
From Earth to a Hellish World

Set alone upon an island with nothing but a system to help you progress, dinosaurs of collosal proportion threatening to tear you to shreds at every turn, and countless humans who may betray you at any time for but a single scrap of food; would you survive? The One True Creator has left his energy behind, mana: the power to create and destroy. The power to become a god. If you became a god, what would you aspire to do with your power?

Cosmictear · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Swallowing Stars and Waffles for Breakfast

We quickly jumped through a huge ass white portal with my ship that was so big that it took almost all of my divinities to stabilize. We had arrived at a star that was blue.

I moved over on the dash of the ship and smashed the button for my huge beam cannon. I felt the ship draw from the Mana in my Soulscape as it shot an enormous white beam towards the blue sun. 

As the beam touched the surface of the star, it began to quickly transform the mass into white Mana. The reaction spread faster and faster like a disease.

Within minutes the entire star was reduced to a mass of Mana motes and threads hanging in space. I raised my hand and my divinities shot out into space to gather the Mana. For a normal god such a display would be excessive, but I was the Creator of my own Universe. 

I sniffed. "Hey Alice, how much Mana was that?"