
From Accidental Kiss To Marriage

What would happen if you accidentally kiss a billionaire which you didn't knew he was and then you have to marry him.

CherryCherry · Urban
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3 Chs

1. We'll Meet Again

"Be straight, don't move, walk straight and look straight"

"I'm trying"

"That's not what I wanna hear. Trying is not a word. You have to do it. Do you hear me ?"

"Yes. Mother. I do"

My mother said as she walked up to my father. My father is a lovely man. He doesn't care what I look like. He still loves more but as for my mother, actually my step mother she seems to doesn't like me much.

It's not one of the story where your mother dies and your dad marry another women who takes over your live.

My mother didn't die she just gave up on my and as per for my dad he couldn't raise me as single. So he got married. It's not that I don't like my step mom it's just that she wants me to be perfect.

"I don't know Herbert what she going to do in future" said my mother as she wrapped her left arm around my father who was sitting on the couch.

"She would be fine darling. Don't think about her that much"

"But-" my mother was about to complete as my father interrupt her in between. "Don't worry I said"

I was doing my best but I couldn't be good enough. At last all I can do is try. I don't hate her neither does she. Maybe.

"Mother Mei. I'm going out. I'll be back before 10"

"Where are you going ?"

"Um. I'm going to the store to buy something."

"Be back before curfew or your behaviour would not be tolerated"

"Yes. I'll be back"

It's not a new thing. I hear that everyday. It's like her scolding me is usual thing now. But now that I was out I felt free. Almost.

I could easily get anxiety from crowded place. But I rather choose to be in public than home with my mother.

I was wandering in my thoughts until I heard a manly and heavy but soft voice. "Miss. You dropped your ID"

I turned around to see a man with tight chest. He shirt looked like it would burst open. He was tall and handsome just like every other frictional character but it's was a bit different. He looked ... scary.

"Oh. I'm sorry and thank you for returning it to me"

"It's okay. But be careful next time."

He took a moment to look at my face and then my ID before returning it to me.

"Feiyeng. This name really suits you"

What he said made me lost in my thoughts. It even took me a moment to realise that he left already.

The thought of him didn't left from my head. I kept walking trying to forget about him. Just right for the moment I saw a cafe.

"Welcome ma'am to our cafe"

"Thank you"

"What would you like ?"

"I would like a-" I was about to say as someone stepped forward and spoke before me.

"A strong coffee with no sugar"

I turned my head to see. It was that man again. But this time I didn't like the fact he intruded me.

"Uh. Don't you know that it's rude to cut someone off the line"

"No I didn't know that. Now if you'll excuse me"

It shocked me how he spoke to me after being sweet and giving back my ID.

"Why are you so rude ? You weren't to me before."

"I don't even know you. Now excuse me I have to go" he said that directly staring at my eyes. But this time he wasn't looking scary infact he looked sweet but with an attitude.

But I couldn't do anything about it. So I drank my herbal tea which I ordered and left. But things couldn't get worse when you are having a bad day already. The rain outside was pouring like it's gonna make everyone drown in itself.

Unluckily I definitely didn't had an umbrella which didn't surprise me. I am not lucky enough to dodge this situation. I didn't had any choices other than run to straight home.

I took a deep breath, count to three and ran as fast as I could. I didn't see where I was going I was running and running until I find a shed to hid away from this rain.

I couldn't see clearly but I was just running until a spark of light appeared infront of me and before I could know or understand anything I was laying on the ground.

I didn't know anything other the pain that was cause when I fall down or maybe that wasn't the cause of pain.

I tried to stand up but the pain in my left leg wouldn't let me. Wiping away the rain from face I realise I there was a car right next to me. The headlights of car shining made me hard to see nothing.

But I saw someone getting out of the car. It was ..... him again. This was the third time I met him today. Maybe we had a connection or maybe it's just a coincidence.

He bend down and stared right into my eyes.

"You still had the audacity to crash right infront of my car."

"I didn't did on purpose. It was an accident"

"Yeah the accident had to happen right infront of me. I can't believe I'm meeting you second time today"

"First an an accident is an accident and second you mean third time today"

"Are you hallucinating or you've hit your head too hard. And I'm not taking you to hospital"

"I am not hallucinating"

"Where do you live ?"

"Why ? You wanna stalk me to my house for money?"

"No. I wanna drop you off"

"I don't want you to drop me"

"Then can you walk ?"

I tried to stand up showing that I'm not weak which I was hiding from him. Finally struggling I stood up but it didn't took me second to fall down back to where I was.

"Done trying ?" he said as he took my arm and spread around his neck in order to carry me. But the pain was too bad "Ouch" slipped from my mouth.

"Be careful" he said as he open the car door.

"Thank you" I said while avoiding the eye contact.

"You're welcome I guess"

Any moment didn't stopped him from being mean. At last we arrived at my home. I didn't said anything the whole time neither did he.

"Again thank you for today" I said as I got out of the car.

He nodded his head and said nothing.

"We'll meet again" he muttered.