
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

The trap has sprung

[2 days later]

Jemisha woke up but noticed somebody was sleeping next to her and had her in his arm.

She turned around and saw Chris sleeping.

She smiled and laid her head on his chest and dozed off again.

After half an hour Chris woke up and noticed something heavy on his chest and saw Jemisha resting on him.

He smiled and stroke her head as to gently wake her up from her sleep.

'Just 5 more minuts.'

"But I don't think I can hold out for 5 more minuts."

Jemisha smiled and kissed him, 'Your right I can't even hold out for 5 seconds.'

After their little make out session Chris pulled off the covers and started to inspect her wounds, he placed a kiss on every scare and said she was still as beautiful as ever.

She smiled 'Well I will visit doctor Carsten in a few weeks, I want these scares gone, because I can't wear a bikini with these.'

"I'm coming with you…I know you don't mind my scares but these scars are actually preventing me from moving forward, so I will undergo the treatment, but there is one scare that I won't remove."

'And which one is that?'

He pointed at his side "This one stays, because it a reminder of the day you saved me."

Jemisha placed a kiss on it, 'If that is what you want then I support you, let's suffer together in the clinic.'

Chris chuckled a little.

"I heard you had a shareholders meeting today at Blake's company, I'll drive you there."

Jemisha kissed Chris and got up from the bed.

She took a shower and dressed herself up and went down stairs to make breakfast.

Jake was in the kitchen, "Did you have a good sleep baby Rose?"

'I did, especially after a little mouse came to join me.'

Jake smiled.

Jemisha and Chris were eating breakfast and told Jake they would be heading to Australia soon to get their scares removed. And when that was done she would go over to Chris parents to meet with them and then she would head back to Singapore and start her revenge.

Jake patted her head, "Alright, but by the sound of it, you be very busy."

"When you're done with your revenge, what are planning to do?"

'Humm…no clue, probably take a vacation with everybody.'

Jake smiled, "Now that's something I don't mind you doing."

Jemisha hugged Jake and went out with Chris.

Chis dropped her off at Blake's company and told her she should call him so he could pick her up.

Jemisha gave him a kiss and got out of the car.

She walked in to the building all dressed up professionally but also with a hint of sexiness.

The women at the front desk saw her walk in and greeted her.

Jemisha stop for a little chat with the girls at the front desk.

Even the interpreter came to greet her and a few security guards.

While they were chatting happily, an arrogant women came up to them.

The women pulled and pushed Jemisha aside what made her loos her balance but the security guard caught her in time.

"Are you alright miss Black?"

She nodded and waved over the other guard and interpreter over.

She whispered something and they all nodded.

Hugo had seen everything on camera and told Blake, but it was alright and he noticed she was already scheming something.

Blake laughed "Well this is going to be an interesting shareholders meeting."

The woman was arrogant and demanded to know witch floor the shareholders meeting was because she was the proxy of her husband.

'Well if you state your name and your husband's name we can call up and have a security guard guide you.'

The women of the front desk were starting to be vicious because how that woman treated Jemisha.

'Just tell me the floor, I can get up their myself.'

'I'm sorry madam, but this building requires a security guard to guide you, it's company policy.'

Jemisha couldn't contain her laugh 'Ahaha, a pampered diva like you is going to proxy for your husband, let's see how long your husband can stay as a shareholder here.'

Jemisha was talking in English so the women didn't understand and the interpreter translated it her words.

The woman got enraged and slapped Jemisha right in the face.

Suddenly the whole reception got silent.

The guards wanted to grab the women but Jemisha stopped them, 'Just bring that nasty slut up, she will get what's coming to her.'

The guards nodded and took her up to the meeting room.

The interpreter and a girl from the front desk took Jemisha to the company doctor and he gave her an ice pack so she could reduce the swelling.

He gave her an ointment that will cool her skin and stopped bruises from forming.

She thanked the man and was ready to go up.

Although mark was still visible she didn't care for it all that much.

On her way up she texted Blake and told him she would make that woman cry, but she will use the interpreter during the whole meeting, and that he should announce her as a special guest.

Everybody was already gathered in the room and Hugo stood behind the seat where Jemisha was supposed to sit.

"Before we start the shareholders meeting I would like to announce we have a special guest joining our shareholders meeting, she made some time in her busy schedule and flew over to join us."

"I would like to inform you all not to piss her off, because she is the biggest investor in this company."

Everybody was whispering and wonder who this women could be.

There was a knock on the door and Hugo opened the door.

"My god boss, what happened to you!?"

'Later Hugo, it's nothing.'

Jemisha smiled at Blake and walk in. 'Blake darling, how have you been!' She gave him a hug and a kiss.

All the men jaw dropped at that very moment, it was Rose Black in the flesh.

Although they had seen her through video conferences in the shareholder meeting, they all were struck by her beauty, in their eyes she looked way more beautiful.

"My beautiful Rose, it was so nice of you to make some time to join this meeting, I know how busy you are."

'Well I was in the neighborhood anyway, and you know I can't resist coming by and see you whenever I'm in Singapore.'

Blake led her to her seat that was next to him.

'Such a little slut.' The women scoffed.

Jemisha looked at the women.

"Now shall we start the meeting."

Jemisha was handed information of the new project proposal, of the Rose Jewelry.

'Hold up, what amateur has written this?'

'Get him here right this instant.'

The interpreter translated her words and Blake told his assistant to bring over the one who had written the new project.

A young man was brought over to the room.

'Did you write this?'

The young man looked at her not understanding a single word.

The interpreter translated her words.

"I did…"

'Go back to school!'

"But…I was told there was nothing wrong with the proposal…"

'By who?'

"My department manager."

Jemisha looked at Blake and he knew exactly what she wanted so he informed his assistant to get the manager.

While they were waiting Jemisha showed him what was wrong and taught the young man a few thing and he was grateful to her.

The manager arrived and Jemisha saw a women walk in to the room, she was dressed to showy but she figured that she had ulterior motives.

Jemisha then told the young man to write a proposal for her while she would deal with his manager.

The women who was proxied for her husband saw her daughter walk in and she had a smirk on her face.

'Is there something wrong boss?'

Jemisha stood up and walked up to the woman, all the man at the table were holding their breath, because they knew she was technically half of this company, the only one who could save this women was Blake himself.

Jemisha looked the woman up and down and she scoffed 'Blake why do you have so many wh*res working for you?, Are you running brothel or something?'

The young man wanted to laugh when the interpreter translated her words.

'Why is it that every time I come to visit you, there are hookers everywhere and want to seduce you.'

'And if that isn't enough, I get assaulted by women who think they own this place.'

The manager who was called in was furious and tried to slap her but Jemisha blocked the incoming slap and slapped her so hard she fell to ground.

The woman at the table was enraged and walked up to Jemisha and wanted to slap her, but again she blocked it and slapped the women so hard she was bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

'How dare you slap me! Do you know who I am!!?'

Hugo handed her a tablet and showed the woman the information, 'You are nothing but an insignificant little insect.'

Jemisha then showed the women her information. 'I on the other hand are more significant to this company.'

'I'm CEO of ST-Labs, second major shareholder of Rose Jewelry and Star Night perfumery, and the biggest investor in this company.'

'The pocked money you invest in this company is nothing compared to me, what do you think will happen if I pulled out of this company…'

'You all will be dirt poor.'

'Well Blake on the other hand doesn't have to fear for anything, I just give him some money and help him to start anew, because after all… this man is too good to let his talent go to waste.'

After the interpreter translated everything she had said a man came rushing in to the room.

"Miss Black!"

The man saw the mark on Jemisha's face and was horrified.

"I'm so sorry…"

'Don't bother, I don't want your apology.'

The young man was done with his proposal "Uhm Miss Black…I'm done."

'Jemisha reviewed it and was content.'

'Blake fire that wh*re, and promote this young man.'

Blake looked at the written proposal and nodded.

Jemisha then turned her attention to the women.

'Get out and never show you face in front of me.'

Hugo called for the security guards to get them out.

'You bitch how dare you! You'll pay for this!'

'And how am I going to pay for this, you won't have a home and money to do anything to me.'

Jemisha handed her tablet to the husband and showed all the dirt she could find on the both of them.

The man was shocked, Jemisha had shown what his wife and daughter were up to. He was searing with rage.

"I disown you, and you… I want a divorce!"

"Thank you for showing me there true colors."

'No problem at all.'

'Now let's continue the meeting.'

The young man also left the room and thanked Jemisha for her help and his promotion.