
From A Loser To What?

''Arthur, my son... Are you a slave to others or are you a slave to your life?'' ''I... I am not a slave, mother.'' ''Good answer.'' Arthur is a boy that has a nickname, loser. He got bullied by his ''friends'' for more than 10 years. But one day... Everything changed for him. A change that made his life unimaginable. ----------------- This is my first book and I hope you love it and criticize it freely. There will be harem at the end of the story but because it will take a little place in story, I didn't add the 'Harem' tag. It will look like a cherry on top of a cake. Thank you for reading my book.

_TheHorizon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Kind Man (Chapter-04)

There is plenty of kindness in this world. Except for fake kindness, it makes you gain a lot of things. You gain trustworthy people, you save time, and you gain memories. 

Showing your kindness to people is not good. If you are trying to show that you are kind that means you are not kind. You just want some attention. The real kindness is the one that you are not trying to show. You can say what you did after you did it if you want but keeping it as a secret is the best. With that, you won't spend your time and energy to prove you are kind, you do what feels right and gain people. 

They say ''If you want to learn about someone, learn about that person's environment.''. Act like how you want to be treated. Talk like how you want to be called. Make the first move because... If everyone waits for something, no one will gonna do anything. 

Arthur passed through the Entrance Gate of Cacot once more and started walking to the Babylon Forest. It was the forest Arthur came out so Arthur knew his way sometimes. He came across different kinds of hunters and took some information about the blue roses and stingers.

After searching them for all day in the forest, he got all of them and he headed back to the guild center. 

He entered the guild center building and went to the same secretary.

''Hello... I just finished my first mission...'' he said and gave the things he gathered. He was looking exhausted.

''Oh... I wasn't expecting to see you today. How did you gather these this quickly?'' the secretary said and took the blue roses and stingers.

''Thanks to some experienced hunters I found them. It wasn't easy at all.'' Arthur said.

The secretary laughed. ''Actually, you weren't supposed to finish this mission this quickly. The Babylon Forest is a magical place that connects other two continents and the forest right next to our kingdom's border. 

It's a big forest that until now we couldn't discover all of it.'' the secretary said.

''Other two continents?'' Arthur asked.

''You don't know?.. There are three continents in this world. Aliela is the humans' continent, Orwithela is the demons' continent and Leriathela is the elves' continent. They hunt in this forest too. Sometimes they killed our hunters. After that day... The big war began.'' the secretary said.

''That day?'' Arthur asked.

''You don't know that too?!.. (The secretary sighed) There were three heroes named Achiel, Amel, and Kusha. They were the strongest hunters that Aliela ever had. But they were killed by demons and elves. Our heroes managed to kill their most powerful persons too. They did what they could. And... After that day the big war began. The War of Thousand.'' the secretary said.

''Is it named like that because...'' Arthur said but the secretary cut his word.

''Yeah. It is named like that because it keeps going even after thousands of years. Aliela and other continents lost many lives. No one could surpass the others. Some people even want this to end and I'm one of them too but our king doesn't order to stop killing demons and elves. Our king is greedy. I hope it won't end in a bad way for our people.'' the secretary said with a sad face.

''Yeah... I hope so too.'' Arthur said.

While they were talking, a female member of The Warriors of Aliela heard them and came next to them furiously. She was wearing a white cape that covered her whole body. She had a dark blue hair and blue eyes. She seemed like she was in her early thirties.

''What the fuck did you say?! You are just a worthless secretary! Watch your words or I'll kill you right now.'' the member said and turned to 

Arthur. ''You... (She pointed Arthur and pressed her finger to his forehead) Watch your words little boy or you won't be able to open your mouth one day.'' the member said.

After that, a shout was heard by Arthur and the member. A man with orange hair and blue eyes came next to them quickly. He was wearing the same cape too. 

''Wena! What are you doing here?!'' the other person said. 

The woman named Wena and the other male person were carrying the same emblem on their capes.

''I'm sorry for her rudeness. I'm Ethed by the way. (He extended his hand to Arthur) What's your name?'' Ethed asked and pulled Wena towards himself. 

''A-Arthur... No need to apologize the secretary was just doing his job. I guess I asked a question that shouldn't be asked.'' Arthur said and shook Ethed's hand.

''Yeah, you did! Now shut your mouth!'' Wena yelled to Arthur.

''Shut the fuck up, Wena. Don't make me angry.'' Ethed turned his head and looked directly at Wena's eyes with anger.

''Do you need any help, Arthur? Maybe with this, I can make you forgive her because of her rudeness.'' Ethed said with a kind voice. 

''No... No need. Thanks for your kindness. I'm not mad at all and I'm sorry if I made a bad behavior in front of royals.'' Arthur talked with respect and bowed his head a little, with respect. 

''I see that you have good manners. I apologize instead of her once again... Then, have a good day.'' Ethed said and he walked away while pulling Wena.

''H-How could you talk with an SS- rank like that?!'' the secretary said with a nervous voice.

''SS- rank? Was it that high?'' Arthur asked.

''Of course, it was! They are one of the strongest ones of Aliela and they are the candidates of being Heroes of Aliela.'' the secretary said.

''Really? They seemed strong for real. Even Ethed's steps were different from a normal human.'' Arthur said.

''Yeah. They are in the top 100. They are our king's hope.'' the secretary said.

While they were talking a fat man came from the secretary's behind.

''Are you talking instead of working, Jim?!'' the fat man said to the secretary.

''S-sorry boss! I was just helping a newbie hunter.'' Jim said.

''Do it quickly! I won't warn again!'' the fat man walked away with anger.

''Sorry, Arthur. He is my boss. He is a kind man but he is just a little stressed because he's gonna have a child after 10 years of trying.'' Jim giggled.

''No worries. I see in your boss' eyes that he cares about you.'' Arthur said to Jim and chuckled.

''Yeah... Anyways! Congrats, you completed your first mission perfectly. You should go to a tavern and rest for today. You can come and get your second mission tomorrow.'' Jim said.

''Okay Jim... Uh... I don't have much money so can you suggest me a tavern?'' Arthur asked.

''Sure. There is a price-performance tavern at the right of this street. 10 copper for one night, and they give you free breakfast too. It's really good.'' Jim said. 

''Thanks, Jim... Oh before going, what's my reward for completing this mission?'' Arthur asked.

''Nothing. You don't gain any money in your first 5 missions. Think of it as a repayment for your hunter ID.'' Jim said.

''Oh... I didn't know that but thanks.'' Arthur said and left the guild center. It became nighttime already. He started walking towards the tavern that Jim mentioned. 

While he was walking he saw plenty of people that were enjoying the nightlife. They were saying songs together, dancing together, crying together, and laughing together. ''Maybe... Maybe this life is worth living.'' He said and continued to walk.

After 10 minutes of walking, he arrived at the tavern and asked for a room for a single person. 

''Your pay will be 10 copper, sir.'' said the worker at Tawern.

Arthur paid the price and took the room key. 

He was exhausted because of walking like a maniac all day in the forest. And that's why he immediately jumped to the comfy bed as soon as he entered the room and started falling asleep.


Arthur was walking in the forest once again. But this time it wasn't for gathering herbs. It was his first monster-hunting mission. 


[There is a goblin cave that was discovered by the explorers at the place where newbie hunters do their first missions. Yesterday, two D-class knights were sent there to clean the cave but we lost contact with them after the day that the cave cleaning mission was given. Please learn their status and if you can please save them.]

The mission was a little hard for Arthur but it was a peeking mission in the first place. 

After some walking, he saw the cave. Two goblins were guarding the cave. Arthur started to think about a plan and found one. He will throw a rock at a bush and he will attack sneakly to the goblins. 

''My goal is high so I need to level up quickly.'' he said and threw a rock to a bush. 

Both goblins were distracted by the sound. Both of them went to check the bush. 

While they were checking the bush, he slowly came behind them with his sword. He lifted his sword and didn't think what's gonna happen. 

He stabbed one of the goblins from its head. 

[You killed a goblin. You gained 20 EP.] 

The other goblin saw that its friend died next to it. Goblin drew its dagger and looked into Arthur's eyes with anger and lust. 

Arthur didn't want to lose his advantage so he swung his sword right after the goblin drew its dagger.

[You killed a goblin. You gained 20 EP.]

The goblins turned into ashes and Arthur went into the cave. 

The cave was dark and tight. He knew if his sword was a little longer he wouldn't fight in this cave. 

''System.'' he said.

User: Arthur Blade]

[Age/gender: 18/M]

[Level:3 (120/300)]

[Strenght: 10]


[Agility: 9]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Willpower: 7]

[Skills: God's Eye (click for more info), Copy (click for more info)]

[Titles: Candidate for a wish to come true]

[Unused stat points: 20]

''Oh, I forgot to use my stat points. Let's use them before going deeper.'' he said.

[You used all of your stat points! this is your stats now.]

[Age/gender: 18/M]

[Level:3 (120/300)]

[Strenght: 15]

[Mana: 7]

[Agility: 13]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Willpower: 10 (It's higher than a normal man's mental health. This will give you extra resistance in disgusting situations.)]

[Skills: God's Eye (click for more info), Copy (click for more info), {passive} Basic archery (level 2), {passive} basic fighting (level 6), beginner hunter's eyes (click for more information) (level 10)]

[Titles: Candidate for a wish to come true]

He felt even more powerful after he increased his stats. With this confidence, he continued to go deeper.

After 30 minutes of going deeper, some torches began to appear. Then he heard two screams. One of them was from a man and one of them was from a woman. 

He drew his sword and increased his pace. Surprisingly he didn't come across any goblin most of his way. Then he found a big wooden door. It was a little rotten but it was big.

The screams were coming from behind that door. When Arthur heard the screams a second time he immediately opened the door. And the view he saw... Was disgusting. 

The room was bright and everything was easy to see.

There were 4 humans, two beings that looked like humans but had red skin and two horns on their heads, and again three beings that looked like humans but had long and thin ears with white and clean skin. All of them were naked, chained at the right corner of the room and they were injured.

The room smelled different from the cave. Some kind of aphrodisiac. The aphrodisiac was weaker than the normal ones but knights and the others looked like they were exposed for a long time to the aphrodisiac. 

Then Arthur heard a monster shout from his left.

It wasn't like a normal goblin shout. It felt more deep than regular goblin voices. 

When he turned his head to the left, he saw more than 20 goblins and a goblin had a leather coat and a bone stick that had some runic letters on it.

''W-why did you come here?!'' a female voice came from Arthur's right. He recognized the voice. It was Cily's voice. 

''Cily?!'' Arthur said.

The others were fainted. The only one who was awake was Cily. 

''The guild center sent me here to investigate. That's why I am here.'' Arthur said.

''The goblin that holds the bone stick is a shaman goblin! It's different from regulars.'' Cily said. 

Arthur used the 'God's Eye' and looked at the shaman goblin.


[Name/Gender: Unknown/Unknown]

[Strength: 6]

[Mana: 15]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 14]

[Skills: Rage mode (level 6), defense buff (level 5), attack buff (level 5)]

[You gained key information about your enemy! You'll see its biggest weakness!]

[Weakness: All the power of the shaman goblin comes from its bone stick. If you destroy the stick or if you can cut the shaman goblin's contact with the bone stick the shaman goblin will become a goblin that's weaker than a regular goblin.]

''Run Arthur! Run and call for help!'' Cily yelled to Arthur.

''It would be long for me to come back. I'll handle this!'' Arthur said and grabbed his sword more tightly.

Then he used the 'Hunter's eye' and got in a defensive position. 

Cily didn't trust Arthur. She just hoped that she could escape from the cave no matter what.