
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Don't think you can teach me

Jemisha alter her cloth a little and let her hair down and made it a little messy and she leaned against Jacks chest.

Chris wasn't happy about it but in order to fool the person it was the only way.

There was a knock on the door "Boss, Hades Argenti is here to meet you."

Jemisha nodded.

"Let him in."

Hades came in and saw Chris sitting across from Jack .

"I never though you would be willing to come and visit your uncle."

"How can I not…I'm not a child anymore and I let go of the past."

Jemisha noticed a slight agitation in his voice and she signaled Jack to send her over to Chris.

"Lyla darling why don't you sit with Chris for a little while and help him calm down."

Jemisha nodded and walked over to Chris and held her head a little down so Hades couldn't see her face clearly.

She sat down next to Chris and let her head rest at his chest and started to rub him all over his chest.

Jack laughed, "Lyla do you like Chris more than me?"

Jemisha flinched a little but nodded.

"Alright if you like him you can have him."

"Chris, Lyla can't speak, but she knows how to express herself with her body."

Chris didn't pay any attention to his words because he was too busy with Jemisha.

"So why are you here little brat?, weren't you called back to Australia by your grandfather."

"Didn't you invite Black Rose for a meeting?"

"I did but she hasn't shown up yet."

"I want to know the moment she does."

"For a little prince you sure have guts…to demand something from me…"

Black Jack looked agitated and cold.

"Well she is currently ruining my grandfather and I want to teach her myself to not mess with my grandfather."

Black Jack smirked "You… teach Black Rose a lesson…I wish you luck, not even the Serale could do that."

"And she even managed to take down the King of the European underworld. You know the rules of the underworld, the one who takes down a king, that person will automatically be the new King."

"Well in this case it's a Queen."

"You think too much…a little girl like her is nothing without the 5 Generals of the Argenti family."

"Pfft." Chris started to laugh.

"Hades, I may be a General of your father, but I'm also family of the king in front of you. If I had to choose at some point, I would rather side with my uncle if it helps me to be with Black Rose."

"And it's not only me…Before your adoptive sister left your father, we already swore to fallow Black Rose, and be loyal to her and her alone."

"Not even your grandfather can make us move on his order. Because you know as well as I do that next to family the most important thing in this world is loyalty. We will never betray Black Rose."

"If you're so loyal to that woman, why are you fooling around with another women?"

"Well technically I'm not fooling around, but I'm being fooled around with."

Black Jack laughed and Jemisha had to keep in her laugh.

"Hades, I think it wise of you to return home and I don't mean your grandfather."

"Just because your adoptive sister left your family, I wouldn't be surprised if she returns one day and take over the position of head of the family. Because as you are now you will ruin your own family."

"I know what that old man is up to, and believe me he may have a few years left on him, but when he leaves the world so does your support and you will be left clueless."

"And when that happens, I wouldn't be surprised your adoptive sister will return and take over."

"While Black Rose is not at your family anymore, she is building her own empire and gather her ow people. Who is to say she can't take down the Argenti? Look at the old Serale family they went down with less resources than she has now."

"I think it's wise for you to stop listening to that old bag of bones and learn from your discarded sister."

"The only reason, the old man is after her is because, she is currently worth more than me and your father combined. The old man is jealous of a little girl who is only 19 years old but her influence is way more than his."

"Black Rose is no threat to the underworld of America. She is more valuable to us than your grandfather, hell even you don't hold much value."

"When Black Rose does intent to respond to my invitation, I will not teach her, her place, I will tell her she has nothing to worry about, because I don't view her as a treat and will offer her my protection."

"Meaning… she is free to do whatever in my jurisdiction and you and your grandfather can't touch her not even when she is in Australia, meaning if you do something to her in my jurisdiction you better prepare to have your life's taken away."

"But if she does decide to restore the European underworld…I think forming a partnership with Black Rose would be a better option for me."

"So go home boy, and tell your grandfather that I will not fulfill his request, because only a fool would challenge a dangerous rose like her."

Hades was annoyed and Jemisha's and Chris intimate play mad everything even worse.

"Lyla you little tentadora, do you want to have a little taste of me?"

Jemisha nodded and she sat down on his lap and opened up his shirt and started kiss and nuzzle him.

"Lyla eres un pequeño demonio."

Jemisha noticed Hades was walking up to them and she took Chris hand and put in on her thigh.

He slowly went under her skirt and pulled the pistol from the holster.

Hades grabbed Jemisha by the hair and she showed a painful expression her face and grabbed her hair that she could in the space between Hades hand an her scalp, Chris aimed his Beretta on Hades head.

"You better let go of her or a bullet will find its way in your head."

Hades backed down and let go of Jemisha's hair "How is it possible for you to have pistol…"

"Oh that's easy, since Lyla is a mute, I let her wear one just in case she is harassed, I mean she can't call for help."

"And as far as the rules going in my club no men can carry a gun, but there is no rule that states a woman can't carry one." Jack smirked.

"I mean women are vulnerable creatures, not all of them are strong so I condone any measure they see fit to use for their own safety."

"She is nothing but a dumb wh*re, she is only good for keeping your bed warm. Why go through such lengths to give her something to protect herself…I mean the only good thing she has is her body."

The women who were waiting outside rushed in and all formed a defensive line and one of them even slapped Hades in the face.

'What did you call us!?'

'Lyla you don't need to take this crap from this man.'

'Yeh sister, just punch him a few time.'

'Show him that men are actually nothing without a women.'

Jemisha smiled wickedly and Chris knew something was not right.

Jemisha got up and straight up attacked Hades, everybody in the room was speechless, accept for Chris.

Jemisha got him pinned down and Hades body guard tried to get her of him but she pulled her five-seven and shot them.

She kept beating him.

Chris called Jack for advice how to stop her without getting hurt.

Jack asked him to show him what the situation looked like.

"Damn it."

"What is it?"

"I don't think you can get her to stop unscaved."

"Well you can try to either tackle her or pull her of off him from behind, but she will struggle and I sometimes have a hard time to deal with it."

Jemisha suddenly stopped punching him but she wasn't done, she stood up and dislocated his shoulder.

Hades screamed out of pain and Jack had a look of who she was attacking.

"Isn't that Hades? What is that good for nothing bastard doing there."

Black Jack took Chris phone "Hey Jack…long time no seen. I see you trained your little sister well."

"If you think I trained her like this than you are mistaken, she is under one of her PTSD episodes, well she didn't had one for some time now."

"What did he do to her?"

"He said he came here to see if Black Rose had come, and wanted to teach her a lesson for ruining his grandfather, he didn't like how she was with Chris while they were having a little fun and pulled her by the hair and called her a wh*re."

Jemisha was still on top of Hades and she started to laugh 'How it that for you former brother?'

'Look at your pathetic state now, you got beaten up by your former adoptive sister, who you call a wh*re.'

Hades looked at her "Black Rose…"

'In the flesh, now that your all beaten up by me…do you really think you can teach me a lesson…humm'

'This is my last warning to you and former grandfather, the more you push me the more you'll get hurt.'

'My little financial attack on the old sack is just the beginning, and believe me in a few more weeks he will be bankrupt.'

'And if the both of you won't stop there, than I'm fine with breaking my promise to my brothers, I will step in to the underworld if I need to take my revenge on the Argenti family.'

'Because there are a few things I'm good at and one is receiving punches and two biting my time so I can strike back. Meaning I can wait for the old *ssh*le to die and former father to step down and make you head of the family, and when he does…your family will fall.'

'Oh and I won't show any mercy, so engrave this in your stupid brain…this is not a threat but a promise.'

'I am a Black Rose, and I'm already spreading my roots and my thorn branches are also spreading with deadly thorns.'


tentadora (temptress)

Lyla eres un pequeño demonio (Lyla you are a little devil)

Mariska_Kcreators' thoughts