
From Arms Dealer to King of War

A magical'universal toolbox 'allowed Jorga to step into the arms world. The eerie world caused Jorga to gradually change his goal... "Sir, how did you get to this point?" "I don't know. At first, I just wanted to earn some money, buy a house, and marry a wife. But as more and more people appeared around me, my goals began to change." "Then what is your goal now?" "Now I just want to bring my buddies to retire safely, really!"

DaoistddxESb · War
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42 Chs

Chapter 28: War Syndrome

Joga detected the anxiety in Boss Huang's voice. Rubbing his still throbbing head, he said, "Boss Huang, you've seen the situation in Kamu. The security forces have blocked most of the roads. Are you trying to make things difficult for me by asking for guns right now?"

On the other end of the line, Boss Huang replied anxiously, "Where are you? I can come pick you up. I need 500 AK rifles and 100,000 rounds of ammunition. You can set any price; I guarantee I won't haggle."

Joga was taken aback by Boss Huang's tone. He could indeed procure 500 AKs, but it would take at least half a month to do so. After all, the万能工具箱 (universal toolbox) was a high-tech printing tool capable of synthesizing materials, not an industrial assembly line. 

Moreover, since his trip to Southern SD, Joga had learned the risks inherent in such a "big deal." 

500 AKs and 100,000 rounds of ammunition would be enough to form an armed group in that cursed place of SD. Joga didn't know exactly what had happened to Boss Huang, but he knew he couldn't supply that much weaponry at the moment. 

Regretfully declining Boss Huang's "big deal," Joga said, "Boss Huang, I don't have that much inventory right now, and with the recent terrorist attack in Kamu, I can't stay here for long. I'm really sorry, but I might not be able to help this time."

Boss Huang expressed his disappointment, saying, "Really can't help? Wolf, this is a life-or-death business…"

Joga was momentarily stunned and asked, "'Life-or-death'? When did guns become lifesaving items?"

After a long silence, Boss Huang's voice grew heavy. "My son has been kidnapped. But he's clever; he told them he could help buy quality weapons, which is why he's still alive. Now they're demanding that I provide 500 AK-47s and 100,000 rounds of ammunition within five days, or my son's life is forfeit."

Joga exclaimed in surprise, "Don't tell me your son was at the Kamu Grand Hotel!"

Boss Huang replied helplessly, "That brat was there to host a few friends from home, and in the end, not only did several friends die, but he also got himself caught up in it. Wolf, I know the stuff you have is good. For the sake of our years of interaction, please help me. I'm just a businessman; besides you, I can't find anyone else to help."

"I've heard that SD is advancing the hostage rescue operation…"

"Don't mention that damn security department! Their people can't even get into Darfur. Wolf, help me out! Just get my son back, and name your price!"

Joga could clearly sense Boss Huang's anxiety over the phone, but he truly had no way to acquire that many items in five days. Moreover, in good conscience, Joga didn't believe that a terrorist organization bold enough to kill indiscriminately in the center of Kamu would simply release hostages. 

After a deep sigh, Joga said, "I'm sorry, Boss Huang. I really can't do this."

With that, Joga furrowed his brow and hung up the phone...

Although they were not related by blood, such matters were uncomfortable, especially since Joga himself was also a victim of the terrorist attack. 

If he had enough weaponry, he certainly wouldn't refuse Boss Huang, as it was a lucrative business and an opportunity to help a fellow countryman. 

As Joga ended the call, Niss, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke in broken Chinese, stuttering, "If you want weapons, I know a place where there are some, but you have to let me stay and help me with something in return."

Joga, taken aback, looked at Niss warily and asked, "You can understand Chinese?"

Niss nodded. "My brother has been forcing me to learn Chinese for the past year. He wants me to master it and join a Chinese company."

Joga looked into Niss's calm eyes, puzzled. "Who exactly are you? What's the purpose of joining a Chinese company? Niss, you've helped me, but that doesn't mean you can get involved in my business or scheme against my countrymen."

Niss looked at Joga's serious expression and shook her head after a while, speaking in a strangely flat tone, "You were kind to me. You saved my life at the hotel, and I have respect for you and your country. My brother wants me to join a Chinese company just to find a chance to leave North Africa. But I don't want to leave…"

Joga gazed at Niss, who was starting to seem a bit strange, and asked, "Why don't you want to leave? You say you're from Liberia. My impression is that anyone who has experienced war would be eager to escape."

At this moment, Kaman suddenly interjected, "She is haunted by demons. Such people can never escape from killing."

Kaman's sudden comment caught Joga off guard, and he glanced at Niss, who seemed indifferent. "What do you mean?" Joga asked.

Kaman looked into Niss's calm eyes and shook his head. "She has killed many people; the 'demons' have invaded her soul. If she can't drive those 'demons' away, she will never find peace."

Joga shrugged helplessly, "Can you say something I can understand?"

After thinking for a moment, Kaman replied, "I can't find the right words, but I know she has been to the battlefield and has definitely killed many people. Many people like her can be 'invaded by demons,' and they become abnormal…"

Joga paused, suddenly recalling a famous movie character, 'Rambo.' However, the beautiful Niss in front of him had nothing in common with that muscular man. 

Kaman might not know what PTSD was, but Joga did understand the danger of such conditions, as he himself had taken anti-anxiety medication in the past. 

Due to his psychological issues, he had worked under pressure for more than three years. Excessive anxiety and vigilance had troubled him for a long time, prompting him to seek help through medication. 

It wasn't until his shooting skills gradually improved that his symptoms began to alleviate. 

Some individuals who had participated in prolonged battles under high pressure, facing bloodshed and death, would ultimately develop a series of problems. 

PTSD isn't just a 'war trauma syndrome' but encompasses all post-traumatic stress disorders. Childhood abuse, major adult changes, such as war, natural disasters, and serious accidents, can all lead to PTSD. 

Even with similar experiences, different people can exhibit varied specific symptoms—some become depressed, some develop nervous disorders, some suffer from excessive anxiety, and some develop substance dependencies…

The 'demons' that Kaman referred to certainly weren't those mentioned above, but rather a form of stress disorder. 

'Hyper-vigilance,' 'irritability,' and 'bloodlust' can become life obstacles for some PTSD patients. 

They struggle to integrate into normal life. While ordinary patients may be okay, those who emerge from war can become particularly dangerous, whether to others or themselves. 

They may only feel at ease in familiar environments. Kaman's statement about being 'unable to escape killing' isn't without reason! 

Looking at Niss, who had a calm expression and did not refute Kaman, Joga shook his head and said to Kaman, "Then you've also been through blood and death. Do you have 'demons' in your heart?"

Kaman shook his head. "No, because my former enemies were scarier than demons!" 

Kaman's calm tone sent a chill down Joga's spine. 

This guy had lived on the battlefields of Africa for far too long; he had fought longer than the lifespans of many Africans. 

He felt he was always battling 'demons,' and thus no demons approached him. 

It seemed a bit like self-hypnosis, self-reconciliation, and rationalization of one's actions, which might actually relieve some stress. 

Joga couldn't help but give Kaman a thumbs up and then turned to Niss, saying seriously, "Who exactly are you? You look like you're not even thirty. What exactly did you do in the past?"