
From a Pebble to a Diamond

A guy who has no talent at all on being an adventurer is living his happy life in the city. Everything is going easy but all turned ill. his mother was executed right in front of him and he was sold off as a slave. He wished for revenge. He wish to kill the mastermind of all of this. But, he also wished to be a strong adventurer and a hero who will save humanity. ****** Follow Clyde in his adventure towards the peak of power.

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2 Chs

Life Changing Disaster

"Good morning Clyde." A woman walking from the kitchen carrying a plate with food said to the kid with tousled hair who waked up not too long ago.

"Good Morning mom!" The boy said while he rubbed his eyes.

"Come here, Clyde. Let's eat while the foods are hot." Then his mom put the food on the table. Then Clyde sat down on the chair and chomped on the food merrily.

After he finished his food, he then goes to the bath and wears his school uniform.

"Goodbye, Mom!" Then he waved to his mom as he walked out of the door.

"Goodbye, Clyde!" Then his mom waved back at him. He closed the door and then walked at the street merrily.

After walking for nearly an hour, he is now in front of the gate of his school.

"WOW!" he exclaimed. Then he fell in line along with the other student.

"ohhhhh isn't it Clyde Helsword? HAHAHAHA. What the hell are you doing here poor weakling?" A boy wearing nice clothes that belong to a royalty called at Clyde.

Clyde just stood there along with the crowd without talking back.

"HAHAHA! Good boy! That is totally right! Poor and weakling should not talk back to strong and rich!" Then the boy and his gang laughed at Clyde.

Clyde still, refrains from talking back.

What the royalty boy said is true. Weak and poor does not have the power to talk to rich and strong, this is the unspoken rule of their place. Poor and weak is placed below, while rich and strong placed at the top.

"Stop it Blire! You're always bullying Clyde. Come on Clyde." Then a girl wearing a dress scolded the royal boy named 'Blire'. She then extended her hand and pulled Clyde's hand and dragged him passing the gate directly.

"Princess!" Then the guard bows toward the girl. The girl clearly is the Princess of this kingdom where Clyde resides in.

"It is lucky to be friends with Princess Streya." One of the lackeys of Blire said.

"What did you say?!" Then Blire glared angrily at the one who talked about being lucky.

"No! Nothing at all." He replied hurriedly.


"Why did you do it again Streya?" Clyde said to her when they passed the gates.

"What? Is there something wrong about protecting my cute friend?" Streya then pinched Clyde's cheeks.

Clyde instantly blushed and stuttered as he said, "T-there's nothing wrong about it." Then he looked down saying no more.

Then Streya clings at his arms as they walk. It really looked awkward that a royalty especially a princess is so close to a poor like a lover.

Clyde blushed but still, refrain from talking.

This is the kingdom of Vestraz that is ruled by the royalty of Vestraz, the noble family where Streya belongs. Her father is the current king of this place.

This kingdom is prosperous and wealthy. It is spanned by hundred thousands of kilometers.

Clyde has lost his father because he is an adventurer and died on a mission. He also wanted to be an adventurer too but his body is totally weak and not suitable for body strengthening and power-wielding.

Thus, he entered a school and tried to study to become a decent teacher someday in some school. While Streya has the royal blood running through her veins making her a suitable for body strengthening and power-wielding. Before royals become an adventurer, they first go to school and learn about the world.

A year have passed he is still going to school. He is now aged 16 and is now graduating. Streya is preparing for her adventure life while he is going to a higher school level to study.

Everything goes according to his plan but suddenly something unexpected happens, a royalty fell in love with his mother wants her to become his concubine. Her mother refuses and everything else turned ill. The royalty made up some stories about his mother being the witch of the royal capital. He framed up Clyde's mother by spraying pesticide on the farm where his mother passing by every day in work and tell the farmers that it is because of the witch. He then expanded the stories until the citizens of the kingdom of Vestraz believe at the story and protested to execute Clyde's mother.

Clyde tried to beg at Streya and Streya also begs at her father but her father's decision is final and they're going to execute Clyde's mother along with Clyde.

When Streya heard about this, she threatened her father that she will kill herself if they're also going to execute Clyde. Her father listened at her wish and granted it, but Clyde will live his life in misery by now.

In the middle of the city, a woman tied up in a pole and twigs bundled down below her. "Please! Have mercy on me! I didn't do what you accused at me!" Clyde's mother shouted out.

"Silent Witch!"

"Kill her!"

"Kill that pest!"

"You hide pretty good bitch! Now DIE!"

"No! No! No! Please don't kill my Mom!" Clyde tried to beg but no one listens to him. Right in front of him, is his Mother who is tied up at the moment. Their distance is only 30 meters, just barely away where he won't feel the heat when they started burning his mom. He was shackled and was bound at a stone, rendered immobile and cannot resist.

"We should also burn her child! He must be a witch also and may bring disaster to our kingdom!"

"Yeah! Definitely right!"

"Kill the Witch's child!"

Clyde felt despair in his heart grow. He knew that it was because of that bastard royalty. He begged Streya but the only thing she did with her might is to spare Clyde life and he understood what totally happened. If the king refuses to burn his mother, the royalty who made all this may also start a rumor that the king is acquainted with the witch and may cause the citizens to revolt.

"MOM!" Clyde saw his mother burned to dust. He tried to resist the shackles but he is powerless.

"ALL OF YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS MITCHEL!" Mitchel is the name of that royalty who fell for his mom and wanted to make her his concubine. And it was the father of Blire.

After they burned his mother, they tortured Clyde and nearly died. Then the king commanded that Clyde was going to be a slave. Clyde, as a slave, was sold off to the adventurer guild. By this time, Clyde's heart is filled with great rage and HATRED towards the cause of all of this, Mitchel Mestron.

Adventurer's Guild has always slaves who will help the adventurer in their battles. They sold them and they can be cannon fodders, laborers, and can be the looter for their masters.

"Ohhhh. I'll buy this kid here!" Said the adventurer. Then he grabbed Clyde in his arm and then he carried him into his carriage. Clyde didn't even try to resist and he just let everything goes with the flow.

'uggghh! Why the hell is this happening to me?! Are the heavens really hated me by this much?!' he said in his thought.

Then the adventurer throws Clyde inside the carriage while his hands and feet are tied up.

Then Clyde fell asleep.


Clyde slowly opened his eyes as he heard the barrage of slaps and he felt his face swollen.

"You dumbass worthless trash! I paid for you so go and work! I don't need sloppy ones! You want to live?" The adventurer asked. Clyde slightly nodded. "Then don't lie there! Follow me." Then Adventurer walked out of the carriage.

"You will be thought about how to use some magic for looting effectively. You will also need to train yourself to make yourself survive in the dungeons we will enter." The Adventurer said while walking towards a small hut.

"You will sleep here in this hut." The Adventurer stopped in front of the hut, then he gave a book to Clyde. "This is the compilation of the skills you need to learn. You will also need to train your body. We will enter a dungeon within a month so train hard if you want to live. And also, you need to hunt for your own food." Then the adventurer walks towards a beautiful estate.

Clyde slightly nodded. His face is now emotionless. He entered the hut and saw a bed and a kitchen in a single room. He then lied on the bed, resting after a year or so of sleeping on the floor without even cushion.

His days of being tortured are so harsh, eating leftovers, sleeping on the floor, whacked by whips countless of times and many more sufferings.

He just wanted to live a peaceful life. Alas! It looked like he was hated and punished by the heavens.

He slept until morning. When he woke up, he hurried to the kitchen and found uncooked foods good for one week.

He then cooked for himself but, still, the foods he ate are tasteless. His whole being is filled with grief and rage. The only thing fueled his life is revenge. Revenge for the royalty who made his life miserable and for making his mom suffer.

After he ate the food he prepared for himself, he then read the book. There are skills there. "Fireball concentrates mana and fire a fiery ball of fire." He then tried to do the skill he learned but his body didn't hold any mana at all.

He sighed and he started to train his body. Push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, and dumbbells. But he only managed to do it for 20 minutes, and then he will rest and continue again.

This continued for a week, then he can train for hours. He can barely use Fireball and quicksteps for evasion. He also trained in sword usage but his talent is still below compared to those real adventurers.

He continued training and learned another skill, 'body enhancement'. He was required to learn this skill for him to be able to carry materials his master needs. By this time, his food runs out.

He then started to hunt in the forest nearby for foods. He first tried to ambush a deer and stabbed his sword, but alas! His reflexes are slower than ever. He really is a weak one. He tried to use fireball to his a boar but it evaded it, he even used quick steps for chasing but he ended up exhausted without a kill.

He just searched and found some mushrooms and other fruits in the forest. He cooked the mushrooms and ate them, still tasteless as ever.

He lied on his bed. He slept for an hour then his stomach grumbles and it felt stinging pain inside. It must because of the mushrooms he ate. He does not know what are the edible one or not. The pain lasts until morning but it was healed afterward.

He then asked the adventurer who bought him named 'Castor' for a survival book. The book contains the knowledge about how to survive in the wilderness. About what are the edible and not mushrooms and fruits in the forests. He then memorized it. It was easy for him to remember because he focused more on studying years ago.

He continued his routine in body enhancement training and learned another skill 'water blasts'. And then the one-month training is done and he will enter a dungeon with an adventurer named 'Castor'.