
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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104 Chs

I want him dead

[One month later]

Jemisha was back in Singapore and she was at her villa.

She was working on her revenge plan and was working on a few construction design, so she could form a collaboration with her father.

It was already evening when she was finished, she started to cook and eat her dinner.

She cleaned up after dinner and was getting ready to have her daily video call with Chris.

She heard a noise outside and checked the camera's and saw a familiar face.

Jemisha went to her vault and took out her knife and gun.

Jemisha was ready to receive the un-welcomed guest.

Jemisha was sitting in her living room pretending like nothing was wrong and watched some TV.

Jemisha heard them kicking in the door and she stood up

'Well, well, well, look who is here.'

The man and a his guards came up to her.

Jemisha pulled a Beretta 92 FS and shot 2 of the guards.

Two other guards rushed up to her but she shot them as well and was now pointing her gun at the man.

Jemisha threw a knife at the man and tried to escape but the man picked up her knife and his her in her back.

Jemisha shot the man in his shoulder and the man also shot her and she got hit in the leg.

Even thought she was badly injured she went up to a random room and went through the window up to the roof.

Hugo who got a call from Chris asked to checked the camera's because she didn't picked up his calls.

He saw she was being attacked.

Hugo called Blake and said she was in danger.

Chris got more worried.

"Hugo what's going on?"

"It seems we need to call Loki and let him handle him."

"What do you mean?"

Killian just came over and broke in and attacked her.

"When you return, do prepare yourself for visiting the hospital."

Hugo told Chris he will keep him updated but he and Blake had to go now.

Blake and Hugo arrived at her villa and let themselves in.

They saw her living room was a mess and a lot of blood was on the ground.

Lucky for them they had seen her going upstairs.

They fallowed her blood trail and opened the door and saw the window open.

They knew she must have gone out of the window.

"Dammit! How are we going to find her in the dark now…"


Hugo suddenly remembered Jemisha's new habit of going up to the roof.

Hugo took Blake up to the attic.

"Why are we going to attic?" Blake asked him.

"Well last time I was with her in Australia she had a habit to go up to the roof to check for snipers, and when Michael suddenly arrived at Jake's she hid on the roof as well."

"She wants them to thing that she jumped out of the window and ran away."

Blake climbed up to the roof and saw Jemisha down and bleeding.

He saw she had tried to call Loki.

"Black Rose!, Wake up!"

Jemisha was unresponsive and barely breathing.


"Don't you dare leave us Black Rose."

"Hugo call Loki, she has a knife stuck in her back and she seems to have been shot in the leg, we need a helicopter to get her to the hospital asap because she is barely breathing."

Hugo made the call and in a few minutes a helicopter arrived.

Loki and a few man decent down with a basket.

Loki saw the state she was in and a murderous look came to his face.

"Who did this!"

Blake looked away from him.

This said everything to him and he knew it was Kilian's doing.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Loki just wait till she wakes up." Blake then showed him her phone, "She was trying to call you before we found her in this state."

"Can you please wait till she wakes up and see what she wanted to tell you?"

"Fine, but it doesn't matter whatever she has to say, he is going to pay for this."

Loki told Blake he would take her to his hospital, because it was a place where Killian couldn't set his foot in.

Blake agreed and told him he will be there the next day.

Loki nodded and got back up to the helicopter and flew off.

One the flight over to the hospital they administered a pain killer and put an oxygen mask on her and wrapped up her bullet wound.

After a few minuts her breathing started to improve and she slowly started to regain her senses.

In order to have her calm during the flight Loki stroke her face.

Jemisha slowly opened her eyes and saw Loki smiling warmly at her.

"Hey there Black Rose."

Jemisha looked panicked around because of the sound of the helicopter and she noticed a few more people around her.

"It's oke, your save up here."

She wanted to get up but Loki told her she should stay put because she still had a knife stuck in her back.

Jemisha didn't move anymore and laid still for the rest of the flight.

"Black Rose, why did you want to call me?"

Jemisha was replaying the whole event in her head to before she answered his question.

'Knifes…I know he is your brother.'

"You mean Killian?"

Jemisha nodded.

"That's true, unfortunately."

But what she said next surprised him.

'I want him dead.'

Loki smiled a little.

"And why do you want him dead?"

'I don't know what his problem is…but I never did anything to him in the first place.'

'This was the 3rd time now and I want him dead… breaking his legs wasn't enough of a warning.'

Loki placed kiss on her head. "No problem, I'll make sure he will be dead and buried."

"Even if you didn't tell me I would have done it anyway."

They finally arrived at the hospital and Jemisha was still alert and awake.

When they landed a doctor was waiting for her and the paramedics were carefully taking her off the helicopter.


Jemisha panicked again because of the strangers all around her.

Loki came down and walked with her till the operating room.

Jemisha was throwing a fit, because she was about to be separate from him.

The doctor told her he could come inside.

Jemisha got an anesthetic and Loki was with her to calm her down until she was completely under.

He left the room and went outside to call Jack.

He told him Jemisha wanted Killian dead.

"I don't blame her…"

"When I saw her on the roof I already wanted to kill him."

"Does she know he is your brother?"

"She knows, she said I know he is your brother but I want him dead."

Jack sighed "Well all thought she is not somebody who wants to kill a person, I won't stop her or you, he has pushed you both for far too long."

"But please do me a favor."

"And what is that?"

"Before you kill him, make sure to ask him why he wants her dead."

"Don't worry, I'll make him talk."

Loki ended the call and the doctor came out with Jemisha who was still under the effects of the anesthetic.

Loki talked to the doctor and said she should be fine and have no lasting effects of her injuries.

The knife didn't hit any major organs and was far from her spinal cord so she should be able to walk after her leg was healed.

The doctor handed him the knife and saw it was the one he had given to her on her 17th birthday.

They arrived at her room and when the nurses had left the doctor asked Loki "Who is she?"

"She is Black Rose, adoptive sister of Jack Conor; Rose Conor."

The doctor fill in her name as Rose Conor.

"She sure is a smart girl…I got word from the General hospital she managed to put a bullet in your brother."

"But still why would he attack her?"

"This wasn't his first attempt."

"It wasn't?"

Loki showed him de pictures he took of her when he helped her change her bandage.

And the medical pictures the doctor had taken of the day she was attacked.

The doctor looked horrified "She managed to survive a brutal attack like that… how?"

"Her villa has security cameras and because of that Blake and Jack got to her in time."

"Oh there is one thing you should know about her, she is very warry of doctors and nurses, so do expect her to try and leave this place."

"Where are you going?"

"To fulfill her request."


Loki placed a kiss on her head "Your save here so be a good girl and wait for the others." As he whispered to her.

Loki left her room and saw all his man and told them "Black Rose want's Killian dead."

The group left the hospital to start the hunt.