
From Hollywood to Media Empire

Enter post-millennium Hollywood. A place full of opportunities, where independent films are still making inroads, Marvel is still on the rise, and Disney is not yet the dominant player. Beautiful Hollywood actresses are also young, and streaming media has not yet started to go crazy. It is also an era full of difficulties, and the dark side behind the bright Hollywood is also difficult to look at. Unofficial translation of 我,好萊塢的君王 by 颜可颜

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Chapter 601: James Bond 23

The extravagance of New York was not any less than that of Los Angeles. After all, the financial circle's wallowing in luxury was quite similar to the entertainment circle's indulgence in pleasure.

After NBC and TNT joined hands to compete for NCAA's March Madness broadcast rights, it shocked ESPN and other sports broadcasters!

At the same time, Jeff Bewkes from Time Warner, when talking about the collaboration with Capet Pictures, was asked about his views on Capet Pictures' streaming platform, Netflix.

Facing the New York Times' inquiry, Jeff Bewkes made his famous remark:

"Netflix? I don't think Netflix will have any impact on us. Worrying about Netflix posing a threat is like worrying about the Albanian army taking over the world."

This year, Time Warner also launched its own streaming platform, HBO Go, but Time Warner didn't take it seriously. They couldn't even integrate their resources internally.

Compared to Charles' emphasis on Netflix, it was night and day. Netflix had already integrated Capet Pictures' resources and was advancing in computer, mobile, and tablet technology innovations.

The biggest hurdles for the development of streaming media were only twofold: narrow bandwidth causing unsmooth playback and insufficient screen resolution leading to low-quality playback.

However, Charles felt more at ease upon hearing Jeff Bewkes' words. Netflix could continue to improve its streaming technology.

In the future, Charles wanted to bring Netflix into sports broadcasting. NBC's content library would be a great help for Netflix by then!


At the Manhattan Club Hotel, Charles attended a charity dinner with Emily Blunt because Blake Lively was busy promoting Gossip Girl Season 4.

British beauty Emily Blunt wasn't too busy lately.

On the hotel sofa, Comcast's Vice Chairman Steve Burke, who was also the current Chairman and CEO of MGM Studios, was chatting with Charles about Hollywood.

"Who would have thought, Capet's take on 3D animation could be so successful," Steve Burke said, raising his glass to clink with Charles.

Charles smiled, "It's just traditional 3D animation. Both Disney and DreamWorks Animation released their stereoscopic 3D animations in the past two years!"

The new stereoscopic 3D animation required special glasses to enjoy, similar to the difference between 2D and 3D movies.

"Steve, MGM is now co-developing The Hobbit with Warner Bros., and working with us on Skyfall. These are top Hollywood IPs. I'm confident MGM can regain its glory under Comcast's leadership!"

Charles took a sip of his drink with a smile.

Steve Burke shook his head and smiled, "Hollywood's biggest asset is you, Charles Capet. Nowadays, which movie company dares to boast in front of Capet Pictures?"

"Sony Columbia couldn't get the distribution rights for the Bond series this time, and there have been quite a few complaints," Steve Burke said with a laugh.

"Heh, Sony's been in decline since 2007, and Howard Stringer's reforms don't seem to be very effective," Charles shook his head.

"The shrinking electronic consumer business, if not for the offsetting from film, music, and entertainment, Sony might be in even more distress."

Sony was listed on over 18 stock exchanges in more than ten countries worldwide, with a high degree of internationalization.

With a complete electronic manufacturing industry chain and technology in semiconductors and batteries, it could bounce back quickly if given the chance.

Now Sony's electronics were shrinking, but its entertainment business wasn't bad. Sony Columbia Pictures and Sony Music had achieved results.

At this point, if Charles did not target Sony, he wouldn't forgive himself. Preserving Michael Jackson's half ownership of the Sony ATV music catalog and snatching the distribution rights for the Bond series were Charles' ways to counter Sony.

"Economic development is making the entertainment industry's market value grow larger. Each company wants to seize a bigger market share," Steve Burke said with a smile. "Comcast doesn't just want to treat MGM as a simple content provider."

Charles's heart was filled with disdain, but his face remained smiling, "MGM also wants to regain its position as an international distributor?"

Steve Burke responded, "MGM has that legacy, doesn't it?"

Charles nodded, "Indeed, as long as there's a steady flow of funding and projects, rebuilding MGM's international distribution channels isn't difficult."

The question is, will Comcast really be willing to make that kind of investment?

Skyfall's international distribution rights belonged to Capet Pictures, but in the North American market, MGM and Universal co-distributed it to reduce financial inputs. And they still dared to talk about reconstructing international distribution networks?

"Charles, no one in Hollywood is more professional than you in movies. You must pay attention to the Skyfall project!"

Charles smiled, "The Bond series is the Broccoli family's private plot. I can only make suggestions."

Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, this sibling pair, would not allow others to touch the production rights of the Bond series. MGM and United Artists only had the distribution rights - the production rights have always been in the Broccoli family's company, Danjaq LLP.

Steve Burke shrugged, "Then we can only hope the Bond series continues to shine."

After chatting with Steve Burke, Charles took Emily Blunt back to Capet Tower.

"When will Skyfall start filming?" Charles called Phyllis Jones to inquire about the details.

"By late October or early November. Barbara Broccoli has already announced the plans at the 007 stage at Pinewood Studios in London. Moreover, Gal Gadot, director Sam Mendes, lead actors Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, and Ralph Fiennes all attended Skyfall's press release in the UK."

"Okay, got it," Charles hung up the phone.

"Skyfall is the 23rd Bond film, right?" Emily Blunt walked over, giving Charles a kiss on the cheek, and sat down on the sofa.

"Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet just announced their divorce!"

Charles smiled, pulled the lady onto his lap, and kissed her, "You still pay attention to gossip news?"

"Because I know Kate Winslet," Emily Blunt smiled and then proactively kissed Charles.

