
chapter 19

in full 7 year when all S class fairy tail wizard and guild master went missing,

emperor guild rose directly to number one and strongest guild in fiore and also in whole ishgar kingdom

so when emperor stated their will entered GMG X791,million of people rush toward The Capital of Fiore, Crocus

just to see how strong is it the strongest guild in ishgar

Zen and all his loyal nakama already arive at Crocus several day before Preliminaries Begin.

The clock finally hits midnight, and the

announcer for the tournament, taking the appearance of a giant pumpkin-man, greets all the guilds as he floats above the city

"to all praticipant this years GMG!!,the goal of the preliminary round being to get all 5 participating group members to Domus Flau, any form of Magic or technique being acceptable to achieve this.also only the first 8 team will past this preliminaries"said the pumpkin guy(yeah it was the king)

then while city changes into a huge maze ball that floats in the sky,

"now let the preliminaries start!!"

after hearing that zen quickly paint magic circle that big enough for he and his nakama to enter

"master, why we dont start to run?"

asked marco as he is the longest that been with zen

"hahaha, why we do something low level like that?"

answered zen as he laugh,but he already finished his magic circle

"now all of you enter the magic circle now"

then Ren,Perona,Upho,Marco directly enter the magic circle

but what greet them is shocked little pumpkin guy

"what?!?" as whole emperor team appear infront him, he taught 'well this just like hiw emperor do his work,less work, and complete the mission completely'

"now we pass right?" said zen

"ah,congrat you are the first team that arive" said pumpkin guy as he regain his composure

"well your highness,we going now"

said zen with a smirk on his mouth

as he lead his team

'h...how did he?' minwhile king fiore already has cold sweet on his back,' even royal wizard dont know me when i put this pumpkin head'

few hour after that, the sky labyrinth was over with Fairy Tail successfully reaches the end,but only barely managed to get the eighth place.

when zen heard that, he just laughed

"well just how strong is the plot armor that natsu has?"

said zen as he return to his room and using his new item to call Ur

{yes he create smartphone in fairy tail,he dont need to use magic orb to see Ur}

The Grand Magic Games begins at last, and in their preparation room, zen and the other just sitting with relaxed style as their know that their are the strongest

Outside, former member of the Magic Council Yajima has joined Chapati Lola as commentator of the Games. As the preliminary first place winners, Team Emperor are introduced lastly, but are greeted by the crowd

with loud supporting voice

"love you emperor"

"look at that,it was upho the magic council chairman"

"why did you look at that guy?,you must look at Ren the dragon slayer,damn he far more handaome than in newspaper"

"hey ii dont you forgot about marco the pheonix"

"wow perorna is so beutifull"

"fuck!!!, even emperor zen is there!?!"

"emperor zen pregnent me!!!"

shouted all kind of people that saw the strongest guild entered the Domus flau

"wow master it look like there are many fan of you,mostly women hiw luvky are you master" said marco but zen just look at him with black line in his face

and the other just has sympaty look on their face

but for fairy tail,they feel a little sour when they see how huge is treatment between emperor and fairy tail

"why did their has diffrent treatment than us?" asked lucy with sour face

"hemm,their are popular than us,they dont destroy building when doing quest,their are stronger than us,almost all of them even more handsome than loke(lucy spirit) and...." before levy can finish her sentence lucy said

"okay ii, i knew it,but stronger than us?,how did you know that?natsu,gray, wendy,erza and i,all of us wete practicing very hard"said lucy while looking at levy

"huh,if you dont bealive it then just me after this" said levy as her walk away

minwhile lola is asked yajima with very hard question

"master yajima,what team did you think will win this year GMG?"

"it hard to say but i think emperor team will win this year tournament"

as he said that,he dont only shocked lola but also shocked all people in domus flau, exspecialy fairy tail

even mavis and makarov shocked but when yajima said the nexy sentence make them look at emperor team

"oh,that what unexspected,but why did you said emperor team will win GMG?"

"hahaha, with magic,more older the person,more thing that he can saw"

said yajima mysteriously 'damn,you all even if you cant see...dont mean that i dont see it,of all emperor team down there... i cant even feel or see their magic power, is that inst strong then how weak is wizard saint compared with them?"

All teams present, the program of the tournament is announced, with the first round being an event, followed by a battle. As per the rules, the teams will earn points depending on how they place in the event, and each team may choose one member to compete. In the battles, the sponsors will have a right to choose fighting pairs, the losing fighter earning 0 points whilst the winner gets 10; 5 each in the case of a draw.

The first game is announced to start and each team must choose one member to participate; from Team Mermaid Heel, Beth is selected. Nullpudding from Raven Tail goes in, whilst Team Blue Pegasus sends out Eve. From Sabertooth, Rufus offers to go while Lyon chooses to represent Lamia Scale, causing Gray to step up for Team Fairy Tail A and subsequently Juvia for the Team Fairy Tail B.as for emperor team

Perona will represent them.

when erza saw perona, her know that there is now why them will win this round

then mato(fiore king) said

"now let game begin!!!"

then all selected person teleported into the huge city that magicked into the arena

{well in canon huge city is magicked into the arena, }

as perona open her eye her direcrly use her weaker magic


muttered her as hundred ghost appaer arround her

"now,you all go and hunt those other people"

then all hundred ghost fly to the sky trying to find the other

perona magic even make mavis,makarov,yajima,lola and all people in domus flau even sabertooth guild master shocked when he saw perona magic

not even few minute all other contestants kneeled down, perona ghost hit all thing even the clone...but will clone effected by ghost?,no it wont....so perona gain more point and no lost any point that she has

after 30 minute~

"the.....ff....first game hidden...i..is over"

said mato as he shuttered when he saw how perona easyly defeat all other contestent.

even natsu,lucy,gray,happy and all other fairy tail member shocked with jaw opened

as for erza she just shicked her head as she already knew how strong is perona

and then huge projection show all team position after the hidden game






8.BLUE PEGASUS-Eve Tearm 0

8.MERMAID HEEL-Beth Vanderwood 0


even the ranking make people aware that the emperor guild in diffrent level from other guild

"now we will start next event the battle" as mato said that the crowd cheered loudly

lucy vs flare=flare win

RAVEN TAIL +10 point

ren vs arana=Ren win

BLUE PEGASUS +10 point

cana vs jura=Jura win

LAMIA SCALE +10 point

theb it was time the battle between

Marco and Orga

"so?,you are?"marco asked but it can being seen that inst intreting to know who is his opponent

"you!?!,"shouted orga as he charging his thunder hen he shouted

120mm Black Lightning Cannon!!!

black lightning rush toward marco but marco is still stood there without doing anything

but when the lightning almost hit him

"just this?,asked marco as he use obe finger to stop orga lightning




all people in domus flau shocked with marco display of power

even natsu,lucy,gray,gajeel,sting and rouge had cold sweet

"if you done,now it was mine turn" said marco but orga trying to attack him again

"if that dont has any effect then take this"shouted orga

Lightning God's Charged Particle Cannon!!!!!

orga unleash even stronger black lighting toward marco

"haih, no matter how big your magic is,weak is still weak"said marco with cold voice and he muttured


marco only fired one fire bullet toward orga

the fire bullet destroyed orga black lightning

then it hit orga,he directly flying behind around hundred meter and fainted directly

"now that easy"said marco as he walking toward emperor team viewing place

it was then all viewer soul return to their body

"damn marco is so handsome just now"

"just one attack and boom"

"is orga is weak or marco is too strong?"

in the emperor team viewing place

"you are to much marco" said upho

"nah,it just he was to weak"

"if that guy are strong then i dont know who is weak right now,maybe all of them are weak?"said Ren Drago

"their just ant infront your dragon god mode"said perona

"hemm,hey ii, atleast dont talk like that infront me,i also weak just like then oaky?"said ford

"now ii,let return to rest,the gane today is over" said zen as he walk away then all his nakama followed him from behind














hahaha +1600 word

that was fun

so wait for the next chapter


☆☆☆☆☆ FOR OUR MC

☆☆☆☆☆ FOR OUR MC

☆☆☆☆☆ FOR OUR MC

☆☆☆☆☆ FOR OUR MC

☆☆☆☆☆ FOR OUR MC