
From Hero to Shadows: The Animancer's Reckoning

Galian bravely shielded Selene from an assailant's gunfire, he sustained multiple gunshot wounds, including one to his head. Despite his efforts to protect her, the injuries proved fatal, and Galian succumbed to his wounds, his consciousness slipping away as he lay beside the wisteria tree. However, in a twist of fate tinged with magic, Galian's life did not truly come to an end. As his blood seeped into the earth beneath the wisteria tree, a mystical energy enveloped him, drawing upon the latent magic of the Aetheria Realm. This surge of magical energy sparked a transformation, a rebirth of sorts, as Galian's essence intertwined with the forces of the mystical world. In a moment of transcendence, Galian's spirit found itself drawn to a new vessel, a newborn infant born to the royal family of Auroravale Kingdom. Guided by the whims of fate and the subtle currents of magic, Galian's essence merged with the soul of the newborn prince, Zachrael Gabrion, imbuing him with a newfound vitality and purpose. Thus, Galian's journey did not end with his death but rather began anew in the form of Zachrael Gabrion, the destined heir to the throne of Auroravale Kingdom. As Zachrael, Galian would embark on a remarkable odyssey of self-discovery and adventure, guided by the echoes of his past and the promise of his future in the mystical realm of Aetheria.

Tiana_Mordi · Fantasy
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2 Chs

PROLOGUE: Echoes of Fate: The Sanctuary of Wisteria

On a beautiful moonlit night, the air was crisp and filled with the gentle glow of the moon. However, amidst this serene scene, a young woman ran frantically through the forest, fear gripping her heart as she fled from a cab driver intent on ending her life. Unfortunately, she couldn't call for help as her smartphone had no signal in the dense woods. She ran and ran, her breath ragged and panic rising with each step. Desperately seeking refuge, she searched for a hiding place but found none, tears streaming down her face as she heard the shouts of her pursuer drawing closer. In her frantic flight, she stumbles upon a river, its powerful currents beckoning her. With resolve, she plunges into its icy embrace, letting its waves carry her to safety. Emerging on the other side, she found herself in a secluded part of the forest, where she discovered a magnificent dead tree adorned with wisteria vines of immense proportions.  Nestled beside it lies a young man, sound asleep. Without hesitation, she wakes him, her voice trembling with cold and fear.

As the young man awakens, curiosity etches his face. "Who is this beautiful maiden, and what brings her here? Why is she so frightened and drenched?" wonders the young man silently. The maiden, shivering from the cold, pleads, "Sir! Please help me, I need your assistance. A man is chasing me with a gun, intent on ending my life!" Her words falter as she clings to the young man, tears streaming down her face. Sensing her chill, the young man swiftly removes his jacket and offers it to her. "Wear my jacket, you might freeze to death," he says kindly.

"Thank you! But could you please help me? The man might find me. Please, sir, I beg of you! I'm terrified!" implores the maiden tearfully. The young man retrieves his smartphone from his pocket and offers it to her. "You can borrow my smartphone to call the police station and your relatives," he says. Hastily, the maiden takes the smartphone and dials the police station. As she speaks with the authorities, the young man watches her, pondering why someone would want to harm her.

After the maiden contacts the police station, she tries calling her family, but none answer, filling her with despair. "Thank you so much for lending me your smartphone. The police are on their way," she says gratefully. "Good," replies the young man with a nod.

"Selene! Selene Trevor is my name, Sir" introduces Selene to the young man.

"Selene? What a beautiful name, Selene. It suits you," says the young man with a gentle smile. Selene can't help but notice that he hasn't mentioned his own name. "Um Sir, may I know your name? I'd like to know the name of the person who helped me," she asks hesitantly.

Turning to face Selene, Galian offered a small smile. "My name is Galian. I have no surname, as I am an orphan," he revealed, his tone tinged with melancholy.

Selene is mesmerized by Galian's smile, her fear momentarily forgotten. 'His smile reminds me of my dad's,' she thinks to herself. "Galian, thank you for helping me," she said, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude towards him.

As they waited for the police to arrive, Galian shared a bit about himself, explaining that he often sought solace in this secluded grove, near the resting place of his grandfather.

"Pardon me, sir, but what brings you here in the middle of the forest?" Selene inquired.

"This place is my sanctuary, where I find solace when I visit my grandfather's grave near this wisteria tree," Galian explains.

"Grave?" Selene asks, her voice trembling with fear.

"Yes, a grave," Galian confirms, his smile faltering slightly.

Upon hearing Galian's words, Selene's hair stands on end. But she can't see the grave he's referring to. "Where is the grave, sir?" she asks, puzzled.

"Miss, please look at your seat," Galian says solemnly.

Selene looks at where she was seated and freezes in terror as she realizes it was actually a grave all along. She quickly moves to the other side of Galian, clinging to him in fear.

"Don't be afraid, my grandfather is kind, and there are no ghosts," Galian reassures Selene, though his words lack conviction. Unable to find the right words to comfort her, he decides to tell her about his grandfather to distract her and prove that his grandfather is benevolent.

"I was around four years old when my grandfather found me crying here at this tree, covered in bruises. He took me to the hospital and reported a missing child to the police, but days passed, and no one came looking for me. He released me from the hospital after a week, as there was still no news of a missing child. My grandfather decided to adopt me and treat me as his own grandchild. He took care of me, giving me everything I wanted, even things I didn't ask for. Thirteen years passed, and this year, my grandfather fell ill and weakened. Since he had no other relatives besides me, I took care of him. In the following days, he grew weaker, and I could do nothing but watch over him, as he refused to go to the hospital. Eventually, he passed away this January. As he wished, he wanted to be buried beside this tree," Galian recounts.

"I'm also an adoptee," Selene says sadly.


Faint sound of sirens in the distance

At the sound of approaching sirens, Selene and Galian stood up, their eyes drawn to the colorful flashing lights. They watched as the police arrived, searching the forest.

The young woman couldn't help but shout, "I'm here! Over here!" as she caught sight of the officers.

Selene's voice echoing through the forest

But in her moment of relief, the man intent on ending her life closed in. As he approached the wisteria tree, Galian swiftly positioned himself in front of Selene. They watched in slow motion as he raised his gun, the world around them seeming to pause.

Intense silence

Eight gunshots shattered the silence of the night, each shot a piercing echo of danger.

Eight shots ringing out

Feeling a searing pain in his body and head, Galian struggled to breathe, his vision blurring. All he could hear were the sounds of insects and crickets, and soon, the sound of silence enveloped him.

Sounds of insects and crickets chirping

Clutching Galian's lifeless body, Selene sobbed, feeling the weight of his still form against her own. As she leaned against the wisteria tree, she felt a strange sensation, a warmth spreading through her. Looking down, she saw blood pooling beneath Galian's body, seeping into the earth.

After the police shoot the suspect three times, he's unable to fight back or escape due to gunshot wounds in both hands and one foot.

Approaching Selene, the police confirm that the young man beside her is dead, with four gunshot wounds in his body and one in his head.

Meanwhile, Galian's blood continues to flow, seeping into the ground beneath the wisteria tree.

The Next Day

A miracle occurs, and the wisteria tree, once dead, bursts into bloom with beautiful flowers.

As Galian mentioned to Selene, he wished to be laid to rest beside the wisteria tree. True to his wish, Galian is buried beside it, with a beautiful tombstone adorned with flowers.

Selene can't shake the memory of the wisteria tree. 'But wasn't the tree dead last night? Why did it suddenly bloom?' wonders Selene.


Meanwhile, in the other Realm

In the heart of the mystical Aetheria Realm lies the enchanting Auroravale Kingdom, where the ethereal glow of the Aurora Borealis dances across the night sky. The kingdom is nestled amidst lush forests, towering mountains, and crystalline rivers, its beauty unparalleled and its magic palpable in every whisper of the wind and shimmer of the stars.

On a night as beautiful as this, where the aurora borealis is mesmerizing, all beings in the land of Auroravale slumber peacefully. Yet, within the kingdom, everyone is wide awake, akin to owls, for despite this, Queen Lyanna Gabrion is giving birth to the kingdom's future heir, a child destined to inherit the legacy of the Auroravale Kingdom.

As the twinkling lights of the Aurora Borealis play in the sky, the first cry of the newborn echoes in the surroundings.

Galian opens his eyes, bewildered. 'Am I alive? Where am I? This isn't a hospital. Wait, why am I being carried by a woman?' Galian notices that things are different, and he doesn't recognize anyone around him. He raises his hands to see the face of the woman carrying him and is shocked.

"Dear Queen and King! I'm pleased to announce that the royal prince is a healthy and robust baby. Shh, calm down, here, let me give you to your mother," says the midwife, soothing the crying baby. She hands the baby to the Queen.

'Queen?, King?, Prince? A healthy and robust baby? What's happening, and where am I?' Galian's mind races with questions.

The Queen takes the baby. "My King! The Prince has black hair!" the Queen says to the King. 'Living Animancers now only have blonde hair,' the Queen says to herself.

"Look at the first Prince with black hair, a rarity in our bloodline, as no one alive today has black hair in this world. He looks just like his great-grandfather, who also had black hair. I can't wait to see what magic power the Prince possesses," says the King, beaming with joy.

The King takes his son and is delighted by how cute he is.

'No! Impossible! Am I a baby? Does that mean I died? And was reborn in another world? Magic power? I'm in a magical world,' Galian's questions flood his mind.

"Zachrael Gabrion will be your name," the King says, smiling at the baby.

'From now on, my name will be Zachrael Gabrion? In a real family? And I'm a prince? What adventures await me in this fate?' Galian wondered.