
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The young girl excites her spacing out at about 11:30 pm. and, she looks around to see that she is in a hospital bed. She started to panic and, pressed the "call nurse" button, exactly like the way the doctor did when she blinked before. Then, a nurse ran in, excitement rushing through the small veins in her body. The nurse then ran out of the room that the young girl was in, and shouted out into the ward, not caring about waking anyone up. The young girl took this opportunity to silently and ambitiously run out of the room.

The nurse ran back into the room, to be accompanied by confusion, s well as all of the other staff that came into the room with her. They all looked at the woman that shouted into the ward, with an angry look Then, they all started shouting at the young lady that took them off from their jobs Temperley. They all departed after shouting the young girl's ear off, and the young girl was left there, ashamed.

Meanwhile, the 16-year-old girl was on the streets, trying to find her way back home, and avoiding traffic, and when she was crossing the last road to get to her, and her family's house, right at the edge, she saw what looked like a person in the middle of the road, it looked like a girl was standing there.

She stood there for a long time, thinking about the young girl, but just as she was to take action, she heard a car coming. She didn't have enough time to take action. She was also in the path too, she may not be able to save the human, but she could save herself, and that's what she did.

She heard the car collide with the other human being, and she fell down to the ground. The driver didn't even get out of the car to see if the now dead human being was okay. The teenager that had just escaped hospital ran away from the scene and ran straight to her house.

Once she got home, she unlocked the door and ran into the house, the grandfather clock rang throughout the house. She panted as she sat down on the couch, everyone in the house could hear her, and they all came rushing down the stairs in a hurry. The young girl heard everyone stampeding through the house. She got scared and ran into the kitchen.

Once her whole family got down the stairs, her family was shocked to see that she was not in the lounge room. They all were in shock, they didn't know what to do, and they were scared for their family member, they all scattered to try and find her. They all searched high and low until the kitchen is the only place that she could be.

The whole family burst into the kitchen, looking for their other family member Kayla, and when they found her, hiding away from everyone, underneath the dining table. The dining room and kitchen are in the same area. Her family ran over to her, urgently trying to calm her down, her older brother ran over to her first, then followed by her mother. She lives in a small home, only with her mother, and her older brother. Her father divorced her mother, about one week ago, and her older brother was her only other relatives that she had contact with anyone other than her mother.

The two people surrounded her, both worry that Kayla might be injured, checking over her to make sure she has no bruises or scars, on her body. Kayla slowly stood up, and she, Made her way to the fridge. She was really hungry, she hasn't eaten anything in at least a week, the rest of my family looks at her confused, trying to find a reason why she went up to eat. They didn't know that she had eaten in a week.

She opens the door with a great amount of force. Then looking around the fridge in a hurry, to try and get something to eat. She was just so busy with her schoolwork that she didn't have any time to eat. She continues to look through the fridge, to try to find something that she would like. She then went to the cupboard.

Ashy continue to walk over to the cupboard, her family got more and more and confused, and also worried. She opened up the cupboard door, looking at the insides of it. And then, laying on a packet of pasta, one of those microwavable ones, that only takes about 10 minutes.

Her family watched, being cautious about all of her actions, Ready to protect her if anything happens. She grabbed the packet of pasta, out of your cupboard and placing it into the microwave that was right next to the large cupboard which is on the right side of the kitchen. She place is it in the microwave comma and set it to two minutes, this was bigger than normal ones, so it took an extra 2 minutes, all her family did, was stand there and make sure she didn't get hurt.

After the time was up, and the microwave blinged, Kayla woke up from her half sleeping state and slowly opened up the microwave door. She never looked back to her family, I'm sure if they were going to attack her or not. She then quickly grab a packet of microwave and put it into a semi a large bowl, and ran off with it into her bedroom.

Her bedroom had a light pink tinge on her walls, she had a bed directly in the centre of the room, surrounded by a couple of toys around her bed, only one window was visible. While still holding the ball of Pasta in her hands, she ran onto the bed and placed the pasta down onto her bed, before realizing that her door was opened and, she jumped off of the bed, and then closing the door, and locking it. She leaned back on the door, slowly catching her breath, then went to eat her pasta.