
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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104 Chs

She killed the rats

Jeremy's assistant knocked on the door informing the shareholder had arrived.

'Let's go.'

Jeremy went out first.

Chris kissed her, "Cariña, sé tan despiadada como puedas."

'La misericordia es para los débiles, los negocios son un campo de batalla y saldré victorioso.'

They both left the office and went to the meeting room.

Chris knocked on the door and opened it and let Jemisha walk in.

Everybody in the room saw her and were shocked to see a young women walk in.

"¿¿No es ella..."

"¿Qué hace Rosa Negra aquí?"

"Miss Black thank you for joining our shareholders meeting and for your investment in our company."

Jeremy welcomed her warmly.

'Mister Swift, it's so nice to finally meet in person.'

Jeremy showed her to her seat and Chris sat down next to her.

One man whispered to the senior next to him.

"¿Es ella nuestra nueva jefa?"

The man nodded, but he was wondering what the big boss of the Ocelot was doing in Venezuela.

He knew that she didn't involve herself to much with them. The reason they didn't mind her absence was because word had it she had bought a property in Australia that was storing drug, but she just gave it all away, without wanting any of the money they earned from it.

"Qué interesante... Veamos qué está tramando."

The meeting began and Chris gave her the report that was translated in English and she looked it through. She noticed there were either a lot of mistakes, or somebody had tried to cover up something.

Jemisha circled all the suspicious parts and opened her laptop and compared it with the latest data she had.

It didn´t add up so she found who was exactly stealing the money, she looked them up, she was surprised to who they were connected.

´Those pieces of shit!´

Everybody looked up to her and wondered what was wrong.

Jemisha stood up ´Mister Morale.´

"¿Sí, señorita Black?"

´Please leave in a casket.´


Jemisha shot the man.

Everybody looked shocked at her.

"¡Perra! ¿¡Quién crees que eres!?"

Chris translated the man's words who yelled at here.


The senior started to laugh "Tan joven, tan hermoso, pero ya tan peligroso."

She frond at the senior.

Chris translated his words and Jemisha started to giggle,

'Thank you for the compliment, but I don't like old man because they could easily be my father or grandfather.'

The man laughed again. "¿Prefieres a mi asistente?"

Chris translated again with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

'Mister Torres, did you ever see me take a glance at him?'

'Why would I even bother to look at something, when I have something next to me that looks way better.'

The senior was really amused by Jemisha but was wondering why she just shot two man, not that it really mattered because they were the bosses of a rival gang, and thanks to her they could be taken down.

"Señorita Black, ¿puedo preguntarle por qué le acaba de disparar a esos dos hombres?"

Jemisha showed on the big screen the complete hidden agenda and the things they had done inside to company.

'Well embezzlement is one thing, but reaping and harassing women is something I do not condone.'

Jemisha then pointed her Desert Eagle on the 3rd and last man.

'But what I hate the most… are human traffickers, selling children to be slaves.'

'Did you know slavery was abolished in the 1800…'

'To think that there are such monsters in a company as this…'

The senior saw the look of disgust on her face and he took out his gun and shot the man.

'Now that we cleaned this company of filth, let's continue.'

Jemisha sat back down.

A few man came inside and took the bodies away.


Everybody back at home saw the meeting, "Isn't this just killing in cold blood…"

Jack who would hunt down anybody who would killed in cold blood spoke "No… this wasn't coldblooded."

"Well before she even shot them she had already sended me the information on those three, and I judged it as retribution killing and told her even if she went the legal way… the legal system there is somewhat corrupted, so I told her it was alright."

Jack showed them the information she had found on them.


"But now she painted a target on herself…"

"Well she will be well protected for as long as she is in Venezuela" Blake said.

"What do you mean?" Hugo asked him.

"You see that old man?"

"He is the leader of the area she is currently in, and by judging that he took the last man out he approved of her and has taken a liking to Black Rose."

"But we have to see how she will deal with the old man, because he is a master of manipulation."

"For now he showed her that he sides with whatever decision she makes."

Blake texted Chris to be warry of the old man.


The meeting went on and Jemisha was able to acquire 15% of the shares she wanted, this made her second biggest shareholder. Because Mister Torres shot one man Jemisha told him he could have his shares and that made him 3rd place.

When the meeting was over, some of the shareholders were talking about her, wondering if she was somebody of the underworld.

She smiled 'Solo soy una mujer de negocios con espinas. Ten cuidado de no quedar atrapado en mis espinas.'

The senior started to laugh "No solo eres hermoso y peligroso, también eres un maestro en engañar a todos."

'Debes saber que una Rosa hermosa y rara como yo, no permitirá que todos se acerquen y recojan del suelo.'

Jemisha left the room and went to Jeremy's office, she sighed a big sigh.

"What's wrong?"

She sat down 'Well I have to apologize to everybody now.'

"For what?"

'I became something you all didn't want me to become.'

"Rose…I know that you think that way…but…"

'You can't deny that I just killed two people, even if Jack said it was a killing out of retribution…'

'I just…I'm just a killer, nothing more and nothing less.'

'The soon I accept that fact the better…"

Chris hugged her, "You may have killed them but think of how many women and children you have saved by doing that, who would have falling victim if you didn't."

"I know you, you won't kill somebody unless there is a very good reason."

Jack called Jemisha and she told him exactly the same thing as to Chris and she apologized to him and to everybody else.

"What did Chris say?

'He said because of killing them I saved a lot of women and children who would otherwise fall victim.'

"He is right, and remember what I taught you before, not every person can be saved."

'I know that, but…'

"If you know that, than you should also know that you didn't save just one person, but many people."

"When you had your treatment in Australia let's go out and go somewhere and have fun, all of us."

'Hmm… I would like that very much.'

"Now go and rest up for a few days, because you didn't had much rest between your flight and the meeting and when you leave for Australia you will have a long flight to look forward too."

Jemisha looked tired by the thought of flying for so long and had to sleep in a chair.

'I think I should just buy myself a Private Jet, one that has a bed.'

Chris chuckled a little.

Jacked laughed, and told her he would come and see her when she was done with her treatment and at Jake's house.

'Bring everybody with you when you do, I have a surprise for you all.'

"Alright, I'll leash them up and bring them with me."

Translation for the Spanish part

Cariño, sé tan despiadado como quieras.

(Baby be as ruthless as you want.)

La misericordia es para los débiles, los negocios son un campo de batalla y saldré victorioso.

(Mercy is for the weak, business is a battlefield and I will be victorious.)

¿No es ella...

(Isn't she...)

¿Qué hace Rosa Negra aquí?

(What is Black Rose doing here?)

¿Es ella nuestra nueva jefa?

(Is she our new boss?)

Qué interesante... Veamos qué está tramando.

(How interesting... Let's see what she's up to.)

¿Sí, señorita Black?

(Yes, Miss Black?)

¡Perra! ¿¡Quién crees que eres!?

(Bitch! Who do you think you are!?)

Tan joven, tan hermoso, pero ya tan peligroso.

(So young, so beautiful, but already so dangerous.)

¿Prefieres a mi asistente?

(Do you prefer my assistant?)

Señorita Black, ¿puedo preguntarle por qué le acaba de disparar a esos dos hombres?

(Miss Black, can I asked you why you just shot those two men.)

Solo soy una mujer de negocios con espinas. Ten cuidado de no quedar atrapado en mis ramas.

(I'm just a business woman with thorns. Be careful not to get caught in my branches.)

No solo eres hermoso y peligroso, también eres un maestro en engañar a todos.

(You are not only beautiful and dangerous, you are also a master at fooling everyone.)

Debes saber que una rosa hermosa y rara como yo, no permitirá que nadie se acerque y la recoja del cepillo.

(You should know that a beautiful and rare Rose like me, will not allow anyone to come up and pick it up from the brush.)

Mariska_Kcreators' thoughts