
Governor Lu

"Stop... I'm sorry, please come in, dear guests."

The waiters tried to stop them from entering but let them in when they recognized Ho Ming and Ho Jie.

Lin Fan smiled at the waiters and asked, "What's happening?"

"These disciples of the Lady Saint seem to have gone crazy.

"They are creating trouble as they roam through the city.

"Our inn nearly got thrashed, but fortunately the constables came in time."

The waiter said and pointed at the broken tables and chairs that were stacked up in a corner.

Lin Fan thanked the waiter, and they went to the dining area for lunch.

He listened intently to the chatter that was going on.

"Why are you still here? Better get out as fast as you can."

"I tried, but these crazy disciples are everywhere."

"The Governor had better do something about these lunatics soon."