to speak, no ears to hear. No nose to smell, no skin to feel. I was merely a twinkle of consciousness in the ever silent nothingness.

I simply remembered mere flickers of my past life; a set of memories that seemed to belong to someone else. I remembered an antisocial boy of 19 who spent the last few years of his life inside his house, wasting his time in reading and reading and reading. I remembered his insecurities that he fought against; massive pride and ego, arrogance, moral complications, existential crisis...but I also remembered his strengths; smart and Cunning, great at planning, extremely aware and empathetic...and yet I was losing all of these, slowly but surely.

No body, no mind, and now my soul was being unmade as well. My Will weakened with every moment , even my thoughts slowed down with time. There was simply a sense of being, a conscious that knew I existed as I waited for the end that was sure to be coming. I could feel it within me– the ending of even this paltry consciousness that I've held on to.

It happened Suddenly. One moment I was fighting against the infinite flow of time to hold atleast a small semblance of myself together, and the next a glowing twinkle of light formed a simple few sentences in front of my conscience...

[System Prototype 03 Activating now...]

User Chosen: Human, 19

World Chosen: Shinobi World (Naruto), 21

[Initiating System...]


And then it all stopped. The infinite nothingness trying to strip me of my being, the darkness trying to flay my spirit, the silence trying to dominate my existence...

It all stopped, replaced with... something else. Something peaceful. And I found my self becoming whole once again, slowly but surely healing from my time in the Void.

Had I been able to, I would've no doubt felt extremely relieved at finally getting out of that horrid nothingness. Really, I'd never expected afterlife to be this painful. If I'd known, I would've done my best to avoid death.

Unfortunately my ability to feel seemed severely limited and...muted.

My metaphorical eyes took in the glowing letter in front of me.

'System prototype...in the world of Naruto.' Before I could actually work through the implications however, something else got my attention.

"Greetings, User." A soothing robotic voice resounded in my...mind?

Did I have a mind now?

"You do not." The robotic voice boomed in answer. "You hear me through your spirit."

Spirit...what a mysterious concept. But I understood it. Somewhat. My time in Void had made some things very clear, so it wouldn't be wrong to say I understood the concept of spirit better than any human...

...Unless everyone went through something similar upon death.

"They do not." The omnipotent voice said, seeming to know all my thoughts. "You are special. You are..."

I had the feeling the being was trying to chose it's word carefully.

"Chosen." It finished finally.

"I see."

I was startled at being able to actually hear my voice again. But I dismissed it quickly, choosing to focus on what matters. "And what am I chosen for?"

While I had some vague ideas from those glowing words, I was struggling to remember exactly what it meant.

"Life. Rebirth. Reincarnation." The voice rattled off. "You are already aware. The Chaos only stripped of you what we wished for. The concept of new life shall be within your understanding."

...And It was. Suddenly, the memories I was struggling to remember came sprawling within my focus; memories of reading all those Xianxias, reincarnation stories, fanfictions...

Yes. I was aware now.

"So, you are like some...R.O.B?"

The being didn't respond verbally but I definitely felt the spike of annoyance spreading around me.

"I am an Omnipotent being. But I'm not random!" It's answer came with a sudden crushing force that seemed to grip upon my soul, showcasing it's power and might.

Perhaps, had I been able to produce emotions, I would've cowered at it's sudden show of power.

As I was, I simply accepted the answer with an unconcerned detachment. And perhaps just a flicker of muted amusement. "I see. Who are you then?"

The show of power was quenched in an instant, and the silence once again dominated my world. Only this time, instead of being painful and horrifying, the silence was more... awkward? And hesitant? Almost like it were to be throwing a temper tantrums.

"It matters not." The voice finally responded reluctantly, a faint note of embarrassment in it's voice. "What matters to you is your life. You have been chosen to test our new system prototype. Proceed to character creation."

Once again my vision was greeted with glowing world's.


*Note: The name must be japanese

Japanese...I knew very little japanese. My memories did have some good Chinese names from all those Xianxias, but japanese was more...limited.

"Kenzo." I selected at last, choosing one of the few names that I remembered to be for japanese male.

The name screen went away and in it's place glowed a new set of words.









Character Stats–





Chakra Energy:

Chakra Control:









Elixer: 0

Emeralds: 0

'This must be my character sheet.' I concluded as I finished reading through the words. "So, am I done? Was this it?"

The void seemed to snort. "This is but the beginning."

[Select your character traits]

Soon after, a list of traits materialised in front of me, with their prices listed beside them in emeralds.

"What is an emerald?" I asked the moment my eyes fell on them.

"Elixer and Emerald are your Gamer currency." The not-R.O.B answered "You may purchase items from shop using these."

"I see." I replied, going back to the trait list.

[Positive Traits]–

Ambidextrous [-2 Emeralds]– makes user equally proficient with both hands.

*1 point to dexterity.

Heart of Gold [-3 Emeralds]– The trait will enable user to always put the needs of others before him, no matter the consequences.

*2 point to Will.

Eidetic memory [-5 Emeralds]– Aka Photographic memory, give user the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once.

*3 points to Intelligence.

Natural Leader [-5 Emeralds]– A born leader, the user will find it easy to take the position of leadership in any situation. Increased confidence, persuasion, and motivational skills.

*2 points to Will, 3 points to Charisma.

Flexible thinking [-5 Emeralds]– An outside the box thinker, the user will find it easier to solve problems with creative solutions.

*2 points to Intelligence and Wisdom.

Will of Steel [-5 Emeralds]– The user's will is unbending. Where others may give up, the user has the ability to go on relentlessly.

*5 points to Will.

Savant [-5 Emeralds]– User will have an almost prodigious talent in any one field.

*1.5X experience gain to skills in a field of user's selection, 3 points to Intelligence.

Prodigy [-7 Emeralds]– User will pick up skills and abilities much faster than others his age.

*2X experience gain to all the skills, 5 points to Intelligence.

Visionary [-8 Emeralds]– gives user an intense desire to change the world for the better.

*5 points to Wisdom, 3 points to Will.

Genius [-10 Emeralds]– User is a true genius, being able to pick up and master skills at an incredible pace.

*3X experience gain to all the skills, 8 points to Intelligence.

I finished reading through the options, but felt a muted sense of disappointment when I realised I was too poor to buy any of these. 0 was a pretty low amount, all things considered.

"Currently you have no Emeralds." The not-R.O.B helpfully stated the obvious. "You must take negative traits to gain some."

Humming, I willed the glowing words to scroll down, taking in the negative traits.

[Negative traits]–

Super Pervert [2 Emeralds]– Not just a pervert, the user shall be a super Pervert. User will develop unhealthy perverted tendencies. The effects will multiply upon entering [Puberty stage].

*-1 point from Wisdom.

Socially Awkward [3 Emeralds]– User shall find it difficult to socialize. User will experience nervousness and uncertainty when near people, making all the conversations painfully awkward.

The effect shall be multiplied when around attractive females.

*-2 points from Charisma.

Bully [3 Emeralds]– User will feel an intense need to dominate weaker peers.

Masochist [4 Emeralds]– User is aroused from pain. May it be physical or mental, User will find pleasure in harming himself.

*-3 points from Will.

Sadist [4 Emeralds]– User is aroused from causing pain. May it be physical or mental, User will find pleasure in harming others.

*-4 points from Will [If discovered].

Doormat [5 Emeralds]– A massive pushover, User will let others harm or belittle him freely. User will always let others walk over him without resistance.

*-4 points from Will, -3 points from Charisma.

Sociopath [5 Emeralds]– Antisocial and amoral, User will not care about others and act impulsively. User will also be prone to fits of rage and may try to rationalise their behaviour to avoid guilt. User may form emotional bonds but they shall be weak and shallow.

*-4 points from Will and Wisdom.

Psychopath [8 Emeralds]– Antisocial and amoral, User will not care about others and freely manipulate them for his own gain. User will always believe his actions to be justified and thus feel absolutely no guilt in harming and lying to others. User will never form emotions bonds but may manipulate others to believe he does.

Rapist [8 Emeralds]– User will find pleasure and satisfaction in sexually forcing himself on females.

*-5 points from Charisma [If discovered].

Cuckold [8 Emerald]– User will enjoy watching their partner having sex with another person.

*-5 points from Will, -6 points from Charisma.

Pedophile [10 Emeralds]– User will find pleasure in having sex with children.

*-5 points from Will, -10 points from Charisma [If discovered].

"I see." I stated as my eyes scanned through the options. "Is there no other way to gain Emeralds?"

From my memories, I could easily deduce that these negative traits would affect my life in unpleasant ways. I would rather not have to choose any of them really.

"No." The Not-random omnipotent being's answer came instantly. "Traits will be a powerful addition to your character, and thus must be balanced. You shall choose them now, before you proceed to the next stage."

"I...see." Had I a face, I would've frowned. "Will I be able to gain new ones or remove old ones in the future?"

"No." The answer came. "Unlike Perks, Traits are a permanent addition to your character. Now choose."

I scanned through the list once again, but my focus was completely on the genius trait.

I'd often wondered what it felt like to be a genius. To be so far above your peers, that you simply have no competition. To be so talented, that only your own Will limits you from achieving greatness.

Higher talent has always seemed such an unfair advantage, knowing that no matter how much hard work you put, there will always be someone who reached an even higher level without the same effort.

Now? Well, now I could be one of those unfair individuals.

The thought was extremely pleasing. Especially knowing that I was to be reborn in the world of Naruto, a world where talent played an extremely major role.


Genius [-10 Emerald]

I'll need 10 Emeralds for that. And though undesirable they may be, negative traits was the only way to gain them.

And thus, I started my shopping.

Super Pervert, socially awkward, bully, masochist, sadist, doormat, sociopath, psychopath, rapist, cuckold, and pedophile...

11 traits to choose from, and each with the potential to ruin my life in their own way.

The first thing I did, was to quickly dismiss the last four options. Even though I wasn't capable of feeling disgust, my memories were enough of a guide for me to realise that they were simply not worth it.

Maybe I would've chosen psychopath, considering it was the only trait without negative stats. But only if I had Gamer's mind, or some insurance that I would be able to hide the more visible tendencies from the public... As it was, I simply didn't wish to bother.

"Ahh," The Not-R.O.B almost purred. "But you do have Gamer's mind."

Suddenly my vision was blocked by a new window.

Gamer Skills–

Gamer's Mind (Passive)

Gamer's Body (Passive)

Well...that changes things. With Gamer's mind active, surely I would be able to control my emotions better. Perhaps I could even choose the rapist trait now, considering it's negative effects will only come alive if I was found...

No. That was a limit I shouldn't cross. And had my emotions been more active now, I have no doubt that I would not even consider the option in the first place.

Still, I needed another 2 Emeralds, and even more if I wished to purchase other positive traits. Decisions decisions...

I didn't know how much time passed when I finally made my selections. After going through all the pros and cons, I ended up choosing 4 negative traits, netting me a total of 17 Emeralds. Psychopath, Sadist, Bully, and Super pervert.

In the end, I was a prideful male. Just the sheer idea of choosing a trait like doormat or cuckold, or any other trait that lowered my self-worth, made even my limited emotions to churn in disgust.

Super Pervert was a manageable trait. Sure, my puberty may be even more hellish but with the experience and wisdom at my side, I should be able to negate that minor negative stat.

Same with Sadist. I could probably control the more impulsive tendencies due to Gamer's mind, and as long as I wasn't discovered doing anything damning, I shouldn't experience the negatives.

Bully was self explanatory, considering it was the only other stat without any negative stats.

I'd debated on choosing socially awkward, but simply couldn't bring myself to do so. I've always been a little quiet and awkward amongst others, so the idea of gaining a special trait to make the matters worse just seemed stupid.

Done with the negatives, I scrolled up the window to now do the more pleasant purchases.

There were 10 options to choose from; Ambidextrous, Heart of Gold, Eidetic Memory, Natural Leader, Flexible Thinking, Will of Steel, Savant, Prodigy, Visionary, Genius.

Of course, I selected Genius without any preamble. It doesn't matter what type of world I find myself in, Genius would always be enough to separate me from the common rabble. Though the moment I selected it, Prodigy and Savant were greyed out as an option.

That left me 7 Emeralds to select other traits.

Heart of Gold was greyed out as well, due to me choosing Psychopath. Ambidextrous was a must and only costed 2 Emeralds. That left the option of choosing one of the 5 Emeralds worth ones; Eidetic memory, Natural leader, Flexible thinking, or Will of steel.

After a bit of back and forth between the four options, I ended up choosing Eidetic memory. The advantage a perfect memory could provide was simply too high to consider anything else for too long.

"I'm done." I announced after ticking my chosen traits.

"Indeed." The voice sounded almost amused. "Now, Onto The Perks."

The list of perks appeared differently to traits, in that they weren't divided into positives and negatives. There were also dozens of them available, though I barely gave a cursory glance to most due to how minor or useless they were. Atleast, compared to the truly important that were listed further down.


Chakra Well [-3 Emeralds]– User will have enhanced amounts of Chakra.

*2X Chakra multiplier.

Chakra Freak [-5 Emeralds]– User will have surplus amounts of Chakra.

*2.5X Chakra multiplier.

Chakra Monster [-8 Emeralds]– User will have monstrous amounts of Chakra.

*3X Chakra multiplier.

Enhanced Chakra Control [-8 Emeralds]– User will have enhanced Chakra Control.

*25% to Chakra Control.

Aura of Goodness [-8 Emeralds]– An aura of positivity and goodness hangs around the user. User will attract friends and Allies much faster than normal. User will be able to easily gain the trust of others.

*6 points to Charisma, 5 points to Will.

Note: Requires the trait [Heart of Gold].

Monstrous Physique [-10 Emeralds]– User will have an extraordinary physique, increasing all of his physical stats.

*50% to Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality.




Adamantine Chains [-25]

Byakugan [-30 Emeralds]

Sharingan [-30 Emeralds]

Mokuton [-60 Emeralds]

Mangekyo Sharingan [-65 Emeralds]

Rinnegan [-100 Emeralds]

The perks abilities ranged from minor Dōjutsus to the more rare and advanced nature releases, including the ability to use Storm release, Crystal release, Lava release etc etc. But my main focus was towards the end.

I observed the last few abilities critically. The power to become a god...right in front of my eyes. And there was nothing I could do to possess it, considering I was back to being poor, with a net Emerald worth of 0.

"Have faith, User. Not all is lost." The voice boomed. "You must simply earn it, to possess it."

"Earn it...how? There are no negatives to pick here."

"Currently you cannot choose any perks. There are more ways to earn Emeralds but none are possible right now. The most common one is Quests, which will take time and effort. And of course, your presence in the physical world."

A muted sense of disappointment spread through me as it's words. "So there's no option to select any perk right now?

"There are." It mused slyly. "If you wish it."

And another list suddenly replaced the perks one.

[Origin Selection]– Select the place you wish to born in.






I barely gave it a thought before selecting Konoha. That was the place I knew most about. It would be foolish to dive into an unknown country headfirst, when I had a more predictable option.

The moment I selected Konoha, another batch of options presented themselves to me.

Clan ( )

Civilian ( )

"Both the options have scenarios that shall enable you to earn extra Emeralds." The not-R.O.B informed. "Of course, nothing is for free. You will need to pay the price... in your own way."

I clicked on the clan option first, and a new list appeared before me.


Aburame Clan

Akimichi Clan

Fūma Clan

Hatake Clan

Hōki Family

Hyūga Clan

Inuzuka Clan

Izuno Clan

Kohaku Clan

Kurama Clan

Lee Clan

Nara Clan

Onikuma Clan

Sarutobi Clan

Senju Clan

Shimura Clan

Uchiha Clan

Uzumaki Clan

Yamanaka Clan

Lower down from this list, there was a secondary bundle of options with specific conditions, and a price tag beside them.

'This is what I'm looking for.'


Random Clan Orphan (5 Emeralds)– Your parents are dead. You are the only one remaining of your family and your clan does not have time to take care of you, leading for you to be grown up neglected and unloved.

Branch Hyūga (15 Emeralds)– You are from the branch house of Hyūga family, and shall be branded with the cursed seal upon reaching your third birthday, essentially making you a servant to the main family.

Cursed Uchiha (15 Emeralds)– You are born in a family cursed with unknown disease that prevents you from unlocking the sharingan.

Lone Senju (15 Emeralds)– You are the last remaining Senju in Konoha, and your future shall be controlled and manipulated by the council to an extreme degree.

Disgraced Hatake (15 Emeralds)– The younger brother of Kakashi Hatake, User shall be born an year before the disastrous failure of Sakumo Hatake, and be blamed for the start of war, earning resentment and anger of Villagers.

After reading the last option, I quickly went back to the two main options, selecting Civilians this time.

I directly scrolled to the options that'll give me emeralds, instead of wasting times on civilian families.

Son of a Whore (10 Emeralds)– User will be born to a whore, who shall consider it a mere mistake in her profession, resulting in a less than stable childhood.

A Not-So-Happy-Family (15 Emeralds)– User will be born to an abusive, alcoholic father, leading to an extremely toxic childhood.

Root Initiate (15 Emeralds)– User will be forced into the Root program, and shall undergo extreme conditioning and brainwashing.

There were a few more options but I simply didn't bother reading through when my eyes fell upon the last one.

It was instantly eye-catching due to a reddish hue around it's name that seemed to be blinking softly.

Sacrificial Lamb (60)– User shall reincarnate in the body of a Lamb initiate, and face the evils of war from the get-go.

Warning: Alternate universe.

I had to stop myself from choosing the last one impulsively. 60 Emeralds were such a huge amount that I simply couldn't help but salivate even through my muted emotions.

But this was the matter of my future, and becoming overly greedy would be extremely foolish right now. So, I started going through it logically.

60 Emeralds was a lot...but from everything I've experienced till now, I could conclude that this system didn't give freebies. So there must be a reason for such a high price.

The most obvious was, of course, the alternate Universe warning. Instead of trying to guess, I decided to simply try asking.

"How different will this alternate universe be?"

"Oh, it shall be very similar." The Not-Rob replied, sounding almost excited. "The plot and future shall be as you would expect, so your knowledge of the world, limited though it may be, will no doubt help you survive. There will simply be some...minor changes. More logical characters perhaps, some patches to the original Plot-holes...they shouldn't affect you..."

Almost like an afterthought, and with an audible reluctance, it muttered two more words. "...Too much."

Though sceptical, I couldn't deny that it sounded a wonderful deal. Almost too good to be true, in fact.

"Why does it give so many Emeralds then?"

"A number of reasons." Not-Rob replied. "One, the system is generous, but only as long as you use it to full potential. Some paths shall grant higher rewards than others, and this is one of them. Not only will you be in an alternate universe, you shall also be reincarnated into the body of a five year old, thus sacrificing five years worth of potential development as a Gamer. Hence, the reward."

I hummed, giving a metaphorical nod.

So the question was, is 60 Emeralds worth sacrificing 5 years as a Gamer? Could I potentially earn 60 Emeralds in 5 years? While I didn't know how difficult it was to earn Emeralds, I still didn't believe so. The first 2 years of those 5 would've no doubt passed in me growing from a baby into a...more functioning baby.

Even after going through all the cons of this deal, it still felt worry it.

And so I selected it.

"Very good." The Not-Rob commented, it's robotic voice silky smooth. "Now you are free to choose perks of your liking."

The list of perks reappeared in front of me, but I didn't bother with the ones that I knew nothing about, and directly jumped to the Dōjutsus.

A shame that I missed out on Mangekyo Sharingan by a filthy 5 Emeralds. Though there was always the possibility of choosing it in the future.

"You can, of course." The voice answered my unasked question. "But the price shall be doubled once you finish with your initial character creation."

Aww, fuck.

The voice chuckled, surprising me slightly. "Finally a familiar response."

I ignored it after that, focusing on my options— Adamantine chains, Byakugan, Sharingan, or Mokuton...

I dismissed the chains after a moment of thought, followed by Byakugan. While they were definitely powerful abilities, the latter two options simply beat them in terms of battle prowess. And if I was to be dropped in the middle of a war, then personal Strength was what I must focus on.

So the true options were; Sharingan or Mokuton.

Frankly, I simply wished to select Mokuton. If only because it was a unique ability, whose mastery granted the first Hokage to be an unparalleled monster of his generation. Sharingan on the other hand, was available to the entirety of Uchiha clan...

But I knew it was simply the flickers of my remaining pride speaking out. The idea of possessing a legendary ability was tempting, but I needed to think about my choice in terms of immediate usefulness.

Afterall, as long as I survive the war, I'll be free to grow in whatever direction I like.

Logically speaking, Mokuton was an extremely idiotic choice for me. It's mastery may make me overpowered, but that will take time and patience. Something which will be a luxury in war. Sharingan on the other hand, will be incredibly useful to grow in a battlefield from the get-go, simply because it could copy other techniques.

Then was the question; how would I explain my abilities? Sharingan can be explained by me being a bastard of some random Uchiha. But what about Mokutan? A random orphan wouldn't have Hashirama's blood in his viens. I might just find myself in a laboratory before I even have a chance to grow.

No, Mokuton was too risky without any protection against those interested in it. And unfortunately, there were many who were interested in it.

But the final point in favour of Sharingan was that it was half the price of Mokutan, enabling me to select more perks.

And thus, I restarted my shopping spree...

Sharingan [-30 Emeralds]

Chakra Monster [-8 Emeralds]

Monstrous Physique [-10 Emeralds]

Sharingan, Chakra Monster, and Monstrous Physique quickly made their way into my bag, before I started looking for more specific perks.

And one of them was...

Duel Affinity [-5 Emeralds] Enables User to gain a second nature affinity.

Current: Fire, ?

"Can I change the default affinity?" I asked.

"Of course...for a price." The Not-Rob responded, amused.

Before I can verbalize my disappointment, it spoke again. "But I shall make an exception for you. Only this once, just for the potential entertainment I'm about to recieve. Proceed with your selection."

Not looking the gift horse in the mouth, I changes Fire to Wind, and selected my second affinity as Lightning.

I still had 7 Emeralds remaining after that, and for a moment I wondered if I should save them. But considering that everything will double in price, that will be a stupidly wasted opportunity.

"...Is there a perk to counter some of my... negative traits?" I asked after a moment.


The perk list reshuffled automatically, showing some useful things that gave bonus stat points. I selected what I felt was the most perfect.

Charismatic Bastard (-7 Emeralds)– User shall ooze with natural Charisma. Paired with extremely good looks, User shall find it easier to manipulate others, females in particular.

*8 points to Charisma.

"Well...am I done now?" I asked, finally finished with my perks.

"Indeed you are." The mysterious entity replied. "I would say good luck...but perhaps your bad luck will bring me more entertainment. My advice? Simply survive."

And then I was reintroduced to a familiar darkness, unknown and terrifying in its depths...but this time, mixed with an exciting wonder for the things to come.


The times of war are the most dreaded of all. Especially for those who have families. Orphans and widows are created everyday, and no clan or village can avoid it.

Two years in war, and the things were already looking bleak and depressing for Konoha. Jonin were considered absolutely indispensable, and the loss of one was taken as a massive blow to the village. Chunin, on the other hand, were the main battling force of any village. In a battlefield, a single extra Chunin could instantly shift the results in their favour, and thus the opposing villages make sure to match each other Chunin to Chunin. Often times, a battle would be so well matched in strength, that it was ultimately decided by the Genins of the village.

And that was enough of a sign for the people of Konoha to know...times were desperate.

The same could be said for other villages of course, but that matters not to the fearful and nervous populous of the village. Of course, the general populace weren't the only ones suffering.

The rest of the village may not know it, but it is also the most stressful time for the leaders of konoha– for they are pushed to the most desperate of measures to weather the storm of war.

Twice a year, the sensors of konoha search aound the entire village, scrounging for able bodied children of age 5 to 8. No clan is exempted from their search, and no child can hide from their senses.

Once the children are collected, they are divided into 3 groups. First is the clan group, made up of clan heirs and ordinary members. Second is the civilian group, made up of children from civilian side of the village. The last group is special, in that the leaders have a specific name for them– Sacrificial Lambs. The Lambs are made up of orphans and homeless, and they do not have the any choice but to comply.

These orphans and homeless are often looked on in pity, and the village leaders makes sure that they do not form any bonds or friends amongst their peers. What's the point, they say? None of them are expected to survive the war. It will only be harder to do their duty.

For they are simply that– Sacrificial Lambs, meat shields. 3 months they spend in the Konoha academy, learning special tricks to be competent distractions. Because that is all their purpose in life is.

The leaders of Konoha often finds themselves disgusted by this practice, but they cannot do anything as needs must be fulfilled. The only solace in their minds is the fact that this was all started by Kumo, and they were simply adapting to the horrors of war.

The sacrificial lambs made extremely good distractions, if trained properly. Unpleasant though it may be, even Konoha cannot afford to turn away from the truth.

One such Distraction-in-training was currently standing in line with the rest of his batch of lambs, waiting to be sorted into a team, so they may proceed to war and serve their village.

He was a beautiful child, with sharp angular face, high-cheekbones, and bring blue eyes.

His matron back in the orphanage had been quite devastated to see such a sweet and pretty child become a Lamb initiate. She'd always hoped that the child got adopted by someone. But shockingly, every parent that came into her orphanage seemed to utterly ignore the beautiful boy. And after 5 years she knew, the boy was fated to die.

But there was nothing to be done. Such was the way of life in a shinobi village.

Suddenly the said boy jerked forward, his eyes flashing white as he released a gasp. No one paid any particular attention to him, but had they looked closely, they would've seen the boy's clueless eyes suddenly gaining a sharp intelligent glint that glanced around in bewildered confusion.

No one knew it, but the fate of the world had just shifted completely.

No knew knew it...

A Reincarnator has arrived, and he's bought with him chaos.