
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Setting up a rat trap

"Rose, how are you feeling?"


'I'm bored…I want to work but everybody is forbidding me from working.'

'I told them it's no biggie, I can stay at home and work from home but they prohibit me from even doing that.'

'But why are you calling me from Venezuela?'

"How do you know where I am?"

'Well you put trackers in every car of mine I put a tracker in your phone.'

Chris started laugh.

"Well I'm currently at my parents and to tell them you took down the Serale, and that we are dating."

"They would love to meet you by the way."

'Well same goes for me, I would love to meet your parents.'

'But that's not the real reason your calling.'

"True, my father told me his business isn't doing so well lately and he has the nagging feeling that there is an internal problem, but because of that he doesn't have the finance to install a security system."

'Hmm… what's the name of your fathers company?'

"Swift technology."

Jemisha looked it up and found it, although it's not a big company they were on the stock market.

'That's strange… the stocks on the stock market doesn't seem to be going down.'

"Can I speak to your father?"

Chris handed his phone to his father.


'Hello Mister Swift, I'll keep this brief, but I need to buy all the shares that are held by your family and please send me the data of your business from the past 5 years.'

'Of course the shares will only be temporarily in my hands and I will give them back, but the reason for this is, I need to be second major shareholder to smoke out the rats.'

Chris nodded at his father.

"Sure but…why do you need the data from the past 5 years?"

'Well that's because I need to pinpoint when it started, sometimes rat's do tent to do start slow and innocent, but when they notice they are getting away with it the greed takes over and you slowly start to see problems. Plus I don't see any decline in your company yet on the stock market.'

'As for the security system, I'll send over a team and of course it's free of charge until your company is back on track, when it does you will only need to pay for the monthly or quarterly maintains.'

'Monthly maintains cost 7000 dollars, and quarterly maintains cost 25000 dollars.'

'But let me tell you in advance, my system is un-hackable.'

"Thank you miss Black."

'Just call me Rose, I know it's not early any more so give me a call when you are at your company, and we will start operation rat trap.'

The man laughed a little, and it brought a smile to Chris face.

"Alright I'll hand you back to my son now so you can complain a little more."

"I hope you recover soon."

'Thank you Mister Swift.'

He handed Chris back his phone and he talked a little longer when he suddenly heard Blake on the other end.

'Mouse save me! I need your speed!'

Chris laughed a little.

He also heard Hugo so she would pull a prank on Blake soon.

"Rose just bear with it a little longer."

"Rose your still recovering, I hope it's not work relate call?"

'What I can't talk to my future father in law and my boyfriend now.'

Chris was laughing and he knew he would get a picture soon.

"Rose take a rest, but do me a favor."

'And what's that.'

"No matter how unbearable or how unreasonable they may be, just stay put."


'Come back soon, I miss you.'

"I miss you to Rose, I love you and I will be back soon."

'Hmm, I love you too.'

Jemisha ended the call with Chris.

Just after he hung up he saw Hugo's message and saw picture.

He busted out in a laugh.

"She really messed with him this time."

Chris father looked at the picture and asked "What is it?"

"Ohh this…she loves to mess with Blake, and she said something to him and Hugo took a picture of his reaction."

"Well this is going on for almost 4 years now… me an Loki are also her accomplices so it became our fun little pass time."

"What did she say to him."

"She said she was talking to her future father in law and this was his reaction."

The man burst in to a laugh, "She really is something else, seems you found yourself a good young women who is not only smart and strong but also funny."

"Thanks dad."

His mother and aunt told them it was time for dinner and they all set down and Chris talked about he had set up his own company with the help of Jemisha and his business was doing so well he would soon open up shop in Venezuela.

Chris mother looked very happy and his father was proud that he finally started to slow down a little and think of his future more than he did 6 years ago.

In his mind he tanked Jemisha for changing his son for the better.