
The Veiled Chronicles

As Emma and Ava caught sight of Jessica in the vibrant club, their eyes widened in astonishment. Emma couldn't hold back her surprise and exclaimed, "James!" Her voice trailed off, a mix of curiosity and concern lingering in the air. Emma locked her gaze onto James, her expression a blend of disbelief and anticipation. "Don't tell me..." she began, her voice quivering with emotion. But before she could finish her sentence, James interjected with a warm smile. "Emma, meet my other half, Jess," he introduced, unaware of the whirlwind of thoughts swirling inside Emma, she fell into a hushed silence, Emma's mind raced, trying to process the revelation before her. She exchanged a knowing glance with Ava, who shared her bewilderment. Emma took a deep breath, composing herself, and mustered the courage to speak. "James, I never knew... I never expected this. But if you think she's right for you then it's okay," she said, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and acceptance.