
From Bottom-tier to Dimensional Chat Group.

My life was destroyed in a car accident, despite the fact that it was a suicide attempt by a man who shot himself in a moving bus, affecting the entire region and causing a simultaneous accident that claimed many lives. I cried quietly as I remembered that I was getting married on the same day as my wife, who had also been involved in the accident, and how bitter it felt to lose my life in such a way. It was the moment that a new chapter in my life was about to begin, but it turned out to be the tragic conclusion of our relationship. But given that memories of my previous lives began to surface in the young man's mind at the age of 15, who would have believed that it was not the end and that I had been reincarnated or had taken a second birth? Until! [Welcome to Dimensional Chat Group.] [Would the host like to bind his account with it?] [Yes] [No] The beginning of an unexpected adventure and new life

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Demon Slayer world.

That evening, Fumiya had dinner with his mother and sister before returning to his room to accept the quest. A timer then showed that he had one hour and twenty-two minutes until he would be teleported to the Demon Slayer World.


[Transfer Protocol Activating]

Fumiya was having a short nap before he heard the ringing sound inside his mind and before he felt a flash of light envelope him, which he felt even though he had his eyes closed.

Along with that, a cold breeze passed by his neck. He was barely able to survive here without freezing thanks to the cold-resistant clothing he had purchased from the system.


He turned back and saw slime, which literally shook him off until it changed into a human form from the anime that he had seen. "Wow! That is really convenient." Fumiya murmured, and Rimuru nodded and grinned in response.

"Pro-gamer right!" Fumiya nodded and extended a hand to shake hands with Rimuru, who also introduced himself, even though he already knew Rimuru's name.

"Tomozaki Fumiya!" Fumiya looked tanned physique and calm personality, which had rather calming effect to him, but Rimuru felt that Fumiya personality looked rather mature for a boy of his age.

"Oi!!!" Rimuru and Fumiya were conversing when a group of three approached them, two of whom were girls and one of whom was a boy. It was Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Rukia, who had happened to have met them on the way here.

Tanjiro appeared to be in his 13s, a few years younger than Fumiya, as did Nezuko, who appeared to be the same age as Fumiya, but this was due to her clothing, and she herself was younger than Fumiya and the others in the group.

Fumiya, who had that calm expression and young look on his face, stood on the icy mountain wearing a white dress that made him blend in with the ice if he covered his face and hands.

For Rukia, who had a favorable impression of him from the group because he had acted like a busy body but had been doing his best to assist them, he appeared to be very distinctive.

"Rukia! Nezuko! Tanjiro!" Fumiya called as he looked at the new group. Even though Nezuko was able to recognize both of them, Rimuru only had time to ask Fumiya for an introduction because he did not have much time to read the Demon Slayer manga.

"Hello, my name is Tomozaki Fumiya; you can also call me Pro-Gamer if it is hard to remember my name." Nezuko, who quickly recognized Fumiya's speech pattern because she remembered the voice clip from the group and thought his voice sounded a lot like it, made Nezuko and Rumia both laugh.

"Wow! It is amazing to me how people let things go in this environment because it could be dangerous to let ice out at that time." Together with Rimuru, who also found it difficult to laugh at his remarks, Tanjiro really caught up and had to suppress his laughter.



"Hmm, what did he say?" Nezuko did not hear Fumiya. While Rukia carried out his work with an iron fist of justice, Fumiya was forced to sit down, holding back the tears he was trying to hold back, and asking with his looks of "What did I do?" as he looked at her.

Fumiya refrained from trying to make another joke out of fear of being hit again, though he was undoubtedly curious as to how people manage to relieve themselves at this temperature and on top of the mountain.

"Fumiya-san, right..." Tanjiro warmed up to Fumiya without much difficulty, and when Rimuru switched into slime mode, he was startled. However, Tanjiro soon began to believe his sister's words and did apologize to her appropriately.

"You guys are from a different world, huh?"

"Yeah! It can be said like that. However, based on the chat group's name, I believe we are not in this world but rather in another dimension."

They had trouble processing it, but thanks to Fumiya's explanation, they were able to make some sense of this dimension-like subject, even though it seemed like a strange explanation to them.

"Haha! It is really weird, but I am sure everyone else will be thrilled to know about it, although I can't say about the so-called demon and things like that in our world."

Tanjiro seemed rather tensed.

Why, then, should he not be unconcerned about this entire situation?

After all, they claim that they are about to be attacked, even though his family members were all killed in the actual attack.

"I can't say, but I can understand your feeling; after all, I was not in that condition in my life, so all I can say is that we will do all we can to help you guys."

Rimuru was the calmest among them, and he might be the strongest among them too, so his words actually calmed Tanjiro and Nezuko a bit as they rushed back to their home.

Later, Rimuru was asked to perform the magic trick once more, and as a result, Tanjiro's mother began to believe them as well.

Nezuko in particular, who had been adamant about a strange group that was aiding her from another world, started to gain trust like that of Nezuko.

Before she smiled and invited them inside her house, Kie Kamado had a momentarily distraught look on her face.

"Please come in; also, I had to thank all of you for coming." Fumiya entered first and thanked Nezuko's mother before looking at small figures hiding inside their house and watching them from the window after Kie invited them inside.

"Hello!" Fumiya waved at the little kids, at which point the eldest among them, Takeo, came in front of him and nodded. Hanako, the first eldest daughter among them, came out to greet Fumiya, Rimuru, and Rukia.

"Yeah, right, I just happened to forget something."

Fumiya took out the package of cake and gave it to both of them first. "This is really delicious cake; you can have it, and I have some for everyone too."

"Oi! You are a way to relax, Fumiya."

Rimuru face-palmed as he looked at Fumiya, who had little expression on his face, but his kind gaze and warm way of talking made all the kids inside come rushing around him without any worry.

"Stop being so rigid, Rimuru-san. It is not like we can do anything by getting agitated over the worry, and these kids had nothing to do with the things we are troubled about."

Except for Rimuru, Fumiya, and Rukia, everyone was affected by the atmosphere when they heard the children laughing. Tanjiro and Nezuko in particular began to unwind because they had little prior experience with such risky situations.

"It will be today, and we do not know when that thing will attack all of us." Rimuru whispered after coming beside Rukia and Fumiya.

"Don't worry about it with this ice; I will never lose to him." Rukia appeared to be confident when Fumiya whispered something to break her confidence.

After all, Fumiya was confident that Muzan Kibutsuji might even surpass captain level on her world given his true physical strength, not to mention his blood demon art that even he was unaware of.

Not to say, they were in different worlds, and Rukia was only able to use her kido in this world and nothing else.

"He can manipulate his body shape; his blood can shoot like sero in your world, maybe stronger than all there; plus, he has unlimited regeneration from our point of view." Fumiya had that calm tone, but he was also aware of the strength of the enemy. Even Rimuru sweated hearing about it and looked out the window.

"So, what can we do?" Someone asked. Fumiya was taken aback as he turned to look at Nezuko with a hesitant expression, but he also lacked any concrete plans.

The only option that came to his mind was to leave the shelter and flee; after all, that was the only way they might be able to escape from this location.

"We can only flee." Kie and Nezuko could only accept the grave tone in which he spoke and the subsequent dead silence.

"But! What we will do after running away from this place" Since everyone in the room seemed to be aware of the enemy strength that was moving toward them, Kie turned to ask as she turned to look at her children and imagined how they would develop in the future.

"Don't worry, it is not grave. If it is not possible, I will bring all of you to my world someday with some magic, for sure." Rimuru chuckled as he considered how he was creating a nation and would do everything in his power to assist them as well.

"Not to say, we have another mission to help you guys settle in this world too, so it is my job to create a business for you guys." With a smile, Fumiya joined in and began to think of ways he could help them later because they were leaving in a short while.

"Eh! We are going to find a new home." The youngest members of the group were able to take pleasure in switching homes, but the First Daughter and Eldest Son were very worried because they could tell when Fumiya walked out of the cottage that something significant was happening.

He discovered that a storm was about to begin in no more than two to three hours when he smelled something familiar.

"Wait! Didn't the attack from Muzan happen during the same period when Tanjiro was forced to stay at that old man's hut?" As he entered the cottage and turned to face Rimuru, he muttered.

"Let's get it done quick..." Fumiya spoke in a low tone, but it attracted Rimuru attention, as he used his system bag to swallow other necessary things within him. "Let's rush out tiny party..." With that Rimuru directly called out his first summoned partner.

"Ranga!!" When he shouted, a large wolf that appeared to be at least a meter tall stood in front of them, frightening the young boy.

However, after speaking with Rimuru, the wolf began to play with the boy, making everyone extremely excited.

As a result, Ranga asked Rimuru, Kie, and Rokuto to sit on his shoulders while he called forth three more wolves to accommodate Hanako, Tanjiro, Takeo, and Shigeru all at once.

Aside from the fact that he was not here to go on play dates with girls and that he was confident he would spend a lot of time with Nezuko in the future, Fumiya could only act blind in response to Nezuko's insistence on sitting next to him based solely on appearance.


Along with the howl and laughter, they all departed from that place, where Rimuru and Fumiya sighed as they looked at the coat they had bought.

They cost about 700 system points, which they both paid for individually. These coat and cover dress were cold resistant and had breathing facilitation magic in them.

After all, Rukia and Nezuko did not have points given to them through the beginner package.

While the children behind them had low physiques, particularly Nezuko who was behind him, Fumiya was confident that it was well compensated from their side given the storm was beginning to appear with low altitude wind and they were all descending from the mountain.


They had been moving for the past two hours, and the wind was blowing hard, but the glasses on the mask allowed them to see very clearly. Plus, the wind was getting cold, although none of them were affected by it.

"Nezuko, you're alright!" From behind, Fumiya could hear Nezuko breathing, so he messaged her and used the virtual screen to ask her.

Pro-gamer: Nezuko, you're alright!

Ember-Heart: Hmm! I am alright...

It was too late to respond, and Fumiya knew that kids would soon be approaching bearing level, so he could only mull it over briefly before sending Rimuru a message.

Pro-gamer: They are getting tired, Rimuru. Since a change in environment can have a significant impact on children their age, we need to find a location with a wind shield so that we can use a tent to rest temporarily.

Slime-King: I know, I am already at it...

Rimuru's response caused Fumiya to become silent as he held Nezuko's hand and gently pressed it while asking her to wait for the moment. Hanako turned to face them as she noticed Nezuko's obvious expression—made clear by the transparent mask—and she sensed that her sister was beginning to rely heavily on Fumiya.
