
Chapter 56

5 Minutes Later

Naruto stepped back from his embrace with Iris and stood across from her, "You suppressed her powers." He said watching as Iris frowned and stood up straighter

"I did what I thought was best for her."

'No you did what you thought was best for you." Naruto said

"Best for me? You left me, all alone with a toddler to raise.'

'You weren't alone! Caitlin, Linda, Felicity, Cisco, and Cecile. You had people to rely on for help."

"I did the best I could, she's too much like you."

'Well that's a miracle isn't it. Seeing as you forbade her from asking questions about me. Fuck you suppressing her speed, you didnt want her to know about me that is what really gets to me. I get that you had a hard time but that is inexcusable but hey. You got that company you always dreamed about when we were kids.``

Naruto turned and sped off leaving Iris there to cry by herself

Hitting the streets Naruto ran straight ahead for a portal when a blast of heat vision hit the street in front of him before he flipped and skid to a stop and looked to see 11 figures standing across from him

"Unknown Speedster, we're going to need you to come with us to answer some questions "

The 11 figures noticed his suit and a feeling of sadness was there, "You're a fan of the Flash. So you can't be all bad come with us."

"I'll pass. Leave me alone.' Naruto said just wanting to go home, so turning to leave when he caught a wrist meant to slam into his face by a female with Wonder Woman like bracelets

"Chakra.' Naruto thought sensing the energy in her body

"Force it is then." The woman said

The other 10 figures rushed Flash who kicked woman1 in the shin and swung her around before punching her to her comrades

The woman flipped and landed on her feet and rushed him along with everyone else

Flash sped off

Running Naruto began to put his anger and frustration away and immediately he sensed the chakra signatures in each of the 11 speedsters coming for him

"He thinks he can outrun us. As if!" A man said speeding ahead and flying

"Blaze, wait!"

"I'm the son of The Flash and Power Woman, I can take him." Blaze said quickly, gaining on Flash, "Good night!"

Blaze punched at Flash who looked back and ducked the punch and punched Blaze in the chin sending him flying through a building and a car and rolling to a stop in the street

Blaze groaned as he began to get up when Flash ran through the building and destroyed car and punched him in the face again and continued to run, dragging Blaze along the street by the face when he saw the speedster on the hoverboard getting closer and he looked down when Blaze tried his heat vision, the energy charged up his suit before Flash tossed Blaze at the other kid who caught him

Naruto seeing this smirked before he saw a golden lasso about to snare him and dove through it before it could tighten around him and landed on all fours before he raced forward.

"Who is this guy?!" Man1 asked before he shot a blast of ice at Flash who released the energy he received from the heat vision attack in a dome that cancelled out the ice blast

Flash smirked as he sped forward and a speed mirage took his place while he stopped and jumped back into an alleyway

Watching as the speedsters zoomed by Flash popped out and hit the speedster on the hoverboard with a lariat

Blaze heard the impact and looked to see the speedster standing over his brother, "Velocity!" He yelled causing everyone to look and see their brother down

Flash looked up and blocked Blaze punch with his forearm that he moved as he leaned back before he grabbed Blaze's head and slammed his face into the street causing it to crack

Leaning back Flash saw a ice dagger fly in front of his face before he rolled to the side as a spiked mace slammed into the street before he saw the man with hawk wings extended protectively over Blaze and Velocity, glaring at him

"You'll pay."

Looking up Flash saw the speedsters falling toward him and he spun at a high speed and a dome of lightning appeared,


"On it.' Woman1 said as lightning screamed into existence surround her hands before she punched through the lightning dome as Flash stopped spinning and ran to the side before Fury was in front of him with her sword aimed at his chest

The sword slammed into his chest and pushed him into a building but couldn't pierce his suit,

Fury released her sword and punched Flash in the face before the sword could even fall causing the wall to crack and he retaliated with a left to her ribs, sending her rolling along the road to the left, before a Rasengan was slammed into his torso

Grunting as he was sent rocketing through the building before a spiked mace to the chin sent him up into the sky

The speedsters began to attack the airborne Flash from every direction before man1 came down knees first into Flash torso with two large ice swords

The impact into the street caused smoke to rise up as the street cratered

Man1 with his ice swords stabbed into Flash' leg and forearm smirked before his eyes widened when he was wrapped in a headlock as the Flash beneath him turned to lightning

"Close but not close enough." Flash said

"Dash!" Fury and the others yelled before they rushed Flash who slammed Dash's face into the street and shot off

Dash growled and shot after Flash

Flash rushed to the outskirts of the city and came upon his home and stopped looking it over before they all rushed him and stopped, "Get. Off. This. Property. Now." Dash growled

Flash looked to Dash and his team before his mask peeled away and their eyes widened in shock as Naruto looked at them, "You guys are good. Never stop training and looking out for one another. No matter how much you improve." He said watching as their cowls vanished showing their teary eyes


"I need to leave, I just came to talk to Iris about Nora. I love each of you. Never forget that." Naruto said smiling softly

Naruto's mask rematerialized and he sped off into a portal, "Wait!" Dash yelled diving for the portal that closed before he could get to it

With Naruto

Naruto raced forward through the tunnel leading to his earth but paused when The Monitor appeared in front of him, "You're dead.'

"Not anymore. I've come to correct the timeline."


'The Earth you just left was how I saved your daughter but it must be corrected.' Mar Novu said before he snapped his fingers and the tunnel rumbled as Naruto looked around and turned back to Mar Novu but found him gone

"Asshole.' Naruto said before speeding forward

Exiting the portal in front of his house, Naruto was about to head into the house when his comlink came online

"Any available members of the Justice League, a Category 6 Hurricane, has reached Beach City. We nee-"

Naruto cut off the comlink and sped off

Beach City

Rain was pouring heavily as a news stand was uplifted and a stop signed was ripped from the ground and flew threw a fire truck

The firefighters screamed from glass before the car veered off and hit a rail before dangling off the bridge

"Out the back!" The driver yelled

The other firefighter released his seatbelt and began to climb but he should've been more careful because his panicked movements caused the truck to move and fall off the bridge

Superman flew down and caught the truck before he had to catch the other passenger and grunted from the truck pushing his hand into his face

"Hang on." Wonder Woman said with the truck wrapped in her lasso before she helped lower the truck safely

She looked up when a white streak of lightning passed her, and watched as it headed into the storm before a twister of lightning rose up and dispersed the hurricane

Hearing screaming Wonder Woman flew and saw a little girl hanging onto a falling tree, and quickly she saved the girl, "I got you little sister."

'You're not my sister.' The little girl said

Wonder Woman flew the girl to her mother and watched in a daze as the mother clutched her little girl,

Naruto after dispersing the hurricane raced back into the city and began to fix all the damages amd stopped beside Diana as he clapped the dirt from his hands

"Homesick?" Naruto asked as the mother went inside the house


'You've gone from home since 1918. Go see your mom."

"And tell her what?" Diana asked looking to her friend

"You're living your life the way you want to. If your mom is anything like you said she was then she will understand and be happy for you." Flash shrugged

"Can't put it off any longer then I have, I guess." Diana said before she walked forward and flying away

"Is she going to be okay?" Superman asked

"Yea. What can go wrong?" Flash replied


Diana was flying towards one of the many islands of Greece. She was currently having problems about how to begin any form of communication with her mother. She was rehearsing to herself what she would say to her mother out loud and failing badly before she landed and sighed, "I mean what can go wrong, it's only almost been 100 years."

Diana walked out of the woods and her eyes widened as she came upon her ruined home.

The ground in several places was torn up, there were fires and some of the buildings were destroyed. In her anguish she nearly missed the stoned forms of some of her 'sisters.'

"What happened here?" said Diana aloud

Diana rushed into one of the temples and her eyes narrowed when she saw a blue robbed man stalking around.

"Who are you" The princess demanded, causing the man to turn around and do a chant.

The man summoned several pink orbs about the size of basketballs and launched them at her. Thanks to her bracelets she was able to easily deflect them. Using her great agility she did several back flips and landed on one of the stair cases. With a growl Diana l shot herself forward, her fist connecting with his jaw sending him into the ground before she grabbed him by his robe,

"How dare you defile this sacred ground?" Diana growled enraged as she raised her fist

"WAIT… Harm me and the others will remain as they are… cold… hard… stone." The man said with a smirk.

"Who are you?...Talk." Diana ordered

"My name is Faust, Felix Faust… I am a humble student of the mystic arts." Felix introduced himself

"Why did you attack my sisters?"

"They left me no choice, I had to defend myself." Felix answered, keeping his hands up

"By turning them into stone,"

"Would you rather I smash them to pieces..." Flexis retorted "…I came here in pursuit of Ultimate Knowledge. To gain this I must find the fragments on an ancient sacred relic. The first piece was here… on this island."

"… Go on."

"I'll make a deal with you. I'll restore your sisters, if you help me get the other fragments…"

"Why should I believe you?" she asked.

A pink swirl appeared in the man's arm before a small medallion appeared. "A small demonstration…" he pointed the amulet at Hippolyta, Diana's mother. "Rabis vitae" the medallion started to glow as well as the statue. Soon the stone dissipated and the queen was restored back to her flesh body.

"Uuu…" she was weak and dropped her sword falling on one knee.

"Mother…" Diana called before she tossed the man and rushed to her mother's side and caught her before she fell.

"Diana? Athena heard my prayers and sent you…" she spoke weakly and touched her cheek.

"I'm so sorry mother…" said Diana

"Oh, what a touching reunion," Said Felix ruining the moment

"The intruder… We must stop him…" she rushed at him, determined to cut him down.

"Afrobaquiste" he chanted and in a moment the queen was turned back to stone to the horror of Diana.

"YOU MONSTER… Give me that…" she ordered for the amulet.

But the amulet disappeared in a second.

"I need your answer…" Felix returned with a smirk. "Will you help me?"

She wanted to kill him, there on the spot but the thought of leaving her mother trapped in stone made her choose the obvious choice.

"Where are the other fragments?" Diana grounded out

"You have 24 hours to bring me the fragments or your unfortunate mother will remain like this forever." Fekix said before he opened his palm and in it appeared three glowing red crystals. "These gems are attuned to the mystic vibrations of each fragment. They will lead the way." He said before giving her the gems.

As Diana left Faust summoned a veil of fire to communicate with his master

Central City

Diana landed and broke into a museum and looked around as quick as she could, with a gem Faust gave her glowing and pulsating leading her deeper into the museum as she hovered over to a vase and reached inside taking the artifact

The giant statue of a Greek warrior opened its eyes as its rock like appearance shined to gold and it began to move

Diana looked up wide eyed as the statue grabbed its sword, and took a swing at her, quickly as she could Diana flew around the statue and stopped when she saw Naruto standing there with his arms crossed

"Breaking into museums? What happened to seeing your mother?'" Flash asked before in a flicker of lightning the statue that was in mid turn was cut to pieces

"Stay out of it."

'We've known each other for a while, Diana. Do you really think I'll stay out of it?" Naruto asked

Diana frowned and sighed

Uzumaki Labs

Diana stood beside Linda as Naruto, who was looking into Faust ,typed away "Where is everyone else?" She asked

'Home asleep, we were going to be headed home ourselves when you tripped the silent alarm at the museum." Linda said

"Found him. Felix Faust a famous professor of archaeology, Faust began to dabble in the mystic arts. When his peers learned of his extracurricular activities, Faust was shunned from academic circles and he vanished. Suspiciously everyone he used to work with has gone missing in mysterious circumstances."

"So Di whats the plan?"

"I bring him the artifacts and he frees my mother and sisters from their stone prisons. Then I'll break him."

"We'll help." Naruto said

"No. Men aren't allowed on Themyscira."

"We will worry about that when your family is free." Naruto said standing up and holding his hand out

Diana looked hesitant before she handed over the gems and Naruto sped away, "While he's doing that I will go to Faust's apartment and see what else I can find." Linda said to Diana who nodded,before Linda left in a streak of golden/white lightning before Naruto returned, "Got the artifacts."

Linda returned with a book, "Think I found something "I found his journal. The last entry makes reference to Tartarus…"

"The pit of lost souls." Diana frowned

"So did history get this one right?"

"I told you about what happened to the Amazons and how they left Greece."


"Themyscira sits atop of Tartarus. They are to watch its gate and ensure Hades never escapes."

'So they are supposed to spend eternity playing gatekeeper to one of the gods that betrayed them?"

"That doesn't sound right." Linda said

"Got that right." Naruto scoffed, "We need to stop Faust before it's too late. These artifacts he wants must open Tartarus."

"Diana, you can't give Faust the key." Linda frowned

"If I don't, my mother and sisters remain petrified forever." Diana said

"And if you do, Hades is set free and will bring about Armageddon." returned Naruto

"Then we'll just have to make sure that doesn't get his hands on it." Diana said looking at the speedsters

"We follow your lead on this. It's your family and home." Naruto said getting a nod from Diana


Faust had used his magic power to open a circle of fire once again

"Where is she Faust? Where is the Amazon princess?" said the voice

"Try to have patience, my lord." Faust pleaded

"PATIENCE? I have been patient for over 3000 years," the voice retorted angrily, the intensity of the voice was enough to intensify the fire and Faust had to use his hands to avoid getting burned and turned away from the blazing intensity of the fire

"Forgive me, I simply meant that the relics will soon be here. I feel it in my bones, and then, Lord Hades, the world will be ours!" Felix placated

"Indeed it will, human. Indeed it will." Hades said darkly

Hour Later

Faust was bored. He waited patiently, he was confident that the princess would return with the key to his masters prison,

As he waited, he couldn't help but admire the Amazon queen's beauty, even in her current stone form; she still looked as beautiful as the stories said her to be. He couldn't help but envy his master's chosen infatuation.

"Beautiful and great mother, I should really thank you for raising such a devoted daughter." Felix remarked, running his hand over her stone cheek, "She was so eager to corporate. Truthfully, I actually expected more resistance from her. When my master is set free maybe he will give her to me. Kekekeke."

"Faust" Diana called out before the doors to the entrance were forced open and the Amazon princess flew in with the key in her hands and under a cloth to cover it.

"Fascinating, you're back already and with hours to spare. I am impressed." Spoke the magician, his superiority complex showing without any restraint. "Have you got the relics?"

She presented the key fully assembled which brought a very annoying smirk to his face. He was so caught up in his own victory that he didn't even question how she figured out that the artefacts were supposed to be assembled

"But first, free my mother," Diana demanded

"Oh, yes, yes, of course," he answered eagerly and summoned a Medusa medallion. "Raves vitae" as soon as he finished the medallion glowed yellow and Hippolyta soon followed, after a couple of seconds the stone curse magically lifted and movement returned to her body.


Diana dropped the key as she rushed to her mother, "Mother!"

Hippolyta looked at her daughter in wonder but the moment was broken by Faust who couldn't help but gloat over his victory as he picked up the key

"After 3000 years, the Key is finally complete."

"Diana, you didn't." Hippolyta said shocked staring at the key

Faust turned to the princess, "Thank you for your assistance. But now that your usefulness is over, there's only one part left." the Medusa medallion appeared in his right hand intent on using it. "Effro bachis…"

Flash sped in snatched the key and medallion with his left hand and turned with his right elbow meeting Felix nose causing a crack to sound through the temple

Tossing the key to Diana as he stood over Felox who was on the ground clutching his broken nose, "You're not the only one with an ace up your sleeve,"

"What is this?" Faust said in pain

"Did you really think she'd trust worthless scum like you?" asked Linda

"Bitch!" screamed Faust before firing bolt after bolt of magic trying to destroy Flash and Lightspeed who ducked and dodged the bolts of energy

He created waves of destructive magic that hit the ground and destroyed it causing the speedsters to get thrown into the air

Faust with a glowing hand made a fist and raised it up causing spikes to stab at the two,

Diana gave the key and medallion to her friends flew forward and punched the spikes as Flash clapped his hands and lightning bolts destroyed the spikes

Lightspeed appeared above Felix with her arm cocked back before she punched through a magical clone and cracked the ground

The three looked around and Diana noticed her mother missing, "Mother!" Diana yelled before she took one of the still lit torches and led them down a corridor to a door.

Diana pressed on a huge switch and the door opened to a path of stairs descending underground.

"If we are too late and Hades is free Diana worry about your mother. Linda you get Faust and the medallion and figure out how to free the Amazons. I'll handle the Death God."

'Are you sure?" Diana asked

'Of course. I always wondered how other Death Gods differentiate from the Shinigami." Naruto said tapping the lightning bolt on his chest and and kanji lit up the suit and flashed briefly

Soon they reached the exit and it was a sight to behold. Tartarus was a huge battleground, abandoned and decayed over time. It lay deep underground and, somehow, it was lightened by either torches or glowing phosphors from the rocks. It was locked in a huge underground cave that looked like ruins of a city. The ruins included broken pillars, statues, even burned down houses. It was truly a sight any archaeologist would sell his soul to discover and present to the world.

The real prize was just at the end of the outskirts, a huge door was locked with a complex system of counterweights and gears that looked impenetrable. Hippolyta was tied in chains to the remains of a pillar. Faust eagerly approached the lock which held the final piece. He was slightly exhausted but didn't show it as with a scream he fixed his nose and blinked his tears away as he snorted blood,

"Damn Speedsters."

"I beg you, stop this… You don't know what you're doing." Hippolyta warned

Faust just turned back to her with a superior smirk, "I know exactly what I'm doing. I've visualised this moment all my life. Now, let us not keep our new lord waiting."

The man placed the key in the lock that had been placed in front of the gate and turned it initiating the opening mechanism.

Gears covered in cobwebs, stones turned brown and grey from age started moving, the metals bars keeping the gate closed slowly opened.

The queen could only watch helplessly as the doors were opening, huge flames were on the other side illuminating everything around the gate. It was truly hell on Earth, like a 100 burners all lighting up at the same time.

A shadow could be seen just on the other side of the door. It approached until it was finally out of the flame. It turned out to be a huge person about 4 meters tall dressed in red and black armour, boots with bone spikes growing out of them, greyish skin. He had gauntlets similar to his boots, black and grey with a red tint, at the end were spokes that looked like claws coming out of fingers, he had a huge piece of armour around his midsection, in a mixture of grey and black with three red circles on his chest and shoulder pads also black with a red outline and three spikes on each. His helmet was like a mixture of roman, Spartan and common Greek. It covered all of his head except for his eyes, nose and mouth; it was very sharp around the edges on the face with two huge bull-like horns coming out of the sides where his ears should be. All in all, he was a very intimidating figure; he also wore a long black cape that looked burned on the end and worn out but was still clean.

"Tremble mortals….your lord has come at last."

"Welcome…Lord Hades. To honour you, I brought an offering." Spoke the kneeling Faust with a mix of admiration and slight fear, presenting Hippolyta to the god

"Do my eyes deceive me? Can it be my sweet Hippolyta?" Hades asked

"Not a day has passed since I haven't been reminded of your treachery." retorted Hippolyta

"And not a day has passed since I have yearned to feel the sweet touch of living flesh, again. I think we should get acquainted. I won't make the same mistake as Heracles." returned Hades causing Hippolyta to glare at him

"My lord," Faust interrupted causing Hades to glance back at him, "I have upheld my end of the bargain; I delivered your freedom and the Amazon queen, now I demand what you promised me."

Naruto, Diana, and Linda watched from behind a pillar before Naruto took a deep breath and time stopped and he ran over to Hippolyta and freed her before taking her to Diana and resuming time,

Hippolyta gasped along with Diana as Naruto held a finger to his lips and held up the medallion that turned the Amazon's to stone and handed it to the Queen,

"Ah yes…Ultimate Knowledge." Hades spoke as his left hand charged with flaming energy; he then pressed his flaming hand to the sorcerer's head. "Ultimately, pain and sufferings are all man will ever know." he finished to the horror of everyone as Faust was drained of his powers and aged to an old crippled man screaming in pain and horror

"Damn." Naruto said causing Hades eyes to widen before he turned around and ate a right hook from the unmasked Flash

Hades flew into the wall and glared at Naruto and spat a fireball at him, "Weak." Naruto said before he took a deep breath and spat a wide stream of white flames at Hades whose eyes widened before he tossed his hands forward to hold the destructive wave of flames back with his own

Lightspeed appeared behind Hades and punched him in the back sending him stumbling forward before she got out the way of the flames that swallowed Hades up

Naruto cut the flames and his muscles bulged and compacted quickly as Hades in his monster form his mouth and teeth extended, his teeth became sharper, his eyes got blood red with a yellow iris, his face turned grey, his nose flattened, two horns spurted out of his head with his enlarged ears passing his head, his tongue split in three. He looked almost like a wolf with very demonic features.

"I'll kill you.' Hades hissed as his burn wounds healed

"Try it." Naruto smirked orange lightning flickering around his body

Diana, and Hippolyta watched while Hippolyta used her knowledge of magic to undo the spell on the Amazon's

"Diana, while the man keeps Hades busy you destroy the key. It'll send Hades back to the pit."

Diana nodded

Hades was above Naruto in the blink of an eye but with light hop to the side at super speed, he punched Hades in the ribs causing golden blood to be ejected from Hades mouth as the God went flying into the wall,

Lightspeed with a knife hand cloaked in lightning stabbed Hades in the chest before Naruto appeared and punched him in the face and began to launch blow after blow causing shockwave after shockwave to blow through the temple while Lightspeed superheated her lightning burning Hades

Diana seeing her friends keeping Hades down flew to the key,

Naruto and Linda stood over Hades who spat a tooth and blood onto the ground, "I hate Greek Gods.' Naruto stomped on Hades face causing the ground to crater further and blood to splatter,

Diana with a hammerfist destroyed the key, causing the release of yellow energy that was quickly absorbed by the portal and turned it into a whirlpool of flame pulling everything into it. Naruto grabbed Lightspeed, Diana and Hippolyta and raced out of the tomb until the portal closed

Releasing the women Naruto sped to the doorway and the watched as kanji appeared along the wall and he placed his hand in a ram seal before the kanji glowed and a locking sound was heard

Clapping his hands, Naruto looked to Diana and Hippolyta, "Well our business is done. I'll get off your island now.' He said before he ran off

"Give us a call when your back stateside." Linda said to Diana who nodded before she left and followed Naruto

"So that was different." Linda said running beside Naruto, "Lots of frustration was used in that fight. What happened?"

'The Monitor stored Nora's future onto its own Earth. I went there and confronted Iris. We argued and it wasn't going to make a difference besides get me even more angry and while I was leaving I sorta met more of my kids. It wasn't just Nora and Dash left fatherless. I have more kids in the future and I'm not there for any of them and I felt their sadness when they saw my face." Naruto said as he skidded to a stop outside the house

"What do you want to do?" Linda asked her mask peeling away

"Find out why I vanish and stop it from ever happening." Naruto said

"Well you know that I'm with you. So long as we have our happy ending." Linda said before the two kissed and walked into the house arm and arm