
Finding a Target

Percy and Orange were sitting next to each other inside his office looking over wanted posters. They wanted to find someone who was strong as the emperors, but did not have a large crew to back them up. This is because Kong only allowed his ship to roam freely and search for their potential opponent. The marines were scattered too thin at the moment and they could not afford multiple ships to assist Percy.

"How about him?" Orange asked as she took out a poster.

"Gunz? Isn't he too weak?" replied Percy

"Well his bounty is at 700 million belli right now. I thought that should be plenty powerful enough."

"No, he got his bounty because of the amount of towns he pillaged and civilians he slaughtered to the New world."

"Isn't he a logia user?" Orange asked as if trying to recall something.

"He ate the ash- ash fruit. He was invincible in paradise, but because he thought so heading to the New world, I heard he's in hiding."


"Apparently, he never heard of haki before crossing the Red line. Because of that, he suffered numerous defeats at the hands of other pirates. He's now hiding, I guess to train or lay low." Percy shrugged his shoulders. In his opinion, Gunz was not strong enough to prove his status as an admiral. After all, if Gunz could not use haki, then even Orange can defeat him.

"Next!" Orange said as she sighed, "this is going to take a while."

Over the next couple hours, several more notorious pirates were discussed but were either rejected by Percy as being too weak, or because Orange was not strong enough to fight their commanders.

"*sigh* I guess I'm holding you back" Orange said dejectedly.

"Nonsense" Percy tried to reassure her, "we just need to find our perfect opponent, I'm sure they are out there somewhere."

Orange had a faint smile on her face before she nodded her head, "okay"

Several minutes passed before Percy picked up a poster and shouted,

"I got it!"

Orange looked over and her eyes grew wide

"No no no" she said as got a good look at the person.

"Why not?"

"It's Byrnndi World. The world! They're too dangerous." Orange said while shaking her head.

"The only tough opponent is Byrnndi. I can fight him while you handle the rest. He should be strong enough to contend against an emperor and also weak enough for us to capture."

Orange was silent for a minute considering all the options, "fine. We can find World. Should we go now? I think it'll be until tomorrow before our crew is able to be deployed again."

"No. I need to report back to Kong. I'll be back soon. After that, we can leave."

*********************************************************************************************************"World, huh?" Kong asked as Percy was back in his office; this time Zed was not with him but Sengoku.

"Yes sir. I think World will be the perfect opponent for me to gauge my strength."

"His bounty is only 200 million belli though" Kong reminded his vice admiral.

"It may be low," Percy conceded, "but his devil fruit ability is more than enough to make him a dangerous opponent. The only think restricting him is lack of gaining territories. If not for that, he could contest with the emperors" Percy explained.

Kong rubbed his chin, "perhaps. Either way, you need to choose someone else."

"Why is that?" Percy asked. He thought that his explanation was legitimate enough for him and his team to seek out world.

"Apparently World has offended some world noble and his case has been given to cipher pol" Kong responded.

"Cipher pol" Percy said as he gritted his teeth. Just remembering them still leaves him in a bad mood.

"Let me give you an alternative then" Sengoku said with a smile on his face. "One of the pirates from the previous era has shown his face again and I think he will be the perfect opponent for you."

"The same era as Rocks?" Percy asked. He was not aware of any pirates during that except the Rocks pirates and Roger pirates.

"Yes. His name is Yiv and his alias was Suijin."

"Odd name" Percy said as he started to think out loud. "Suijin, what is that?"

"Water god" Sengoku said solemnly. "He ate the human- human fruit model: Poseidon. He is able to control the seas and all water around him. He is said to be unbeatable in a naval battle."

"That's right" Kong nodded in agreement. "Though he never had the same reputation as Xebec, his powers were said to be at a similar level."

"Do you think I can handle him?" Percy asked as he was thinking about his opponent.

"As long as you engage him on land, it should be enough for you to capture him. After all, you can negate his abilities as long as you touch him right?" Sengoku asked

There was a pause before Percy looked at the fleet admiral and future fleet admiral "Where is he?"

Kong smiled, "He is actually in paradise at the moment. Our scouts report that he is on a small island called Bloom Peak. It seems like he is heading back to one of the Blues, but we don't know why."

"Is he alone? Where is his crew?"

"Yiv's crew disbanded when their captain decided to hide for the past decade. Most of them joined the new emperors and the rest formed their own pirate crews."

"I see... I think he should be a perfect opponent for me. I never really got to go all out for the past two years and I think this will be the perfect opportunity."

Percy was excited, he finally found someone that could be a worthy opponent without harming Orange and he found a potential devil fruit ability to steal.

[If all goes according to plan] Percy thought as he informed Orange of their target, [by the time I come back here I will have two devil fruits and be an admiral.]

next chapter mc looks for his target. have fun wit it

pieinskiecreators' thoughts