
From Death To Power: A Vampire's Growth

Allen has had it rough for some years and finally he could not take it anymore, therefore, he sought death. But mysteriously, he wakes up again only to find out that he was no longer a human. At first, he didn't want to accept the fact that he was now a monster because everything happened too fast for him but along the line, he slowly began to accept the new him. Now, he has a new dream — Taking over the world. He thought that it would come easy as long as he has the power but then, there is his father, the lord of the void walkers; a group of special scientifically made monsters. His father's dream is to take over the world as well but unlike his father who wants to destroy it, he wants a place for him and those he loves. Now faced with these fast rising and vicious monsters, Allen is left with two choices — To forgo his dreams and save humanity or to let humanity be destroyed while he saves those he loved. As ambitious as he is, he tends to pick the two choices. Find out more about the MC's journey and his growth... During the journey, he is faced with betrayals, deaths, pains, blood-spilling and many more but above all, he is surrounded by a few individuals that love him and are willing to die with him.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

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Allen didn't know what to do after his father had escaped. He turned to David and sighed deeply, he had lost another family member.

While he was still wallowing in self-regret, David's fingers suddenly moved and he opened his eyes.

"Allen," he called, his voice barely above a whisper.

Allen raised his head and saw David staring at him, he did not know how happy he was although he knew that he wouldn't last long.

"Allen, I only have few minutes left," David said to him. "But it's enough to tell you what you need to know."

Allen thought about what David was about to tell him, he guessed it related to their mother's death so he braced himself, ready to hear the truth.

"Father... He killed our mother," David said. Though Allen had already guessed the possibility of it being true, the news still came as a shock to him. "It all started the day you left us. After I returned home from school and didn't see you, I asked mother about your whereabouts but she said you ran away and didn't come back. She was sad so I went to father to ask him the same question but he gave me a different answer; he said mother chased you out of the house. Since then, I began to hate our mother secretly. Ever since you left the house, father began to behave weirdly and hardly comes home, I didn't want to think about it as anything but one day, I saw something that I should never have seen. Ever since then, father threatened me and made me become something that I never imagined."

"What is that?" Allen asked David. He already knew what David was driving at but as they say, it's better to hear it from the horse's mouth.

"That thing you saw earlier, father turned me into it. Father joined hands with a mad scientist who's dream was to create an army of monsters who with their help will take over the world but unknown to him, the scientist turned him into a monster as well. Out of rage, father killed the man and I happened to catch him in the act. Out of fear of being exposed, father threatened me and also turned me into a monster. Father didn't know the implications of what he had turned into; in order for us to survive, we must feed on human flesh. It will not only make us live but also make us stronger..." David paused after saying all these things. His time was almost over but it seemed like he had more to say. "Allen, please help me. You must stop father before becomes unstoppable. His plan is to destroy the world and make everyone living in it a monster, he wants to take over the world so you must stop him please. I know you are no longer a human, I felt it the moment I saw you. I believe that you alone can stop all these madness, please."

Allen didn't hesitate to make a promise to his brother. "How long has it been since all these started?" He asked him.

"It has only been a few months," David replied.

'Few months? Why do I feel it's been so long?' Allen thought to himself.

David suddenly began to cough and Allen knew that his time was almost up.

"Don't worry, David. I will stop father no matter what," he promised and David smiled before he finally closed his eyes.

Sighing deeply at his brother's death, Allen stood up because his work there has already finished. He left the place and returned to the streets, at the same time, thinking about everything David had told him about their father.

'What kind of monster is that?' He could not help but think after remembering the image of the monsters he had seen. Thinking that his father was the one who killed his mother, he clenched his fists. It was no wonder he felt familiar with the monster the moment he saw it.

"I am going to find him and make sure he pays for everything he did to mother and David," he said to himself. "Since he wants to take over the world, I might as well do the same thing. Let us see who wins in the end." A smile crept its way up to his lips as he evisioned himself sitting on a throne high up in the sky.

Although their plan seemed to be the same, while his father seeks the destruction of the world in order to take over it, he seeks another thing; a world where he can live freely and peacefully.


Allen had left that place and was now at the entrance to another town. He could hear the voices of people and the sounds of moving vehicles. He sighed a bit knowing that this town has not been evaded yet.

Relieved, he walked into the town while also making sure not to come in contact with anyone so as not to loose control of himself. After walking in the shadows for a while, he came to a stop at the front of a small old house. It looked empty and almost collapsed so he went in; it was still night so he had to find somewhere and rest.

As he got into the house, he found it empty. Quite displeased that he didn't see anywhere to lay, he grumbled and dragged his feet to a corner where he sat down and opted to close his eyes and rest for the night but few minutes after he closer his eyes, he opened them again, unable to sleep.

He had forgotten that he was no longer a human but a creature of the night.

"I might as well go through this book since I can't sleep," he spoke and brought out the book from his pocket.

As he began to read, a strange energy started to emanate from the pages. It wrapped around him, seeping into his skin like a warm mist.

At first, it was subtle. A tingling in his fingers, a heightened sense of smell. But as he continued to read, the energy grew stronger.

His senses expanded, his vision sharpening. He could see the individual threads in the old carpet, the tiny pores on his own skin.

His hearing became more acute, picking up the faint hum of the night cool breeze , and the soft creaks of the old building.

And his strength... He could feel it coursing through him like a river of flames. His muscles flexed, his heart pounding with newfound power.

Allen's eyes gleamed with excitement as he read on, devouring the secrets of the book. He knew he was changing, evolving into something more dark and powerful.

The energy reached a high intensity, and Allen felt himself being lifted out of his body. He saw himself from above, a tiny figure surrounded by beams of light.

And then, he was back, gasping for breath. The room spun around him, but he felt anchored, solid.

He knew he had tapped into something ancient, something powerful. And he knew he would never be the same again. Like a game, he devoured the content of the book after which it turned into smoke and vanished away. Allen was happy that he had gotten what he was looking for, although he was not yet satisfied. With a smile on his face, he closed his eyes and waited for day to break.

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