
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Cleaning the basement, and finding a surprise

[Next day]

Jemisha woke up and made breakfast for everybody and left a note, saying she was at her house.

When she arrived it was still early so she decided to have a look of the rest of her property, she saw an old barn and went in, but what she found there was shocking to her and messaged Pablo to tell the man they need to come with at least 3 moving trucks.

She locked barn again and went to inspect her fences and other side buildings.

She found a shed and checked it out and found more fire weapons, and knew this was just too much.

'Were they planning a war or something?'

Jemisha took a few pictures and send them to Chris and let Jake have a look at it later.

The other buildings looked normal on the inside and there were no more surprises.

She went in to the house and went up to the attic to check if there was anything stored up there just in case.

When she got up there she smelled a foul scent of ammonia and death.

She just beard with it and looked around and spotted two owl chicks, and made a picture

'Aren't these the cutest little things.'

She found a hole where the parent's come and go from.

She let it be for now and call a wildlife expert later today and left the attic for now.

She looked at her smart phone and it was almost 10 o'clock.

She went back down stairs and went outside waiting for the men out on the porch.

As she was waiting she got a text back from Chris.

He had sended her a copy of his text messages with Blake and she laughed at the last message he send to Blake.

Black Rose: Well I'm still mad…but I can't avoid him forever since I'm one of the biggest shareholder of his company and biggest investors.

Mouse: So you won't call or text him for a while?

Black Rose: I don't know, is he texting you right now?

Mouse: Nah he just called told me to pass you a message.

Mouse: He said the heir of the Serale family is in Melbourne right now, so it's best to avoid him because he is looking for you.

Jemisha sighed a little, she was trying so hard to avoid stepping in to the black world, it seems they were now trying to get her in there against her will.

Black Rose: Mouse you know I know about a lot of people from your world right? And that include you 5 as well, I knew about each and every one you, even before you kidnapped me.

Mouse: I know.

Black Rose: While you're last name is Swift, you are an illegitimate child of the Serale family.

Black Rose: So please keep your guard up as well, if they can't get me and find out we are in a relationship they will probably, well almost certainly try to get to me through you.

Black Rose: But know this, as far as I see it, you inherited from your mother side and nothing from that scumbag that is your father.

Mouse: aren't you afraid I might hand you over to them?

Black Rose: If you do, then expect a bullet through your head at point blank.

Jemisha spotted 3 moving trucks and stood up.

Black Rose: The Ocelot's are here, let's talk about it later.

Mouse: Alright see you in a few hours.

Jemisha put her phone away and walked up to the man, she opened the door for one group and the basement.

The other two groups fallowed her to the barn.

The leader walked inside and was completely blown away.

"Boss Rose you're making us rich like this, when we sold out we never have to work again."

'Well aren't you happy with such an early retirement?'

"Are you sure about just giving this to us and not have any of the profit?"

'I don't want any money that is related to drugs, you can have it all.'

"But boss…"

'If you can't handle that mush money why not do something useful with it, like a charity of invest it something like an orphanage or animal shelter.'

The man started to move everything that was stashed in the barn.

The group from the house was already done and help the groups of the barn.

Jemisha was talking to Lorenzo about the Serale family and if he knew why they we're here in Melbourne.

"It appears they are looking for a women going by the name Black Rose, as for their motives and this is just hearsay, she is a threat to the Serale family, it's said she knows about their roots and operation."

'Lorenzo give me your phone.'

He handed her his phone and Jemisha added her phone number and send a message to him and handed his phone back.

Lorenzo looked at his screen and his eyes grew big.

"Boss Rose…"

Jemisha signal he should keep it down.

'I know they are looking for me, but the hearsay is partial correct I indeed have info on them, enough to not want to deal with them.'

'As far as being a threat, the only way I could become a threat is if they push me to hard.'

'I also know the Ocelot branch in Malaysia is under the rule of the Argenti family and even the main and other branches of the Ocelot don't dare to harm any gangs or family members of the Argenti.'

"That's correct, the current King of the underworld in Malaysia; Harvey Argenti is well respected."

Jemisha smiled and showed her passport to Lorenzo.

"So you are…"

'Hum, I'm a daughter of the Argenti…well adopted daughter that is. I got this name after faking my death.'

'So Lorenzo, I want you to keep this to yourself and keep an eye on the piece of shit of the Serale family. If he ask about Black Rose, just tell him that the Black Rose he is looking for has thorns you don't want to be pricked by.'

Lorenzo nodded.

The men were done loading in all the drugs and bid her goodbye.

'Lorenzo, please tell the other branches to do the same. And send out my number to other leaders as well.'

"I will pass the message boss Rose."

When they left Jemisha called the wild life control and told them that there were owls nesting in her attic, and if they could come and have look.

She explained she just bought the property and was doing check before tearing it down. But if the animal were endangers she would wait for young owls to fly out on their own and they could come and re home the parents later.

The man on the phone asked for her address and saw there was one of his colleague nearby helping somebody with a snake problem and was ready to head back.

The operator told her to wait for his colleague and would be there in 5 minutes.

Jemisha thanked the man on the phone and waited.

She sended a text to Chris the Ocelot had left but she was waiting for wild life control because of the owls in her attic.

Chris told her he would come over with Jake as soon as the wild life control left to pick-up the guns from the shed.

Jemisha told Chris to scout the area before he and Jake came over because she had a feeling she was being watched again.

After 5 minutes the wild life control ranger arrived and got out of his car and introduced himself.

He was a bit surprised about Jemisha's appearance and age.

"Hello mate, I'm ranger Braze. You called because you have owls nesting in your attic."

'That's correct, I was wondering if you could identify witch owl piece's it is and if they are endangered or not.'

'Also if they can't be moved for whatever reason just tell me how long it will take for them to leave and I just stall the demolition until they leave.'

"Alright mate show me the way."

Jemisha took him to attic and the ranger identify them to be Barking Owls.

The ranger went up close and had a good look of the young owls and determent it wouldn't be long and they would fly off.

"Well mate you're in luck, these youngster are almost ready to fly out, it may be 2 more months and then they are gone."

'What about the parents?'

"If they are not gone by 3 months please call us and we will catch them and relocate them."

'Do they come back when the mating season start again?'

"Well they have a tendency to return but if you don't mind a barking owl you can make some owl friendly trees. I also recommend that your new house won't have any openings for them to enter."

"I do have to say mate, it is very strange for barking owls to even set up a nest in the attic, they prefer hollow trees."

'Alright then I stall the demolition of this place for now and let nature walk its course.'

"Aren't ya pressed for time mate?"

'Not really, and besides how can I kick out such cute little owls. And I don't want to be responsible for stressing out animal if it isn't needed'

Jemisha showed him the picture she took.

'I already gave them a name to remember them by.'

The ranger and Jemisha went back down and the man told her to call them any time, he also gave her some tips on how to make her property wild life friendly.

Jemisha thanked the man for his help and tips and waved him goodbye.