
Reborn As Crown Prince In India

In 2043, Earth is falling apart due to pollution. A scientist named Arjun creates a new energy technology, but a nuclear explosion sends him back in time to 1569. Reborn as Siddharth Pala Gupta, he has to use his future knowledge to protect his royal family and kingdom from danger. also on royal road by posted by alpa

alpa_ · History
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A New Beginning

Vikram era:- 5, Madhava, 1627 (Wednesday, 14th May, 1569),??????

Siddharth awoke to a strange and disorienting sensation. He felt as though he was suspended in a warm, viscous medium, floating without gravity or anchor. His surroundings were dimly lit, allowing him to barely make out the shapes of his tiny hands and feet. The faint light cast long, obscure shadows that made it impossible to discern any details about his environment.

As he tried to make sense of his situation, the comfort of the medium around him began to lull him back to sleep. But before he succumbed to slumber, a soft, soothing humming reached his ears. The sound was gentle and melodic, emanating from somewhere nearby, although its source remained hidden from him. The hum was oddly comforting, and Siddharth felt a sense of peace wash over him.

He lay there, suspended in the viscous medium, contemplating the strange reality he found himself in. Suddenly, the memories of his time in the void came rushing back to him. The cyborg, the lever, the final message—all of it flooded his mind, bringing with it a sense of urgency. He needed to understand where he was and what was happening.

Focusing his thoughts, Siddharth activated his minimap. The interface appeared in his mind's eye, a semi-transparent, holographic display that seemed to float in the darkness before him. It glowed with a soft blue light, providing a stark contrast to the dim environment. The minimap was both sophisticated and intuitive, with icons and symbols that he instinctively knew how to interpret.

Curious, Siddharth manipulated the minimap with his thoughts, zooming out to gather more information about his surroundings. To his astonishment, he realized he was within a womb—his mother's womb. The realization was both shocking and awe-inspiring. He was at the very beginning of a new life.

The minimap provided a detailed layout of his immediate surroundings. He could see the outline of a spacious room around him, indicating that he was indeed with his parents in their bedroom. The map showed a couple of chambermaids standing near the door and guards stationed outside, suggesting a setting of high status and security.

Focusing on the minimap, Siddharth could discern more details about the room. The bedroom was grand, The bed, where his parents lay, was large. The chambermaids were present near the door, their presence indicating the care and attention given to the household. The guards outside the door stood at attention, their presence a testament to the importance of the occupants within.

As he listened intently, Siddharth could hear the sounds of life outside the bedroom. Conversations in a language he couldn't yet understand filled the air, their rhythms and cadences pleasing to his ears. The sound was melodic and harmonious, creating a sense of calm and familiarity. Despite not understanding the words, the tone and flow of the language were comforting, making him feel connected to the world outside.

Determined to gather more information, Siddharth zoomed out further on his minimap. The map expanded to reveal the larger region in which he was located. He saw the convergence of three great rivers, a bustling city nestled between their banks. The area was rich with cultural and historical significance, a hub of activity and commerce. The city was a thriving center, its streets filled with people and its markets bustling with trade.

The minimap depicted the city's vibrant life, from the temples and palaces to the streets and marketplaces. He could see the intricate network of roads and pathways, the gardens and parks, and the large palace he was currently in. This depiction confirmed his location, providing a sense of place without giving away precise details that could compromise his safety.

Curious, Siddharth began to manipulate the minimap with his thoughts, trying to gather more information about his surroundings. Suddenly, a high-pitched, cheerful voice slammed the door open, startling him and causing him to move his limbs reflexively. He felt his tiny foot kick against the soft walls of the womb, and immediately regretted it, hoping he hadn't caused any trouble.

He quickly reopened the minimap, and saw a top-down view of the room. A person was standing at the door. The figure moved towards the base of the bed, their movements lively and almost skipping. From the voice and other subtle clues, Siddharth inferred that this person was a girl.

As she got closer, a short, heated exchange followed, filled with familiar yet unfamiliar sounds. Despite not understanding the language, the tone and rhythm of the conversation were clear. The girl's voice was cheerful and slightly teasing, while his parents' voices held a mix of amusement and mild exasperation. This was followed by some fairly girly giggling and embarrassed noises, painting a picture of a lighthearted, friendly exchange.

Siddharth watched as the three figures—his mother, father, and the new girl—interacted warmly. This created a symphony of familial affection. It was clear that this was a loving and close-knit family, and the realization filled Siddharth with a sense of comfort and belonging.

As these revelations unfolded, Siddharth felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. Despite the excitement of his discoveries and the anticipation of the new life beginning to form around him, the pull of sleep was irresistible. The soft humming continued to echo in his mind, a lullaby from a world he was yet to see. He allowed himself to drift off once more, his thoughts filled with wonder and curiosity about the life that awaited him.